529 research outputs found

    Gelatinous versus non-gelatinous zooplankton: their value as food for planktivorous coral reef fishes

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    Coral reefs are highly productive ecosystems, in part due to the productivity of planktivorous fishes. The planktivorous fish community contains two distinct groups which target either the gelatinous or the non-gelatinous fractions of the incoming zooplankton. However, the nutritional value of these prey fractions and, consequently, their potential contribution to planktivorous fish productivity are poorly understood. We explored the zooplankton fractions potential contribution to planktivorous fish productivity (our function of interest), by quantifying the nutritional content a key trait of the gelatinous and non-gelatinous prey fractions which are accessible to reef-associated diurnal planktivores. By combining vertical plankton tows with stoichiometric analyses, we found that the three zooplankton community fractions—gelatinous, > 2 mm non-gelatinous and 2 mm non-gelatinous (0.06 gN) and gelatinous (0.03 gN) communities, respectively. Overall, our results highlight the quality of both gelatinous and non-gelatinous zooplankton as prey for planktivorous fishes, emphasizing the potential importance of the often-overlooked gelatinous fraction

    Functional implications of dentition-based morphotypes in piscivorous fishes

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    Teeth are crucial in elucidating the life history of vertebrates. However, most studies of teeth have focused on mammals. In heterodont mammals, tooth function is based on tooth shape and position along the jaw. However, the vast majority of vertebrates are homodont, and tooth function might not be based on the same principles (in homodonts, tooth shape is broadly similar along the jaw). We provide a quantitative framework and establish dentition-based morphotypes for piscivorous fishes. We then assess how these morphotypes relate to key functional feeding traits. We identified three broad morphotypes: edentulate, villiform and macrodont, with edentulate and villiform species displaying considerable functional overlap; macrodont species are more distinct. When analysing macrodonts exclusively, we found a major axis of variation between 'front-fanged' and 'back-fanged' species. The functional interpretations of this axis suggest that tooth-based functional decoupling could exist, even in homodont vertebrates, where teeth have similar shapes. This diversity is based not only on tooth shape but also solely on the position along the jaw

    Functional groups in piscivorous fishes

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    Piscivory is a key ecological function in aquatic ecosystems, mediating energy flow within trophic networks. However, our understanding of the nature of piscivory is limited; we currently lack an empirical assessment of the dynamics of prey capture and how this differs between piscivores. We therefore conducted aquarium-based performance experiments, to test the feeding abilities of 19 piscivorous fish species. We quantified their feeding morphology, striking, capturing, and processing behavior. We identify two major functional groups: grabbers and engulfers. Grabbers are characterized by horizontal, long-distance strikes, capturing their prey tailfirst and subsequently processing their prey using their oral jaw teeth. Engulfers strike from short distances, from high angles above or below their prey, engulfing their prey and swallowing their prey whole. Based on a meta-analysis of 2,209 published in situ predator–prey relationships in marine and freshwater aquatic environments, we show resource partitioning between grabbers and engulfers. Our results provide a functional classification for piscivorous fishes delineating patterns, which transcend habitats, that may help explain size structures in fish communities

    Multi-decadal stability of fish productivity despite increasing coral reef degradation

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    1. Under current trajectories, it is unlikely that the coral reefs of the future will resemble those of the past. As multiple stressors, such as climate change and coastal development, continue to impact coral reefs, understanding the changes in ecosystem functioning is imperative to protect key ecosystem services. 2. We used a 26-year dataset of benthic reef fishes (including cryptobenthic fishes) to identify multi-decadal trends in fish biomass production on a degraded coral reef. We converted fish abundances into estimates of community productivity to track the long-term trend of fish biomass production through time. 3. Following the first mass coral bleaching event in 1998, the abundance, standing biomass and productivity of fish communities remained remarkably constant through time, despite the occurrence of multiple stressors, including extreme sedimentation, cyclones and mass coral bleaching events. Species richness declined following the 1998 bleaching event, but rebounded to prebleaching levels and also remained relatively stable. 4. Although the species composition of the communities changed over time, these new community configurations still maintain a steady level of fish biomass production. While these highly dynamic and increasingly degraded systems can still provide some critical ecosystem functions, it is unclear whether these patterns will remain stable over future decades

    Functional links on coral reefs: urchins and triggerfishes, a cautionary tale

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    Urchins are ubiquitous components of coral reefs ecosystems, with significant roles in bioerosion and herbivory. By controlling urchin densities, triggerfishes have been identified as keystone predators. However, the functional linkages between urchins and triggerfishes, in terms of distributional patterns and concomitant effects on ecosystem processes, are not well understood, especially in relatively unexploited systems. To address this we censused urchins and triggerfishes on two cross-shelf surveys on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) at the same times and locations. We also evaluated the role of urchins in bioerosion. Although urchin abundance and triggerfish biomass varied by 80% and nearly 900% across sites, respectively, this variability was driven primarily by shelf position with no evidence of top-down control on urchins by triggerfishes. Low urchin abundances meant urchins only played a minor role in bioerosion. We highlight the potential variability in functional links, and contributions to ecosystem processes, among regions

    Broad-scale analysis of fish community data suggests critical need to support regional connectivity of coral reefs

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    Connectivity is vital for the biodiversity and functioning of marine ecosystems. It is known to be important for coral reefs, but the scales at which connectivity effects matter—and, correspondingly, the scales at which management responses are needed—are poorly understood in marine systems. We used 23 years of fish monitoring data collected from ~50 different coral reefs by the Australian Institute of Marine Science, together with a range of geographic data layers (including the Allen Coral Atlas) and additional network analysis, to explore the balance of local and regional influence on fish communities. Variance partitioning indicated that 42% of the variance in fish community composition could be explained by regional effects or their interaction with coarse-grained local influences (habitat). The variance explained by regional influences was divided evenly between measures that capture location on environmental gradients (e.g., proximity to coastal shelf, latitude) and cross-scale centrality measures of reef location within a broader reef network. A total of 11% of variance could be directly or indirectly attributed to management. Our results provide clear evidence that management and restoration of reefs across the globe must consider both local and regional influences on reef-associated organisms and highlight the potential benefits of improving connectivity in human-dominated coastal seascapes

    Algal turf sediments on coral reefs: what's known and what's next

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    Algal turfs are likely to rise in prominence on coral reefs in the Anthropocene. In these ecosystems the sediments bound within algal turfs will shape ecosystem functions and the services humanity can obtain from reefs. However, while interest is growing in the role of algal turf sediments, studies remain limited. In this review we provide an overview of our knowledge to-date concerning algal turf sediments on coral reefs. Specifically, we highlight what algal turf sediments are, their role in key ecosystem processes, the potential importance of algal turf sediments on Anthropocene reefs, and key knowledge gaps for future research. The evidence suggests that the management of algal turf sediments will be critically important if we are to sustain key functions and services on highly-altered, Anthropocene coral reef configurations

    Fast-growing species shape the evolution of reef corals

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    Ecological interactions are ubiquitous on tropical coral reefs, where sessile organisms coexist in limited space. Within these high-diversity systems, reef-building scleractinian corals form an intricate interaction network. The role of biotic interactions among reef corals is well established on ecological timescales. However, its potential effect on macroevolutionary patterns remains unclear. By analysing the rich fossil record of Scleractinia, we show that reef coral biodiversity experienced marked evolutionary rate shifts in the last 3 million years, possibly driven by biotic interactions. Our models suggest that there was an overwhelming effect of staghorn corals (family Acroporidae) on the fossil diversity trajectories of other coral groups. Staghorn corals showed an unparalleled spike in diversification during the Pleistocene. But surprisingly, their expansion was linked with increases in both extinction and speciation rates in other coral families, driving a nine-fold increase in lineage turnover. These results reveal a double-edged effect of diversity dependency on reef evolution. Given their fast growth, staghorn corals may have increased extinction rates via competitive interactions, while promoting speciation through their role as ecosystem engineers. This suggests that recent widespread human-mediated reductions in staghorn coral cover, may be disrupting the key macroevolutionary processes that established modern coral reef ecosystems

    Forensic odontology: Assessing bite wounds to determine the role of teeth in piscivorous fishes

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    Teeth facilitate the acquisition and processing of food in most vertebrates. However, relatively little is known about the functions of the diverse tooth morphologies observed in fishes. Piscivorous fishes (fish-eating fish) are crucial in shaping community structure and rely on their oral teeth to capture and/or process prey. However, how teeth are utilized in capturing and/or processing prey remains unclear. Most studies have determined the function of teeth by assessing morphological traits. The behavior during feeding, however, is seldom quantified. Here, we describe the function of teeth within piscivorous fishes by considering how morphological and behavioral traits interact during prey capture and processing. This was achieved through aquarium-based performance experiments, where prey fish were fed to 12 species of piscivorous fishes. Building on techniques in forensic odontology, we incorporate a novel approach to quantify and categorize bite damage on prey fish that were extracted from the piscivore’s stomachs immediately after being ingested. We then assess the significance of morphological and behavioral traits in determining the extent and severity of damage inflicted on prey fish. Results show that engulfing piscivores capture their prey whole and head-first. Grabbing piscivores capture prey tail-first using their teeth, process them using multiple headshakes and bites, before spitting them out, and then re-capturing prey head-first for ingestion. Prey from engulfers sustained minimal damage, whereas prey from grabbers sustained significant damage to the epaxial musculature. Within grabbers, headshakes were significantly associated with more severe damage categories. Headshaking behavior damages the locomotive muscles of prey, presumably to prevent escape. Compared to non-pharyngognaths, pharyngognath piscivores inflict significantly greater damage to prey. Overall, when present, oral jaw teeth appear to be crucial for both prey capture and processing (immobilization) in piscivorous fishes

    A functional perspective on the meaning of the term ‘herbivore’: patterns versus processes in coral reef fishes

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    Herbivorous fishes are a key functional group in coral reef ecosystems and have been the focus of a vast body of research. While substantial progress has been made in research, challenges persist, especially in respect to quantifying patterns versus processes. Despite this challenge being recognised over 40 years ago. To help clarify such challenges, and work towards solutions, in this perspective we explore how the definition of ‘herbivorous reef fishes’ precludes an easy translation between patterns of herbivore abundance and the process of herbivory. Indeed, if herbivorous fishes are defined as, a fish in which the diet is predominantly based on plant material, then this encompasses a diverse suite of fishes which all remove primary producers to varying extents and have markedly different impacts on reef functioning. Given this situation, we explore how our approaches to directly quantifying herbivory on reefs have progressed. We highlight how lessons learnt from macroalgal assays could be applied to the direct quantification of herbivory from algal turfs in the epilithic algal matrix (EAM); a community of primary producers that are invariably difficult to work with and quantify. Nevertheless, given the abundance of turfs on coral reefs, and their relative importance in herbivore dynamics, widespread process-based assessment of EAM herbivory represents an avenue for expanding future research. Recognising the difficulty of translating patterns in herbivore abundance to the process of herbivory, and an enhanced focus on EAM herbivory, will be necessary to comprehensively quantify the process of herbivory on Anthropocene coral reefs
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