294 research outputs found

    Predictive role of nasal functionality tests in the evaluation of patients before nocturnal polysomnographic recording

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    Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome is a disease characterized by a collapse of the pharyngeal airway resulting in repeated episodes of airflow cessation, oxygen desaturation, and sleep disruption. It is a common disorder affecting at least 2-4% of the adult population. The role of nasal resistance in the pathogenesis of sleep disordered breathing and sleep apnoea has not been completely clarified. Aim of the present study was to establish whether nasal resistance and nasal volumes, measured by means of Active Anterior Rhinomanometry and Acoustic Rhinometry together with Muco-Ciliary Transport time play a positive predictive role in the evaluation of Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome patients before running a nocturnal polysomnographic recording. A retrospective study was performed analysing 223 patients referred for suspected Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. All patients were submitted to complete otorhinolaryngological evaluation and underwent nocturnal polysomnography. On the basis of polysomnographic data analysis, the apnoea-hypopnoea index and snoring index, patients were classified into two groups: Group 1 (110/223 patients) with a diagnosis of mild-moderate Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (apnoea-hypopnoea index < 30) and Group 2 (113/223 patients) affected by snoring without associated hypoxaemia/hypercapnia. A control group of 76 subjects, not complaining of sleep disorders and free from nasal symptoms was also selected. The results showed, in all the snoring and Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome patients, total nasal resistance and increased Muco-Ciliary Transport time compared to standard values. Furthermore, the apnoea-hypopnoea index was significantly higher in patients with higher nasal resistence and significantly different between the groups. These results allow us to propose the simultaneous evaluation of nasal functions by Active Anterior Rhinomanometry, Acoustic Rhinometry, and Muco-Ciliary Transport time in the selection of patients undergoing polysomnography

    Alterations in rhinosinusal homeostasis in a sportive population: our experience with 106 athletes

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    The aim of the present work was to analyse the alterations of rhino-sinusal physiology in 106 professional athletes (swimmers, skiers, boxers and runners) using objective rhinological methods. Every athlete underwent an accurate anamnesis, a complete objective ORL evaluation, an active anterior rhinomanometry, an acoustic rhinometry and an evaluation of mucociliary transport time (MCTt). Skiers were also submitted to a nasal decongestion test (NDT). In swimmers, the mean MCTt was 27.4+/-4.97 min (normal value: 13+/-3 min; P<0.0001). The average MCTt for the skier group was 19.58+/-1.92 min ( P<0.0001); the mean value of total basal nasal resistance was 0.37+/-0.05 Pa/ml per s (normal value =0.25 Pa/ml per s; P<0.001). After NDT, total nasal resistance was 0.18+/-0.02 Pa/ml per s. In the group of boxers, the total mean nasal resistance was 0.64+/-0.05 Pa/ml per s ( P<0.001); the mean cross-sectional area at the nasal valve level was 0.57+/-0.04 cm(2) (normal value =0.55+/-0.05 cm(2)) and at the inferior turbinate level 0.83+/-0.05 cm(2) (normal value =0.4+/-0.04 cm(2); P<0.001); the TMC average time was 27.35+/-2.21 min ( P<0.0001). Finally, for the runners, the mean MCT time was 20.56+/-2.35 min ( P<0.001). Knowing the alterations of the physiological nasal respiration is of extreme importance to develop a correct and timely therapeutic approach to be able to restore rhino-sinusal homeostasis. Athletes, in fact, need the earliest therapeutic aid in order to avoid the interference of prolonged rhino-sinusal alterations with their performance and also to avoid a more serious clinical situation concerning the inferior airways

    Nasal obstruction and headache. A real correlation?

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    to evaluate the relationships between headache and nasal obstruction or nasal allergy on a group of Italian school children

    Correlation between female sex and allergy was significant in patients presenting with dysphonia

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    Aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of allergy in patients affected by both organic and/or functional vocal fold disorders. The secondary aim was to assess the correlation between sex and allergy in dysphonic patients. A retrospective chart review was performed on dysphonic patients. A total of 76 patients underwent fiberoptic endoscopy to assess the objective picture. Logistic regression analyses have been conducted to assess the association between sex and the outcome variables. The laryngoscopic examination revealed the presence of poor glottic closure in 32.9%, hyperkinesias in 11.8%, redness in 11.84%, polyps in 5.3%, oedema in 3.95%, vocal fold hypertrophy in 5.3%, nodules in 42.1%, cordectomy in 2.6%. Allergic rhinitis was present in 56.6%, milk intolerance in 13.2%, asthma in 9.2%, atopic dermatitis in 3.9%, drugs intolerance in 11.8%. A total of 76.32% patients presenting with dysphonia were allergic. A statistically significant association was found between female sex and presence of allergy. In conclusion, allergy testing should be performed routinely on female professional voice users. Mild respiratory disorders must be taken into serious consideration in female professional voice users, who may primarily complain of vocal dysfunction rather than upper and lower respiratory diseases

    The impact of allergic rhinitis in clinical practice: an italian survey

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    Allergic rhinitis (AR) is a very common disorder. The current Survey was conducted on a sample of about 5,000 adult subjects in 5 Italian cities. A questionnaire, containing 15 questions, was administered on the road. AR affects about 20% of the general population. The most common diagnostic test was the skin prick test, but only 12% of patients performed an allergy test to confirm the diagnosis. About 50% of patients did not take any medicine. Even about 40% of treatments were suggested by friends or pharmacists. In conclusion, the current Survey demonstrated that AR is a common disorder in Italy, the diagnostic work-up is still incorrect, and the therapeutic approach does not adhere to the guidelines. Therefore, there is a need to implement adequate information on this topic in Italy

    An overview on upper respiratory tract infections and bacteriotherapy as innovative therapeutic strategy

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this review is to describe the most common recurring and chronic upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) in children and discuss the role of bacterial interference and bacteriotherapy in their prevention and treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A literature review has been performed on the following topics: acute otitis media, adenoiditis, tonsillitis, rhinosinusitis, microbiotics and the role of bacterial interference, and bacteriotherapy in the prevention and treatment of URTI. RESULTS: Research studies into the characteristics of the microbiological flora and its role in the pathogenesis of URTI have focused on a single pathogen, on resistance to and ineffectiveness of antibiotic therapies, or on the persistence of bacterial biofilm. Recent evidence supports a central role of the existing microbial ecosystem in the pathogenesis of respiratory disease. In light of this, new therapeutic approaches include the implantation and persistence within the normal microflora of relatively innocuous “effector” bacteria that can competitively exclude or prevent the outgrowth of potentially disease-causing bacteria. Recently, a retrospective and observational study demonstrated that S. salivarius 24SMB and S. oralis 89a nasal spray could be effective in the prevention of recurrent otitis media in a real-life setting. Other studies have focused on the role of bacteriotherapy in children with beneficial effects in the prevention of URTI. CONCLUSIONS: The results of previous studies on the role of bacteriotherapy in paediatric URTI suggest that the use of bacterial interference phenomena through bacteriotherapy is a feasible, safe approach and deserves proper consideration as a promising therapeutic strategy against URTI

    Atomized nasal douche vs nasal lavage in acute viral rhinitis

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    To evaluate the efficacy of the atomized nasal douche in the restoration of physiological nasal functions in patients affected by acute viral rhinosinusitis, when compared with nasal lavages with isotonic sodium chloride solution

    Wettability of soft PLGA surfaces predicted by experimentally augmented atomistic models

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    A challenging topic in surface engineering is predicting the wetting properties of soft interfaces with different liquids. However, a robust computational protocol suitable for predicting wettability with molecular precision is still lacking. In this article, we propose a workflow based on molecular dynamics simulations to predict the wettability of polymer surfaces and test it against the experimental contact angle of several polar and nonpolar liquids, namely water, formamide, toluene, and hexane. The specific case study addressed here focuses on a poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) flat surface, but the proposed experimental-modeling protocol may have broader fields of application. The structural properties of PLGA slabs have been modeled on the surface roughness determined with microscopy measurements, while the computed surface tensions and contact angles were validated against standardized characterization tests, reaching a discrepancy of less than 3% in the case of water. Overall, this work represents the initial step toward an integrated multiscale framework for predicting the wettability of more complex soft interfaces, which will eventually take into account the effect of surface topology at higher scales and synergically be employed with experimental characterization techniques

    Treatment of recurrent chronic hyperplastic sinusitis with nasal polyposis

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    To demonstrate the long-term efficacy of intranasal furosemide, an inhibitor of the sodium chloride cotransporter channel at the basolateral surface of the respiratory epithelial cell, vs no therapeutic intervention vs intranasal mometasone furoate, a corticosteroid, in preventing relapses of chronic hyperplastic sinusitis with nasal polyposis

    Stress ossidativo nei pazienti con diagnosi di sindrome delle apnee ostruttive notturne

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    La Sindrome delle Apnee Ostruttive Notturne (OSAS) è una patologia caratterizzata da alterazioni metaboliche e da un elevato rischio di sviluppo di patologie cardiovascolari. Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di identificare dei markers precoci predittivi di rischio cardiovascolare con la valutazione dello stress ossidativo misurato attraverso esami di laboratorio in soggetti normali e pazienti con diagnosi di sindrome delle apnee ostruttive notturne. È stato effettuato uno studio prospettico per confrontare i risultati di laboratorio ottenuti dalla valutazione dei biomarkers dello stress ossidativo in 20 pazienti adulti con OSAS e 20 soggetti sani. Le tecniche di analisi utilizzate avevano l’obiettivo di identificare e quantificare i danni dei radicali liberi attraverso la misurazione di anti-ossidanti e pro-ossidanti in modo da valutare l’equilibrio ossidativo presente nei due gruppi di studio. I due gruppi di pazienti sono risultati omogeni per sesso, età ed indice di massa corporea (p < 0,05). Una differenza statisticamente significativa è stata individuata tra i livelli di indice di apnea-ipopnea valutata alla polisonnografia e di isoprostani, produzione di proteine di ossidazione e proteine non legate al ferro nei due gruppi in esame. Nessuna differenza significativa è stata trovata nel livello dei tioli tra i soggetti sani e i pazienti con sindrome delle apnee ostruttive. I tioli, a differenza degli altri markers, sono molecole anti-ossidanti, i restanti sono invece espressione di danno ossidativo. I risultati dello studio indicano che i biomarkers potrebbero essere utilizzati come indici di ostruzione delle vie aeree superiori (VAS) e come marcatori precoci di ipossiemia causando processi flogistici ricorrenti e danno locale da radicali liberi a carico delle VAS