1,210 research outputs found

    State-space Correlations and Stabilities

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    The state-space pair correlation functions and notion of stability of extremal and non-extremal black holes in string theory and M-theory are considered from the viewpoints of thermodynamic Ruppeiner geometry. From the perspective of intrinsic Riemannian geometry, the stability properties of these black branes are divulged from the positivity of principle minors of the space-state metric tensor. We have explicitly analyzed the state-space configurations for (i) the two and three charge extremal black holes, (ii) the four and six charge non-extremal black branes, which both arise from the string theory solutions. An extension is considered for the D6D_6-D4D_4-D2D_2-D0D_0 multi-centered black branes, fractional small black branes and two charge rotating fuzzy rings in the setup of Mathur's fuzzball configurations. The state-space pair correlations and nature of stabilities have been investigated for three charged bubbling black brane foams, and thereby the M-theory solutions are brought into the present consideration. In the case of extremal black brane configurations, we have pointed out that the ratio of diagonal space-state correlations varies as inverse square of the chosen parameters, while the off diagonal components vary as inverse of the chosen parameters. We discuss the significance of this observation for the non-extremal black brane configurations, and find similar conclusion that the state-space correlations extenuate as the chosen parameters are increased.Comment: 35 pages, Keywords: Black Hole Physics, Higher-dimensional Black Branes, State-space Correlations and Statistical Configurations. PACS numbers: 04.70.-s Physics of black holes; 04.70.Bw Classical black holes; 04.70.Dy Quantum aspects of black holes, evaporation, thermodynamics; 04.50.Gh Higher-dimensional black holes, black strings, and related object

    Effective gravity and OSp(N,4) invariant matter

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    We re-examine the OSp(N,4) invariant interacting model of massless chiral and gauge superfields, whose superconformal invariance was instrumental, both in proving the all-order no-renormalization of the mass and chiral self-interaction lagrangians, and in determining the linear superfield renormalization needed. We show that the renormalization of the gravitational action modifies only the cosmological term, without affecting higher-order tensors. This could explain why the effect of the cosmological constant is shadowed by the effects of newtonian gravity.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, 4 figures, PACS: 04.65.+e, substantial revisions, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Human-display interaction technology: Emerging remote interfaces for pervasive display environments

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    This is the author's accepted manuscript. The final published article is available from the link below. Copyright @ 2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.We're living in a world where information processing isn't confined to desktop computers - it's being integrated into everyday objects and activities. Pervasive computation is human centered: it permeates our physical world, helping us achieve goals and fulfill our needs with minimum effort by exploiting natural interaction styles. Remote interaction with screen displays requires a sensor-based, multimodal, touchless approach. For example, by processing user hand gestures, this paradigm removes constraints requiring physical contact and permits natural interaction with tangible digital information. Such touchless interaction can be multimodal, exploiting the visual, auditory, and olfactory senses.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia and Amper Sistemas, SA

    New insight into WDVV equation

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    We show that Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde equation underlies the construction of N=4 superconformal multi--particle mechanics in one dimension, including a N=4 superconformal Calogero model.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, LaTeX file, PACS: 04.60.Ds; 11.30.P

    Topics in Cubic Special Geometry

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    We reconsider the sub-leading quantum perturbative corrections to N=2 cubic special Kaehler geometries. Imposing the invariance under axion-shifts, all such corrections (but the imaginary constant one) can be introduced or removed through suitable, lower unitriangular symplectic transformations, dubbed Peccei-Quinn (PQ) transformations. Since PQ transformations do not belong to the d=4 U-duality group G4, in symmetric cases they generally have a non-trivial action on the unique quartic invariant polynomial I4 of the charge representation R of G4. This leads to interesting phenomena in relation to theory of extremal black hole attractors; namely, the possibility to make transitions between different charge orbits of R, with corresponding change of the supersymmetry properties of the supported attractor solutions. Furthermore, a suitable action of PQ transformations can also set I4 to zero, or vice versa it can generate a non-vanishing I4: this corresponds to transitions between "large" and "small" charge orbits, which we classify in some detail within the "special coordinates" symplectic frame. Finally, after a brief account of the action of PQ transformations on the recently established correspondence between Cayley's hyperdeterminant and elliptic curves, we derive an equivalent, alternative expression of I4, with relevant application to black hole entropy.Comment: 1+39 page

    Towards the complete N=2 superfield Born-Infeld action with partially broken N=4 supersymmetry

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    We propose a systematic way of constructing N=2,d=4N=2, d=4 superfield Born-Infeld action with a second nonlinearly realized N=2 supersymmetry. The latter, together with the manifest N=2 supersymmetry, form a central-charge extended N=4,d=4N=4, d=4 supersymmetry. We embed the Goldstone-Maxwell N=2 multiplet into an infinite-dimensional off-shell supermultiplet of this N=4 supersymmetry and impose an infinite set of covariant constraints which eliminate all extra N=2 superfields through the Goldstone-Maxwell one. The Born-Infeld superfield Lagrangian density is one of these composite superfields. The constraints can be solved by iterations to any order in the fields. We present the sought N=2 Born-Infeld action up to the 10th order. It encompasses the action found earlier by Kuzenko and Theisen to the 8th order from a self-duality requirement. This is a strong indication that the complete N=2 Born-Infeld action with partially broken N=4 supersymmetry is also self-dual.Comment: 12 pages, LaTeX, typos corrected, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    d=4 Black Hole Attractors in N=2 Supergravity with Fayet-Iliopoulos Terms

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    We generalize the description of the d=4 Attractor Mechanism based on an effective black hole (BH) potential to the presence of a gauging which does not modify the derivatives of the scalars and does not involve hypermultiplets. The obtained results do not rely necessarily on supersymmetry, and they can be extended to d>4, as well. Thence, we work out the example of the stu model of N=2 supergravity in the presence of Fayet-Iliopoulos terms, for the supergravity analogues of the magnetic and D0-D6 BH charge configurations, and in three different symplectic frames: the SO(1,1)^{2}, SO(2,2) covariant and SO(8)-truncated ones. The attractive nature of the critical points, related to the semi-positive definiteness of the Hessian matrix, is also studied.Comment: 1+33 page

    Black Strings, Black Rings and State-space Manifold

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    State-space geometry is considered, for diverse three and four parameter non-spherical horizon rotating black brane configurations, in string theory and MM-theory. We have explicitly examined the case of unit Kaluza-Klein momentum D1D5PD_1D_5P black strings, circular strings, small black rings and black supertubes. An investigation of the state-space pair correlation functions shows that there exist two classes of brane statistical configurations, {\it viz.}, the first category divulges a degenerate intrinsic equilibrium basis, while the second yields a non-degenerate, curved, intrinsic Riemannian geometry. Specifically, the solutions with finitely many branes expose that the two charged rotating D1D5D_1D_5 black strings and three charged rotating small black rings consort real degenerate state-space manifolds. Interestingly, arbitrary valued M5M_5-dipole charged rotating circular strings and Maldacena Strominger Witten black rings exhibit non-degenerate, positively curved, comprehensively regular state-space configurations. Furthermore, the state-space geometry of single bubbled rings admits a well-defined, positive definite, everywhere regular and curved intrinsic Riemannian manifold; except for the two finite values of conserved electric charge. We also discuss the implication and potential significance of this work for the physics of black holes in string theory.Comment: 41 pages, Keywords: Rotating Black Branes; Microscopic Configurations; State-space Geometry, PACS numbers: 04.70.-s Physics of black holes; 04.70.Bw Classical black holes; 04.70.Dy Quantum aspects of black holes, evaporation, thermodynamic

    Quenching of Spin Hall Effect in Ballistic nano-junctions

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    We show that a nanometric four-probe ballistic junction can be used to check the presence of a transverse spin Hall current in a system with a Spin Orbit coupling not of the Rashba type, but rather due to the in-plane electric field. Indeed, the spin Hall effect is due to the presence of an effective small transverse magnetic field corresponding to the Spin Orbit coupling generated by the confining potential. The strength of the field and the junction shape characterize the quenching Hall regime, usually studied by applying semi-classical approaches. We discuss how a quantum mechanical relativistic effect, such as the Spin Orbit one, can be observed in a low energy system and explained by using classical mechanics techniques.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PACS: 72.25.-b, 72.20.My, 73.50.Jt, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Thermodynamic Geometric Stability of Quarkonia states

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    We compute exact thermodynamic geometric properties of the non-abelian quarkonium bound states from the consideration of one-loop strong coupling. From the general statistical principle, the intrinsic geometric nature of strongly coupled QCD is analyzed for the Columbic, rising and Regge rotating regimes. Without any approximation, we have obtained the non-linear mass effect for the Bloch-Nordsieck rotating strongly coupled quarkonia. For a range of physical parameters, we show in each cases that there exists a well-defined, non-degenerate, curved, intrinsic Riemannian manifold. As the gluons become softer and softer, we find in the limit of the Bloch-Nordsieck resummation that the strong coupling obtained from the Sudhakov form factor possesses exact local and global thermodynamic properties of the underlying mesons, kaons and DsD_s particles.Comment: 45 pages, 17 figures, Keywords: Thermodynamic Geometry, Quarkonia, Massive Quarks, QCD Form Factor. PACS: 02.40.-k; 14.40.Pq; 12.40.Nn; 14.70.D