168 research outputs found

    Serological diagnosis of paracoccidioidomycosis in HIV-coinfected patients

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis should be differentiated from other opportunistic diseases in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients who live in Latin America. Laboratory investigation can begin with serological tests, which are rapid and efficient. In the present study, double immunodiffusion (DID), counterimmunoelectrophoresis (CIEP) and an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests were assessed for the detection of anti-Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antibodies in 40 patients coinfected with HIV. The results were compared to those obtained for 75 non-HIV-infected patients with endemic paracoccidioidomycosis. Anti-P. brasiliensis antibodies were detected in 65% (DID), 79% (CIEP) and 95% (ELISA) of the patients with HIV/AIDS, significantly lower rates than those detected in cases of endemic paracoccidioidomycosis, which were 89%, 99% and 100%, respectively. The reactive sera of HIV-infected patients also showed lower anti-P. brasiliensis antibody titres than those of non-HIV-infected patients. Despite the lower intensity of the specific humoral response, serological tests are useful for the diagnosis of opportunistic paracoccidioidomycosis in the HIV/AIDS population. We suggest optimization of the laboratory diagnosis by combining the ELISA test with CIEP or DID.UPDT - PN-DS

    Antimicrobial Drug Use and Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria

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    Antimicrobial Drug Use and Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria (response

    Criptococose cutânea causada por Cryptococcus gattii em um paciente sob corticoterapia crônica

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    Cryptococcus gattii é agente causador de uma micose endêmica que afeta principalmente os pulmões e o sistema nervoso central de pacientes imunocompetentes em regiões tropicais e subtropicais do globo. Relato de caso. Um paciente de 66 anos, portador de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crônica, não infectado pelo vírus HIV, em corticoterapia sistêmica prolongada, desenvolveu extensa ulceração do antebraço esquerdo, associada a adenomegalia supraclavicular ipsilateral, em conseqüência à infecção por Cryptococcus gattii. O paciente foi tratado com fluconazol 400mg/dia durante 8 meses, obtendo resolução completa da lesão. Este caso enfatiza que, ainda que raramente, C. gattii pode causar infecção cutâneo-linfática oportunista, em paciente imunocomprometido pelo uso sistêmico de corticosteróides vivendo na região sudeste do Brasil.Cryptococcus gattii causes a form of endemic mycosis that most commonly affects the lungs and central nervous system of immunocompetent patients living in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Case report. A 66-year-old man who had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease without HIV infection and had been on systemic corticotherapy for several years developed extensive ulceration of the left forearm that was associated with ipsilateral supraclavicular adenomegaly, consequent to infection with Cryptococcus gattii. The patient was treated with fluconazole 400mg/day for eight months, which led to complete healing of the lesion. This case emphasizes that, although rare, C. gattii may cause opportunistic cutaneous-lymphatic infection in patients living in the southeastern region of Brazil who are immunocompromised through chronic corticotherapy

    Cobertura vacinal contra hepatite B em pacientes com diabetes mellitus

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    OBJECTIVE Analyze the factors associated with full hepatitis B vaccination (three doses) in patients with diabetes mellitus. METHOD Cross-sectional study, conducted in a health unit in a city in the state of São Paulo, with 255 patients on outpatient follow-up, in 2014. Data were obtained from the computerized system of the Municipal Health Department and via a structured questionnaire. A logistic regression model was used for analysis. RESULTS Full hepatitis B vaccination was noted in 13.7% of the patients and shown to be directly associated with their educational level (OR=1.30; CI: 1.07-1.57) and current or previous work as a health professional (OR=3.21; CI: 1.16-8.89). CONCLUSION Hepatitis B vaccination coverage was found to be low in patients with diabetes mellitus, indicating their vulnerability to this serious and potentially fatal disease. Higher educational level and working in the field of health were associated with better vaccination coverage.OBJETIVO Analisar os fatores associados à vacinação completa contra hepatite B (3 doses) em pacientes com diabetes mellitus. MÉTODO Estudo transversal, realizado em uma Unidade de Saúde, de uma cidade do interior paulista, com 255 pacientes em seguimento ambulatorial, em 2014. Os dados foram obtidos no sistema informatizado da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e por meio de um questionário estruturado e, para análise, modelo de regressão logística. RESULTADOS Vacinação completa contra hepatite B foi observada em 13,7% dos pacientes e mostrou-se diretamente associada ao nível de escolaridade (OR=1,30; IC: 1,07-1,57) e ao trabalho atual ou pregresso como profissional da saúde (OR=3,21; IC: 1,16-8,89). CONCLUSÃO A cobertura vacinal contra hepatite B mostrou-se baixa em pacientes com diabetes mellitus, evidenciando a vulnerabilidade a essa doença grave e potencialmente fatal. Maior escolaridade e o trabalho na área da saúde foram associados a melhor cobertura vacinal.OBJETIVO Analizar los factores asociados con la vacunación completa contra hepatitis B (3 dosis) en pacientes con diabetes mellitus. MÉTODO Estudios transversal, llevado a cabo en una Unidad de Salud de una ciudad del interior paulista, con 255 pacientes en seguimiento ambulatorio, en 2014. Los datos fueron obtenidos en el sistema informatizado de la Secretaría Municipal de Salud y mediante un cuestionario estructurado y, para el análisis, un modelo de regresión logística. RESULTADOS Vacunación completa contra hepatitis B fue observada en el 13,7% de los pacientes y se mostró directamente asociada con el nivel de escolaridad (OR=1,30; IC: 1,07-1,57) y con el trabajo actual o anterior como profesional sanitario (OR=3,21; IC: 1,16-8,89). CONCLUSIÓN La cobertura vacunal contra hepatitis B se mostró baja en pacientes con diabetes mellitus, evidenciándose la vulnerabilidad a esa enfermedad severa y potencialmente fatal. Mayor escolaridad y el trabajo en el área sanitaria estuvieron asociados con la mejor cobertura vacunal

    Train-the-trainers in hand hygiene : a standardized approach to guide education in infection prevention and control

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    Background Harmonization in hand hygiene training for infection prevention and control (IPC) professionals is lacking. We describe a standardized approach to training, using a “Train-the-Trainers” (TTT) concept for IPC professionals and assess its impact on hand hygiene knowledge in six countries.Methods We developed a three-day simulation-based TTT course based on the World Health Organization (WHO) Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy. To evaluate its impact, we have performed a pre-and post-course knowledge questionnaire. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare the results before and after training.Results Between June 2016 and January 2018 we conducted seven TTT courses in six countries: Iran, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa, Spain and Thailand. A total of 305 IPC professionals completed the programme. Participants included nurses (n = 196; 64.2%), physicians (n = 53; 17.3%) and other health professionals (n = 56; 18.3%). In total, participants from more than 20 countries were trained. A significant (p < 0.05) improvement in knowledge between the pre- and post-TTT training phases was observed in all countries. Puebla (Mexico) had the highest improvement (22.3%; p < 0.001), followed by Malaysia (21.2%; p < 0.001), Jalisco (Mexico; 20.2%; p < 0.001), Thailand (18.8%; p < 0.001), South Africa (18.3%; p < 0.001), Iran (17.5%; p < 0.001) and Spain (9.7%; p = 0.047). Spain had the highest overall test scores, while Thailand had the lowest pre- and post-scores. Positive aspects reported included: unique learning environment, sharing experiences, hands-on practices on a secure environment and networking among IPC professionals. Sustainability was assessed through follow-up evaluations conducted in three original TTT course sites in Mexico (Jalisco and Puebla) and in Spain: improvement was sustained in the last follow-up phase when assessed 5 months, 1 year and 2 years after the first TTT course, respectively.Conclusions The TTT in hand hygiene model proved to be effective in enhancing participant’s knowledge, sharing experiences and networking. IPC professionals can use this reference training method worldwide to further disseminate knowledge to other health care workers.peer-reviewe

    Evaluation of Nosocomial Infection Control Programs in health services

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    OBJETIVOS: avaliar os Programas de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar nas instituições hospitalares, quanto aos indicadores de estrutura e processo. MÉTODO: trata-se de um estudo descritivo, exploratório e quantitativo, realizado em 2013. A população foi composta por 13 Programas de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar de serviços de saúde, de uma cidade brasileira do interior paulista. Foram utilizados instrumentos de domínio público, disponibilizados no Manual de Indicadores de Avaliação de Práticas de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar. RESULTADOS: os indicadores com maior média de conformidade foram "Avaliação da Estrutura dos Programas de Controle de Infecção Hospitalar" (75%) e "Avaliação do Sistema de Vigilância Epidemiológica de Infecção Hospitalar" (82%) e os com menores médias foram "Avaliação das Diretrizes Operacionais" (58,97%) e "Avaliação das Atividades de Controle e Prevenção de Infecção Hospitalar" (60,29%). CONCLUSÃO: o uso de indicadores identificou que, apesar do conhecimento produzido sobre ações de prevenção e controle de infecções hospitalares, ainda existe um grande hiato entre prática e recomendações.OBJETIVOS: evaluar los Programas de Control de Infección Hospitalaria en las instituciones hospitalarias respecto a los indicadores de estructura y proceso. MÉTODO: se trata de un estudio descriptivo, exploratorio y cuantitativo, desarrollado en 2013. La población fue compuesta por 13 Programas de Control de Infección Hospitalaria de servicios de salud de una ciudad brasileña del interior paulista. Fueron utilizados instrumentos de dominio público, disponibles en el Manual de Indicadores de Evaluación de Prácticas de Control de Infección Hospitalaria. RESULTADOS: los indicadores con mayor promedio de conformidad fueron "Evaluación de la Estructura de los Programas de Control de Infección Hospitalaria" (75%) y "Evaluación del Sistema de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Infección Hospitalaria" (82%) y aquellos con menores promedios "Evaluación de las Directivas Operacionales" (58,97%) y "Evaluación de las Actividades de Control y Prevención de Infección Hospitalaria" (60,29%). CONCLUSIÓN: el uso de indicadores posibilitó identificar que, a pesar del conocimiento producido sobre acciones de prevención y control de infecciones hospitalarias, todavía existe un gran hiato entre la práctica y las recomendaciones.OBJECTIVES: to evaluate the Nosocomial Infection Control Programs in hospital institutions regarding structure and process indicators. METHOD: this is a descriptive, exploratory and quantitative study conducted in 2013. The study population comprised 13 Nosocomial Infection Control Programs of health services in a Brazilian city of the state of São Paulo. Public domain instruments available in the Manual of Evaluation Indicators of Nosocomial Infection Control Practices were used. RESULTS: The indicators with the highest average compliance were "Evaluation of the Structure of the Nosocomial Infection Control Programs" (75%) and "Evaluation of the Epidemiological Surveillance System of Nosocomial Infection" (82%) and those with the lowest mean compliance scores were "Evaluation of Operational Guidelines" (58.97%) and "Evaluation of Activities of Control and Prevention of Nosocomial Infection" (60.29%). CONCLUSION: The use of indicators identified that, despite having produced knowledge about prevention and control of nosocomial infections, there is still a large gap between the practice and the recommendations

    Effect of heat and moisture exchangers on the prevention of ventilator-associated pneumonia in critically ill patients

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    Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) remains one of the major causes of infection in the intensive care unit (ICU) and is associated with the length of hospital stay, duration of mechanical ventilation, and use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. We compared the frequency of VAP 10 months prior to (pre-intervention group) and 13 months after (post-intervention group) initiation of the use of a heat and moisture exchanger (HME) filter. This is a study with prospective before-and-after design performed in the ICU in a tertiary university hospital. Three hundred and fourteen patients were admitted to the ICU under mechanical ventilation, 168 of whom were included in group HH (heated humidifier) and 146 in group HME. The frequency of VAP per 1000 ventilator-days was similar for both the HH and HME groups (18.7 vs 17.4, respectively; P = 0.97). Duration of mechanical ventilation (11 vs 12 days, respectively; P = 0.48) and length of ICU stay (11 vs 12 days, respectively; P = 0.39) did not differ between the HH and HME groups. The chance of developing VAP was higher in patients with a longer ICU stay and longer duration of mechanical ventilation. This finding was similar when adjusted for the use of HME. The use of HME in intensive care did not reduce the incidence of VAP, the duration of mechanical ventilation, or the length of stay in the ICU in the study population

    Aetiology and use of antibiotics in pregnancy-related infections: results of the WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Study (GLOSS), 1-week inception cohort

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    Background Pregnancy-related infections are important contributors to maternal sepsis and mortality. We aimed to describe clinical, microbiological characteristics and use of antibiotics by source of infection and country income, among hospitalized women with suspected or confirmed pregnancy-related infections. Methods We used data from WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Study (GLOSS) on maternal infections in hospitalized women, in 52 low-middle- and high-income countries conducted between November 28th and December 4th, 2017, to describe the frequencies and medians of maternal demographic, obstetric, and clinical characteristics and outcomes, methods of infection diagnosis and causative pathogens, of single source pregnancy-related infection, other than breast, and initial use of therapeutic antibiotics. We included 1456 women. Results We found infections of the genital (n = 745/1456, 51.2%) and the urinary tracts (UTI) (n = 531/1456, 36.5%) to be the most frequent. UTI (n = 339/531, 63.8%) and post-caesarean skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI) (n = 99/180, 55.0%) were the sources with more culture samples taken and microbiological confirmations. Escherichia coli was the major uropathogen (n = 103/118, 87.3%) and Staphylococcus aureus (n = 21/44, 47.7%) was the commonest pathogen in SSTI. For 13.1% (n = 191) of women, antibiotics were not prescribed on the same day of infection suspicion. Cephalosporins (n = 283/531, 53.3%) were the commonest antibiotic class prescribed for UTI, while metronidazole (n = 303/925, 32.8%) was the most prescribed for all other sources. Ceftriaxone with metronidazole was the commonest combination for the genital tract (n = 98/745, 13.2%) and SSTI (n = 22/180, 12.2%). Metronidazole (n = 137/235, 58.3%) was the most prescribed antibiotic in low-income countries while cephalosporins and co-amoxiclav (n = 129/186, 69.4%) were more commonly prescribed in high-income countries. Conclusions Differences in antibiotics used across countries could be due to availability, local guidelines, prescribing culture, cost, and access to microbiology laboratory, despite having found similar sources and pathogens as previous studies. Better dissemination of recommendations in line with antimicrobial stewardship programmes might improve antibiotic prescription