291 research outputs found

    A psychobiographical analysis of Brian Douglas Wilson: Creativity, drugs, and models of schizophrenic and affective disorders

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    The suggestion of a relationship between creativity and mental disorder has existed for centuries, and has been advocated by many psychological researchers. The present analysis offers a consideration of the nature of mental disorder present in Brian Wilson, an individual recognised as one of the most creative figures in 20th century popular music. Using converging biographical evidence, and the diagnostic program Opcrit, Wilson’s diagnosis is concluded to be schizoaffective. Employing details of his drug abuse, various models of schizoaffective spectra are examined, in particular a reconsideration of the LSD model of schizophrenia. The model is shown to be useful for positive schizophrenic symptoms including overinclusion, a potentially key element of creativity. In doing so, this psychobiographical analysis allows examination of potential relationships between mental disorder and creativity, the effects of various narcotics on creativity and various elements of mental disorder, the efficacy of various drug models of psychotic disorders, and the overlap between psychotic and affective disorders

    Studio e realizzazione di un plugin per l'allineamento di immagini microscopiche

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    L’immunoistochimica è una tecnica utilizzata dall’anatomo-patologo per chiarire la natura delle strutture cellulari, laddove la pura morfologia risulti insufficiente. Una delle sue applicazioni più diffuse è rappresentata dall’identificazione della natura di tumori maligni indifferenziati, nella caratterizzazione di neoplasie, nell’individuazione dell’origine di una metastasi e nell’identificazione di agenti microbici. Questa operazione di analisi prevede l'attuazione di diverse fasi di colorazione del campione tramite marcatori specifici al fine di evidenziarne i principali punti di interesse; tuttavia, queste colorazioni possono comportare deformazioni elastiche o permanenti sul campione, rendendo più difficoltosa la loro successiva sequenziazione e comparazione. L'operazione è inoltre complicata dalla frequente presenza di immagini di dimensione non uniforme. Ad oggi non esiste un software gold standard per il riallineamento di immagini microscopiche bidimensionali e questo progetto di tesi mira a colmare questa lacuna, proponendo un applicativo user-friendly per permettere a medici e biologi di allineare immagini di provini istologici, provenienti da pazienti, al fine di valutare la cross-correlazione tra differenti marcatori tumorali. In particolare, il progetto `e stato sviluppato all’interno del gruppo di ricerca “Data Science for Health” (DS4H), attivo nel proporre metodi ed applicativi per risolvere problemi aperti nel mondo della salute e sanità ed è stato svolto in collaborazione con l’Istituto Scientifico Romagnolo per lo Studio e la cura dei Tumori (IRST) di Meldola (FC). L'applicativo, chiamato "DS4H Image Alignment" e sviluppato come Plugin ImageJ, permette l'importazione e la sovvraposizione di immagini di uno stesso tessuto tramite algoritmi di co-registrazione Landmark-based, applicando trasformazioni Rigide e Traslazionali calcolate tramite minimizzazione ai minimi quadrati (MLS)

    Cognitive bias modification training in adolescents: persistence of training effects

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    Negative biases in the interpretation of social information are associated with anxious symptoms in adolescents. Previous studies have attempted to modify interpretive biases to alleviate anxious mood responses but the longevity of such training effects has not been established. A cognitive bias modification of interpretations (CBM-I) paradigm was administered to sixty-nine 15–17 year-olds. Participants were either trained to interpret ambiguous social situations positively, or received control training that contained no emotional content. Participants showed significantly weaker endorsement of negative interpretations of novel ambiguous information following positive training than following control. Positive CBM-I training effects on interpretation did not differ between a group tested immediately following training and one tested 24 h later. Results provided no evidence of differential changes in state anxiety as a direct result of CBM-I training. The persistence of training effects of suppressing negative biases for ambiguous social information is encouraging for future work that might use bias-training methods in adolescents as buffers against negative emotional responses

    Molto tardi ma troppo presto… il prof. Angelo Chiavaro e la laurea in odontoiatria italiana

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    La nascita della Laurea in Odontoiatria in Italia è stata molto contrastata e solo nel 1980 ha visto la sua effettiva realizzazione. Molto "istruttiva" al riguardo è la vicenda relativa all'istituzione nel 1924, periodo della presa di potere da parte del Fascismo, di una "Scuola Nazionale di Odontoiatria" presso l'Università di Roma, revocata appena dieci mesi dopo. Il maggiore sostenitore e propugnatore della Scuola, il prof. Angelo Chiavaro, venne dopo qualche anno "punito" con il trasferimento d'ufficio dall'Università di Roma a quella di Genova. Presentiamo alcune brevi note relative alla biografia di questo coraggioso precursore e alla vicenda di cui fu protagonista.Ključne riječ

    Very late but too early... prof. Angelo Chiavaro and the Italian degree in dentistry

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    La nascita della Laurea in Odontoiatria in Italia è stata molto contrastata e solo nel 1980 ha visto la sua effettiva realizzazione. Molto ”istruttiva” al riguardo è la vicenda relativa all’istituzione nel 1924, periodo della presa di potere da parte del Fascismo, di una “Scuola Nazionale di Odontoiatria” presso l’Università di Roma, revocata appena dieci mesi dopo. Il maggiore sostenitore e propugnatore della Scuola, il prof. Angelo Chiavaro, venne dopo qualche anno “punito” con il trasferimento d’ufficio dall’Università di Roma a quella di Genova. Presentiamo alcune brevi note relative alla biografia di questo coraggioso precursore e alla vicenda di cui fu protagonista.The birth of the Degree in Dentistry in Italy has been very troubled, and only in 1980 saw its effective implementation. Very “instructive” in this regard is the history on the establishment in 1924 (the period of the seizure of power by Fascism) of a “National School of Dentistry” at the University of Rome, which was withdrawn after only ten months. The biggest supporter and proponent of the School, Prof. Angelo Chiavaro, after a few years, was “punished” with the transfer from the University of Rome to that of Genoa. We present some brief notes on the biography of this courageous pioneer and the matter of which he was the protagonist

    A comparative evaluation of 3 different free-form deformable image registration and contour propagation methods for head and neck MRI : the case of parotid changes radiotherapy

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    Purpose: To validate and compare the deformable image registration and parotid contour propagation process for head and neck magnetic resonance imaging in patients treated with radiotherapy using 3 different approachesthe commercial MIM, the open-source Elastix software, and an optimized version of it. Materials and Methods: Twelve patients with head and neck cancer previously treated with radiotherapy were considered. Deformable image registration and parotid contour propagation were evaluated by considering the magnetic resonance images acquired before and after the end of the treatment. Deformable image registration, based on free-form deformation method, and contour propagation available on MIM were compared to Elastix. Two different contour propagation approaches were implemented for Elastix software, a conventional one (DIR_Trx) and an optimized homemade version, based on mesh deformation (DIR_Mesh). The accuracy of these 3 approaches was estimated by comparing propagated to manual contours in terms of average symmetric distance, maximum symmetric distance, Dice similarity coefficient, sensitivity, and inclusiveness. Results: A good agreement was generally found between the manual contours and the propagated ones, without differences among the 3 methods; in few critical cases with complex deformations, DIR_Mesh proved to be more accurate, having the lowest values of average symmetric distance and maximum symmetric distance and the highest value of Dice similarity coefficient, although nonsignificant. The average propagation errors with respect to the reference contours are lower than the voxel diagonal (2 mm), and Dice similarity coefficient is around 0.8 for all 3 methods. Conclusion: The 3 free-form deformation approaches were not significantly different in terms of deformable image registration accuracy and can be safely adopted for the registration and parotid contour propagation during radiotherapy on magnetic resonance imaging. More optimized approaches (as DIR_Mesh) could be preferable for critical deformations