3,820 research outputs found

    Inventory Management of Broilers in PD Mugi Jaya Using Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and Silver Meal Method

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    PD Mugi Jaya is one of the business units in the field of chicken procurement in Bandung. Products produced in the form of chicken sent to various restaurants in Bandung. PD Mugi Jaya can distribute 5,000 chickens to restaurants that become customers and sell the type of chicken in retail in Bandung. The need to evaluate the inventory procurement strategy in 2021 in order to obtain a minimum total cost. The evaluation begins by determining the data patterns formed from the request data from September 2019 to December 2020. The pattern formed is a random pattern, which is then done forecasting demand 2021 with the method of forecasting that has the smallest error value. The preferred forecasting method is the Double Exponential Smoothing method with a MAPE value of 43.6%. The forecasting results are processed by the method of procurement of lot sizing (existing), Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), and Silver Meal supplies. The method that managed to obtain the minimum total cost is the Silver Meal method with a total cost of Rp 23,725,500

    Stabilisasi Tanah Lempung Desa Mentoro Kecamatan Soko Kabupaten Tuban dengan Variasi Limbah Bata Merah dan Serbuk Kapur Rengel Tuban

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    Soil is an important element in a road construction, where the soil is a support for the structure above it. However, the conditions found in the field are found in many soils whose physical properties do not meet the standards for compressibility, permeability, and plasticity. The aim of the study was to determine the CBR value of clay soil after it was mixed with a mixture of red brick powder and Rengel lime powder. This research method is experimental research (true experiment). The results of this study obtained that soil with a mixture of 9% lime + 9% red brick produced a CBR value of 66.36% of the original soil CBR value of 17.22%. The CBR value achieves optimum stability in the soil composition with a mixture of 9% lime + 9% red brick resulting in a CBR value of 66.36%

    Osteoblastic and Vascular Endothelial Niches, Their Control on Normal Hematopoietic Stem Cells, and Their Consequences on the Development of Leukemia

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    Stem cell self-renewal is regulated by intrinsic mechanisms and extrinsic signals mediated via specialized microenvironments called “niches.” The best-characterized stem cell is the hematopoietic stem cell (HSC). Self-renewal and differentiation ability of HSC are regulated by two major elements: endosteal and vascular regulatory elements. The osteoblastic niche localized at the inner surface of the bone cavity might serve as a reservoir for long-term HSC storage in a quiescent state. Whereas the vascular niche, which consists of sinusoidal endothelial cell lining blood vessel, provides an environment for short-term HSC proliferation and differentiation. Both niches act together to maintain hematopoietic homeostasis. In this paper, we provide some principles applying to the hematopoietic niches, which will be useful in the study and understanding of other stem cell niches. We will discuss altered microenvironment signaling leading to myeloid lineage disease. And finally, we will review some data on the development of acute myeloid leukemia from a subpopulation called leukemia-initiating cells (LIC), and we will discuss on the emerging evidences supporting the influence of the microenvironment on chemotherapy resistance

    Juridical Analysis of Presidential Term Extension Through Constitutional Amendment

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    One of the content materials in constitutional amendment process is Article 7 of 1945 Republic of Indonesia Constitution concerning the President's term of office being limited to only two terms. During the era of President Joko Widodo's leadership, the issue of extending presidential term into three terms resurfaced. This study raises the main issues studied are, First, how is the legal politics of extending the President's term of office in terms of the Presidential Government System. Second, what is the urgency of President's term extension in terms of the Presidential System. This research is a normative juridical research with legal materials. The approach method used is the statutory approach and the conceptual approach. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis technique. Based on the results of research and discussion, that First, legal politics in extending the presidential term of office, namely placing a place to filter leaders so they can advance in a direct democratic party has a logical consequence so that in a presidential system of government, the existence of political parties can certainly have an influence on support on every presidential policy taken. Second, the urgency of an extension of the term of office of President in terms of Presidential Government system, that there is no need to extend the term of office for three terms because it causes discontinuity regarding the terms of office of the President and Vice President in Indonesia in order to prevent authoritarianism. The advice from this paper is that the extension of the term of office of the President and Vice President is sufficient for 2 periods and there is no need for an extension of the term of office of the President for more than two consecutive terms, because it can lead to abuse of power


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    Jalan merupakan salah satu prasarana penting yang dibutuhkan dalam sistem transportasi suatu wilayah. Keberadaanya berguna untuk menghubungkan suatu tempat dengan tempat lainnya sehingga segala kebutuhan dapat terpenuhi. Akibat dari kemajuan jaman yang terus berkembang maka jalan harus menyesuaikan kemampulayanannya. Begitu juga dengan jalan raya ruas di Desa Nambuhan, Kecamatan Purwodadi, Kabupaten Grobogan. Kerusakan jalan masih banyak ditemui di Kabupaten Grobogan. Hal tersebut banyak mengalami kerusakan pada struktur lapis perkerasannya. Salah satu alternatif pemecah untuk dapat mengatasi kerusakan struktur akibat beban dan kepadatan yang berlebihan di jalan Desa Nambuhan adalah dengan merencanakan lapis perkerasan pada jalan tersebut sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. Maksud dan tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk melakukan survey, investigasi, dan perencanaan perkerasan jalan lentur di desa Nambuhan, Kecamatan Purwodadi, Kabupaten Grobogan. Dari hasil analisis akan dapat disimpulkan perencanaan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan ruas jalan yang ditinjau. Tahapan yang dilakukan pada pendampingan ini meliputi persiapan dan pelaksanaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam perencanaan perkerasan jalan yaitu Metode Analisa Komponen Bina Marga

    Hydrogeochemistry of Natar and Cisarua Hot springs in South Lampung, Indonesia

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    Natar Hot Spring is one of the geothermal manifestations that is located in Lampung Province, Indonesia. About 6 km to the east, another hot spring appears with temperature around 40°C with neutral pH called Cisarua Hot Spring. The Natar Hot Spring itself having temperature 47-54°C with 6.23 pH. Based on the geologic map, the appearance of these hot spring is caused by Lampung-Panjang Fault which trending northwest-southeast. Morphology of the research area is showing a flat terrain topography which composed of Quaternary volcanic rock and metamorphic rock in the basement. The nearest volcano that expected to be the heat source of the geothermal system is the Quaternary extinct volcano called Mt. Betung which is located about 15 km to the southwest. The aim of the study is to analyze the geochemistry of the manifestations and calculate the reservoir temperature. Geochemistry analysis result shows both manifestations are bicarbonate which is formed as a steam-heated water or steam condensates. Geothermometer calculation shows that the geothermal reservoir has temperature 150-160°C with approximately 300 m in depth. All manifestations are originated from meteoric water according to stable isotope analysis D and δ18O data and interacting with carbonate-metamorphic rock beneath the surface based on 13C isotope value. A further geophysics study is needed to determine where the heat comes from


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    Jami nan Persalinan (Jampersal) merupakan jaminan pembiayaan pelayanan persalinan yang meliputi pemeriksaan kehamilan, pertolongan persalinan, pelayanan nifas termasuk pelayanan KB (Keluarga Berencana) pasca persalinan dan pelayanan bayi baru lahir yang dilakukan oleh tenaga kesehatan di fasilitas kesehatan. Namun dalam proses pendataannya yang dilakukan secara manual ini sering dijumpai kendala - kendala seperti penggunaan dokumentasi kertas, sehingga masih tidak efisien .Pada tugas akhir i ni telah dilakukan analisis dan perancangan sistem informasi pada Jaminan Persalinan berbasis web dengan studi kasus Dinas Kesehatan. Rancangan sistem informasi ini diimplementasikan pada web dengan menggunakan database management s ystem MySQL. Digunakan i mplementasi Geographic Information System (GIS) pada proses pengolahan data untuk memudahkan laporan rutin yang dilakukan oleh petugas medis di dinas kesehatan dalam memberikan variasi informasi kegiatan klaim dana Jaminan Persalinan.Berdasarkan hasil pengujian alpha dan beta yang telah dilakukan pada tugas akhir ini, diperoleh hasil bahwa sistem infomasi Jaminan Persalinan berbasis web berfungsi dengan baik. Diharapkan aplikasi ini dapat membantu petugas yang berkaitan dengan proses p engolahan data Jampersal. Database MySQL , Jampersal, S istem Informasi Berbasis We

    Do we need more than ultrasound endometrial thickness to predict malignancy?

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    Endometrial thickness (ET) ultrasound measurement has high diagnostic performance for detection of endometrial cancer in symptomatic postmenopausal women. Identified clinical risk factors, Doppler or 3D ultrasound parameters to predict endometrial malignancy had been proposed in several studies. We compared the accuracy of ultrasound endometrial thickness with scoring system/index involving both of clinical and ultrasound parameters to predict endometrial malignancy. Eight eligible diagnostic studies were appraised to assess the accuracy of ultrasound ET and/or ultrasound-based index to predict malignancy. The incidence of endometrial malignancy confirmed by histopathology examination was ranging from 10.5 to 58% from 8 studies. Ultrasound-based index to predict endometrial malignancy had good accuracy (AUC 75% - 98%). The addition of endometrial volume/uterine corpus volume ratio (EV/UCV) and Doppler to clinical parameters had increased the prediction accuracy of the index. While ultrasound ET alone has also high sensitivity, respectively 90.6% and 96.9% using the cut-off 4 mm and 3 mm with low accuracy. Ultrasound-based index to predict endometrial malignancy had better accuracy compared to ultrasound ET alone. Combination of ultrasound including Doppler parameters and clinical parameters had increased the prediction accuracy of the endometrial malignancy prediction index

    Clinicopathological Features and Outcomes of Endometrial Cancer: A single institution experience

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    Objectives: This study aimed to report the demographic features, clinical presentation, pathological types and long-term outcomes of patients diagnosed with endometrial cancer (EC) in Oman. EC is the sixth most common cancer in women worldwide and the fifth most common cancer in women in Oman. Survival outcomes of EC have not been reported previously from Oman. Methods: This retrospective study was carried out on consecutive patients treated at the Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman, between 2008 and 2020. Survival was estimated using the Kaplan and Meier method. Results: A total of 50 patients with EC were included. The median age was 61 years (range: 31–86 years), and 72% of the patients had type I histology. Most patients were diagnosed with stage IA and IB EC (49% and 20%, respectively), and the majority had grade 1 or 2 tumours (40% and 34%, respectively). Overall, the 5-year survival and 10-year survival rates were estimated to be 70% and 56%, respectively. Weight (>75 kg) and body mass index (>30 kg/m2) were significantly associated with better survival. Tumour histology (type I versus type II or carcinosarcoma), grade (1 versus 2 versus 3) and stage (IA or IB versus II–IV) were associated with better overall survival (P = 0.007, P <0.0001 and P <0.0003, respectively). Patients diagnosed with EC with co-morbidities, other than obesity, had inferior survival compared to those without co-morbidities. Conclusion: Median age at presentation, histological sub-type, clinical stage and outcomes are comparable to the published literature. Almost two-thirds of the patients were obese. These data could be used as a benchmark for outcomes of EC in the region. Keywords: Endometrial Cancer; Obesity; Cancer; Survival; Oman