29,128 research outputs found

    C and N Abundances in Stars At the Base of the Red Giant Branch in M5

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    We present an analysis of a large sample of moderate resolution Keck LRIS spectra of subgiant (V \sim 17.2) and fainter stars in the Galactic globular cluster M5 (NGC 5904) with the goal of deriving C and N abundances. Star-to-star stochastic variations with significant range in both [C/Fe] and [N/Fe] are found at all luminosities extending to the bottom of the RGB at M_V \sim +3. Similar variations in CH appear to be present in the main sequence turnoff spectra. There is no sign of a change in the behavior of C and N with evolutionary stage over the full range in luminosity of the RGB and SGB. The C and N abundances appear strongly anti-correlated, as would be expected from the CN-cycle processing of stellar material. Yet the present stars are considerably fainter than the RGB bump, the point at which deep mixing is believed to set in. On this basis, while the observed abundance pattern is consistent with proton capture nucleosynthesis, we infer that the site of the reactions is likely not within the present sample, but rather in a population of more massive (2 -- 5 M(Sun)) now defunct stars. The range of variation of the N abundances is very large and the sum of C+N increases as C decreases. To reproduce this requires the incorporation not only of CN but also of ON-processed material. Furthermore, the existence of this correlation is quite difficult to reproduce with an external mechanism such as ``pollution'' with material processed in a more massive AGB star, which mechanism is fundamentally stochastic in nature. We therefore suggest that although the internal mixing hypothesis has serious flaws,new theoretical insights are needed and it should not be ruled out yet. (abridged)Comment: Slightly updated version to conform to that accepted by the A

    Cygnus X-3 in outburst : quenched radio emission, radiation losses and variable local opacity

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    We present multiwavelength observations of Cygnus X-3 during an extended outburst in 1994 February - March. Intensive radio monitoring at 13.3, 3.6 & 2.0 cm is complemented by observations at (sub)millimetre and infrared wavelengths, which find Cyg X-3 to be unusually bright and variable, and include the first reported detection of the source at 0.45 mm. We report the first confirmation of quenched radio emission prior to radio flaring independent of observations at Green Bank. The observations reveal evidence for wavelength-dependent radiation losses and gradually decreasing opacity in the environment of the radio jet. We find that the radiation losses are likely to be predominantly inverse Compton losses experienced by the radio-emitting electrons in the strong radiation field of a luminous companion to the compact object. We interpret the decreasing opacity during the flare sequence as resulting from a decreasing proportion of thermal electrons entrained in the jet, reflecting a decreasing density in the region of jet formation. We present, drawing in part on the work of other authors, a model based upon mass-transfer rate instability predicting gamma-ray, X-ray, infrared and radio trends during a radio flaring sequence.Comment: LaTeX, 11 pages, 6 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    Aspects of short range correlations in a relativistic model

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    In the present work short range correlations are introduced for the first time in a relativistic approach to the equation of state of the infinite nuclear matter in the framework of the Hartree-Fock approximation using an effective Hamiltonian derived from the σ−ω\sigma-\omega Walecka model. The unitary correlation method is used to introduce short range correlations. The effect of the correlations in the ground state properties of the nuclear matter is discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    A Survey of Merger Remnants II: The Emerging Kinematic and Photometric Correlations

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    This paper is the second in a series exploring the properties of 51 {\it optically} selected, single-nuclei merger remnants. Spectroscopic data have been obtained for a sub-sample of 38 mergers and combined with previously obtained infrared photometry to test whether mergers exhibit the same correlations as elliptical galaxies among parameters such as stellar luminosity and distribution, central stellar velocity dispersion (σ\sigma∘_{\circ}), and metallicity. Paramount to the study is to test whether mergers lie on the Fundamental Plane. Measurements of σ\sigma∘_{\circ} have been made using the Ca triplet absorption line at 8500 {\AA} for all 38 mergers in the sub-sample. Additional measurements of σ\sigma∘_{\circ} were made for two of the mergers in the sub-sample using the CO absorption line at 2.29 \micron. The results indicate that mergers show a strong correlation among the parameters of the Fundamental Plane but fail to show a strong correlation between σ\sigma∘_{\circ} and metallicity (Mg2_{2}). In contrast to earlier studies, the σ\sigma∘_{\circ} of the mergers are consistent with objects which lie somewhere between intermediate-mass and luminous giant elliptical galaxies. However, the discrepancies with earlier studies appears to correlate with whether the Ca triplet or CO absorption lines are used to derive σ\sigma∘_{\circ}, with the latter almost always producing smaller values. Finally, the photometric and kinematic data are used to demonstrate for the first time that the central phase-space density of mergers are equivalent to elliptical galaxies. This resolves a long-standing criticism of the merger hypothesis.Comment: Accepted Astronomical Journal (to appear in January 2006

    Numerical Models of Viscous Accretion Flows Near Black Holes

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    We report on a numerical study of viscous fluid accretion onto a black hole. The flow is axisymmetric and uses a pseudo-Newtonian potential to model relativistic effects near the event horizon. The numerical method is a variant of the ZEUS code. As a test of our numerical scheme, we are able to reproduce results from earlier, similar work by Igumenshchev and Abramowicz and Stone et al. We consider models in which mass is injected onto the grid as well as models in which an initial equilibrium torus is accreted. In each model we measure three ``eigenvalues'' of the flow: the accretion rate of mass, angular momentum, and energy. We find that the eigenvalues are sensitive to r_{in}, the location of the inner radial boundary. Only when the flow is always supersonic on the inner boundary are the eigenvalues insensitive to small changes in r_{in}. We also report on the sensitivity of the results to other numerical parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, to appear in v573 n2 pt1 ApJ July 10, 200

    A tight Tsirelson inequality for infinitely many outcomes

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    We present a novel tight bound on the quantum violations of the CGLMP inequality in the case of infinitely many outcomes. Like in the case of Tsirelson's inequality the proof of our new inequality does not require any assumptions on the dimension of the Hilbert space or kinds of operators involved. However, it is seen that the maximal violation is obtained by the conjectured best measurements and a pure, but not maximally entangled, state. We give an approximate state which, in the limit where the number of outcomes tends to infinity, goes to the optimal state for this setting. This state might be potentially relevant for experimental verifications of Bell inequalities through multi-dimenisonal entangled photon pairs.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; improved presentation, change in title, as published

    The Status of the Wave Function in Dynamical Collapse Models

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    The idea that in dynamical wave function collapse models the wave function is superfluous is investigated. Evidence is presented for the conjecture that, in a model of a field theory on a 1+1 lightcone lattice, knowing the field configuration on the lattice back to some time in the past, allows the wave function or quantum state at the present moment to be calculated, to arbitrary accuracy so long as enough of the past field configuration is known.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures, LaTex, corrected typos, some modifications made. to appear in Found. of Phys. Lett. Vol. 18, Nbr 6, Nov 2005, 499-51

    Improved Color-Temperature Relations and Bolometric Corrections for Cool Stars

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    We present new grids of colors and bolometric corrections for F-K stars having 4000 K < Teff < 6500 K, 0.0 < log g < 4.5 and -3.0 < [Fe/H] < 0.0. A companion paper extends these calculations into the M giant regime. Colors are tabulated for Johnson U-V and B-V; Cousins V-R and V-I; Johnson-Glass V-K, J-K and H-K; and CIT/CTIO V-K, J-K, H-K and CO. We have developed these color-temperature (CT) relations by convolving synthetic spectra with photometric filter-transmission-profiles. The synthetic spectra have been computed with the SSG spectral synthesis code using MARCS stellar atmosphere models as input. Both of these codes have been improved substantially, especially at low temperatures, through the incorporation of new opacity data. The resulting synthetic colors have been put onto the observational systems by applying color calibrations derived from models and photometry of field stars which have Teffs determined by the infrared-flux method. The color calibrations have zero points and slopes which change most of the original synthetic colors by less than 0.02 mag and 5%, respectively. The adopted Teff scale (Bell & Gustafsson 1989) is confirmed by the extraordinary agreement between the predicted and observed angular diameters of the field stars. We have also derived empirical CT relations from the field-star photometry. Except for the coolest dwarfs (Teff < 5000 K), our calibrated, solar-metallicity model colors are found to match these and other empirical relations quite well. Our calibrated, 4 Gyr, solar-metallicity isochrone also provides a good match to color-magnitude diagrams of M67. We regard this as evidence that our calibrated colors can be applied to many astrophysical problems, including modelling the integrated light of galaxies. (abridged)Comment: To appear in the March 2000 issue of the Astronomical Journal. 72 pages including 16 embedded postscript figures (one page each) and 6 embedded postscript tables (18 pages total

    Non-local correlations as an information theoretic resource

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    It is well known that measurements performed on spatially separated entangled quantum systems can give rise to correlations that are non-local, in the sense that a Bell inequality is violated. They cannot, however, be used for super-luminal signalling. It is also known that it is possible to write down sets of ``super-quantum'' correlations that are more non-local than is allowed by quantum mechanics, yet are still non-signalling. Viewed as an information theoretic resource, super-quantum correlations are very powerful at reducing the amount of communication needed for distributed computational tasks. An intriguing question is why quantum mechanics does not allow these more powerful correlations. We aim to shed light on the range of quantum possibilities by placing them within a wider context. With this in mind, we investigate the set of correlations that are constrained only by the no-signalling principle. These correlations form a polytope, which contains the quantum correlations as a (proper) subset. We determine the vertices of the no-signalling polytope in the case that two observers each choose from two possible measurements with d outcomes. We then consider how interconversions between different sorts of correlations may be achieved. Finally, we consider some multipartite examples.Comment: Revtex. 12 pages, 6 figure

    Angular momentum dependent friction slows down rotational relaxation under non-equilibrium conditions

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    It has recently been shown that relaxation of the rotational energy of hot non-equlibrium photofragments (i) slows down significantly with the increase of their initial rotational temperature and (ii) differs dramatically from the relaxation of the equilibrium rotational energy correlation function, manifesting thereby breakdown of the linear response description [Science 311, 1907 (2006)]. We demonstrate that this phenomenon may be caused by the angular momentum dependence of rotational friction. We have developed the generalized Fokker-Planck equation whose rotational friction depends upon angular momentum algebraically. The calculated rotational correlation functions correspond well to their counterparts obtained via molecular dynamics simulations in a broad range of initial non-equilibrium conditions. It is suggested that the angular momentum dependence of friction should be taken into account while describing rotational relaxation far from equilibrium
