10 research outputs found

    Ground state properties and excitation spectra of non-Galilean invariant interacting Bose systems

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    We study the ground state properties and the excitation spectrum of bosons which, in addition to a short-range repulsive two body potential, interact through the exchange of some dispersionless bosonic modes. The latter induces a time dependent (retarded) boson-boson interaction which is attractive in the static limit. Moreover the coupling with dispersionless modes introduces a reference frame for the moving boson system and hence breaks the Galilean invariance of this system. The ground state of such a system is depleted {\it linearly} in the boson density due to the zero point fluctuations driven by the retarded part of the interaction. Both quasiparticle (microscopic) and compressional (macroscopic) sound velocities of the system are studied. The microscopic sound velocity is calculated up the second order in the effective two body interaction in a perturbative treatment, similar to that of Beliaev for the dilute weakly interacting Bose gas. The hydrodynamic equations are used to obtain the macroscopic sound velocity. We show that these velocities are identical within our perturbative approach. We present analytical results for them in terms of two dimensional parameters -- an effective interaction strength and an adiabaticity parameter -- which characterize the system. We find that due the presence of several competing effects, which determine the speed of the sound of the system, three qualitatively different regimes can be in principle realized in the parameter space and discuss them on physical grounds.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Renormalization Effects in a Dilute Bose Gas

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    The low-density expansion for a homogeneous interacting Bose gas at zero temperature can be formulated as an expansion in powers of ρa3\sqrt{\rho a^3}, where ρ\rho is the number density and aa is the S-wave scattering length. Logarithms of ρa3\rho a^3 appear in the coefficients of the expansion. We show that these logarithms are determined by the renormalization properties of the effective field theory that describes the scattering of atoms at zero density. The leading logarithm is determined by the renormalization of the pointlike 333 \to 3 scattering amplitude.Comment: 10 pages, 1 postscript figure, LaTe

    Properties of a Dilute Bose Gas near a Feshbach Resonance

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    In this paper, properties of a homogeneous Bose gas with a Feshbach resonance are studied in the dilute region at zero temperature. The stationary state contains condensations of atoms and molecules. The ratio of the molecule density to the atom density is πna3\pi na^3. There are two types of excitations, molecular excitations and atomic excitations. Atomic excitations are gapless, consistent with the traditional theory of a dilute Bose gas. The molecular excitation energy is finite in the long wavelength limit as observed in recent experiments on 85^{85}Rb. In addition, the decay process of the condensate is studied. The coefficient of the three-body recombination rate is about 140 times larger than that of a Bose gas without a Feshbach resonance, in reasonably good agreement with the experiment on 23^{23}Na.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, comparison between the calculated three-body recombination rate and the experimental data for Na system has been adde

    Variational self-consistent theory for trapped Bose gases at finite temperature

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    We apply the time-dependent variational principle of Balian-V\'en\'eroni to a system of self-interacting trapped bosons at finite temperature. The method leads to a set of coupled non-linear time dependent equations for the condensate density, the thermal cloud and the anomalous density. We solve numerically these equations in the static case for a harmonic trap. We analyze the various densities as functions of the radial distance and the temperature. We find an overall good qualitative agreement with recent experiments as well as with the results of many theoretical groups. We also discuss the behavior of the anomalous density at low temperatures owing to its importance to account for many-body effects.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Number--conserving model for boson pairing

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    An independent pair ansatz is developed for the many body wavefunction of dilute Bose systems. The pair correlation is optimized by minimizing the expectation value of the full hamiltonian (rather than the truncated Bogoliubov one) providing a rigorous energy upper bound. In contrast with the Jastrow model, hypernetted chain theory provides closed-form exactly solvable equations for the optimized pair correlation. The model involves both condensate and coherent pairing with number conservation and kinetic energy sum rules satisfied exactly and the compressibility sum rule obeyed at low density. We compute, for bulk boson matter at a given density and zero temperature, (i) the two--body distribution function, (ii) the energy per particle, (iii) the sound velocity, (iv) the chemical potential, (v) the momentum distribution and its condensate fraction and (vi) the pairing function, which quantifies the ODLRO resulting from the structural properties of the two--particle density matrix. The connections with the low--density expansion and Bogoliubov theory are analyzed at different density values, including the density and scattering length regime of interest of trapped-atoms Bose--Einstein condensates. Comparison with the available Diffusion Monte Carlo results is also made.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figure