8 research outputs found

    Kyste hydatique cérébral chez l’enfant: à propos de 5 cas

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    Le kyste hydatique cervical est une pathologie rare, mais non exceptionnel chez l'enfant. Nous rapportons rétrospectivement une série de cinq cas de kyste hydatique cérébral opérés, avec une revue de la littérature. Le syndrome d'hypertension intracrânien a été révélateur dans la majorité des cas. Le diagnostic a été posé par la TDM cérébrale, le traitement a été chirurgical dans tout les cas, avec une rupture du kyste dans un seul cas , traité par l'albendazol en post opératoire. L'évolution a été bonne dans 3 cas, dans un cas l'atrophie optique était irréversible, et dans un autre cas l'enfant a présenté un syndrome maniaque stabilisé sous traitement. En conclusion le kyste hydatique cérébral reste une cause non négligeable de manifestations neurologiques dans les pays endémiques, le diagnostic positif est fait par la TDM, le traitement est chirurgical, et le pronostic est généralement bon.Key words: Kyste hydatique, cerveau, enfan

    Investigation of six-phase surface permanent magnet machine with typical slot/pole combinations for integrated onboard chargers through methodical design optimization

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    This article presents an analytical magnetic equivalent circuit (MEC) modeling approach for a six-phase surface-mounted permanent magnet (SPM) machine equipped with fractional slot concentrated winding (FSCW) for integrated onboard chargers. For the sake of comparison, the selected asymmetrical six-phase slot/pole combinations with the same design specifications and constraints are first designed based on the parametric MEC model and then optimized using a multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA). The commercial BMW i3 design specifications are adopted in this article. The main focus of this study is to achieve optimal design of the SPM machine considering both the propulsion and charging performances. Thus, a comparative study of the optimization cost functions, including the peak-to-peak torque ripple and core losses under both motoring and charging modes and electromagnetic forces (EMFs) under charging, is conducted. In addition, the demagnetization capability in the charging mode and the overall cost of the employed machines are optimized. Since the average propulsion torque is crucial in electric vehicle (EV) applications, it is maintained through the design optimization process. Furthermore, finite element (FE) simulations have been carried out to verify the results obtained from the analytical MEC model. Eventually, the effectiveness of the proposed design optimization process is corroborated by experimental tests on a 2-kW prototype system

    Histiocytose langerhansienne mono-focale chez l’enfant : à propos d’un cas: Monofocal Langerhans cell histiocytosis in child: case report

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis, affecting both sexes at any age, is a rare disease that progresses by consecutive flares. The lesions can be unifocal or multifocal.  The organs mostly affected are: bone, lung, skin, and endocrine system. We report a case of a 13-year-old child with unifocal clavicular langerhansian histiocytosis under medical surveillance with good clinical and radiological standing. We report a case of a young 13-year-old child with single focal clavicular langerhansian histiocytosis kept under surveillance with good clinical and radiological progress. L’histiocytose Ă  cellules de Langerhans est une maladie rare Ă©voluant par poussĂ©es pouvant toucher les 2 sexes Ă  n’importe quel âge de la vie. Les atteintes peuvent ĂŞtre mono-tissulaires uni ou multifocales, les organes les plus frĂ©quemment touchĂ©s sont l’os, le poumon, la peau et le système endocrinien. Nous rapportons un cas d’un jeune enfant de 13 ans qui prĂ©sente une histiocytose langerhansienne claviculaire mono focale gardĂ© sous surveillance avec une bonne Ă©volution clinique et radiologique

    Fracture de l’omoplate : une observation inhabituelle en orthopédie pédiatrique : Scapula fracture: an unusual fracture in pediatric orthopedics

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    The scapula fractures are exceptional in pediatric orthopedics. They are mainly due to high kinetic energy mechanisms; traffic accidents are the biggest contributors. They encompass the extra-articular fractures which interest the body of the scapula, and the articular fractures affecting the glenoid surface. We report a case of a young 11-year-old child who presents a right scapula comminuted fracture treated orthopedically with a good clinical and radiological evolution. Les fractures de l’omoplate sont des fractures exceptionnelles en orthopédie pédiatrique. Elles sont principalement dues à des mécanismes de haute cinétique d’énergie, les accidents de la voie publique en sont les plus grands pourvoyeurs. On distingue les fractures extra-articulaires intéressant le corps de l’omoplate, et les fractures articulaires intéressant la surface glénoïdienne. Nous rapportons un cas d’un jeune enfant de 11 ans ayant présenté une fracture comminutive du scapula droit traitée orthopédiquement dont l’évolution clinique et radiologique a été favorable

    Juvenile granulosa tumor of the ovary: Report of two cases

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    Sex cord ovarian tumours are rare tumours that develop in non-germinal ovarian cells. The pathogenesis of these tumours remains undetermined and several cellular and molecular alterations may be involved in the development of juvenile granulosa cell tumours. The individualization of juvenile granulosa cell tumors has been a major advance in the treatment of these tumors in children over the past two decades. However, their natural history is reported in the literature and through a short and reliable series, prognostic factors have to be established. We report two cases of an 8 and 11 year old girl who presented with an abdomino-pelvic mass gradually increasing in size, on surgical exploration found a huge abdominal mass of the ovary. An anatomopathological study with immunostaining of the surgical specimen confirmed the diagnosis of a Juvenile granulosa cell ovarian tumor.</p

    Effect of Cadmium on flag leaf morpho-physiological traits in three Mediterranean hulless barley varieties

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    In Morocco, the use of phosphate fertilizer in farming system represents a source of cadmium that accumulates in soil and would affect negatively the growth and yield. Cadmium toxicity decreases nutrients and water translocation and absorption, it leads to an increase in oxidative harm, affects the metabolism of plants, and inhibits plant morpho-physiology as well. This experiment was conducted to examine the impacts of various concentrations of Cd (0, 15, 30 mg leg-1) in the flag leaf of three hulless barley varieties: Assiya (Morocco), Tombari (Tunisia), and Gizal30 (Egypt). Several morpho-physiological parameters were measured at vegetative stage encompassing measurements like Flag leaf length (FLL), Flag leaf area (FLA), Flag leaf width (FLW), and Flag leaf dry weight (FLDW), water relative content (RWC), total chlorophyll content (SPAD), and Fluorescence (Fv/Fm). ANOVA analysis showed that all morphological traits (except for FLDW) were primarily affected by the variety effect (>62% of total variance). In contrast, the treatment of Cd largely influenced physiological traits (>90% of total variance). Moreover, the interaction between the two factors was in general of lower importance. Comparison among varieties showed significant differences for all traits. In fact, the Moroccan variety (Assiya) displayed the highest values for physiological and morphological parameters

    Exceptional case of a hemangioma-like rabdomyosarcoma in the hand's palm

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor in children that might mimic a benign tumor, such as infantile hemangioma, particularly when detected early. Although rhabdomyosarcoma rarely occurs in the hand, its prognosis is generally poor, and successful treatment relies on a complete and radical surgical excision. We present a case of rhabdomyosarcoma located in the palm of an infant's hand, initially presenting clinical and radiological features suggestive of a vascular tumor. The resection of this mass was radical, and histological analysis and immunohistochemistry returned in favor of embryonic rhabdomyosarcoma. In similar cases recorded in the literature, the diagnosis may be first mistaken for that of a hemangioma, then confirmed by histology. This underlines the importance of a systematic anatomopathological examination of all tissues removed surgically