3,567 research outputs found
Effect of stripe order strength for the Nernst effect in La_{2-x}Sr_xCu_4 single crystals
We have precisely measured the Nernst effect in Nd-doped
LaSrCuO single crystals with controlling the strength
(stability) of the stripe order. We found that the onset temperature
, where the Nernst signal starts increasing, does not change
conspicuously in spite of Nd-doping. At low temperatures, on the other hand,
the absolute value of the Nernst signal is strongly suppressed in accordance
with the strength of the stripe order. These results imply that the fluctuation
of (charge) stripe order enhances the Nernst signal below at high
temperatures, and then the stripe order enhanced by Nd-doping suppresses the
superconducting fluctuation to reduce the Nernst signal at low temperatures. We
also observed an increase of the Nernst signal below the charge order
temperature which is observed in diffraction measurement.Comment: 3pages, 2figure
Explaining microbial population genomics through phage predation
The remarkable diversity of genes within the pool of prokaryotic genomes belonging to the same species or pan-genome is difficult to reconcile with the widely accepted paradigm which asserts that periodic selection within bacterial populations would regularly purge genomic diversity by clonal replacement. Recent evidence from metagenomics indicates that even within a single sample a large diversity of genomes can be present for a single species. We have found that much of the differential gene content affects regions that are potential phage recognition targets. We therefore propose the operation of Constant-Diversity dynamics in which the diversity of prokaryotic populations is preserved by phage predation. We provide supporting evidence for this model from metagenomics, mathematical analysis and computer simulations. Periodic selection and phage predation dynamics are not mutually exclusive; we compare their predictions to indicate under which ecological circumstances each dynamics could predominate
Crisis? What crisis? Economic recovery and support for independence in Catalonia
Many political commentators and politicians claim that the effects of the Great Recession account for the surge in support for independence in Catalonia. However, available evidence does not point to a significant role having been played by the economic crisis in this political process. To enhance our understanding of the potential effects of changing economic conditions, we extend our analysis to the subsequent period, when economic recovery had taken place in Catalonia. Even in this very different economic scenario, the same results are found: that is, no evidence of a systematic relationship between changes in economic variables and variations in support for independence
Spectropolarimetric observations of the Ca II 8498 A and 8542 A lines in the quiet Sun
The Ca II infrared triplet is one of the few magnetically sensitive
chromospheric lines available for ground-based observations. We present
spectropolarimetric observations of the 8498 A and 8542 A lines in a quiet Sun
region near a decaying active region and compare the results with a simulation
of the lines in a high plasma-beta regime. Cluster analysis of Stokes V profile
pairs shows that the two lines, despite arguably being formed fairly close,
often do not have similar shapes. In the network, the local magnetic topology
is more important in determining the shapes of the Stokes V profiles than the
phase of the wave, contrary to what our simulations show. We also find that
Stokes V asymmetries are very common in the network, and the histograms of the
observed amplitude and area asymmetries differ significantly from the
simulation. Both the network and internetwork show oscillatory behavior in the
Ca II lines. It is stronger in the network, where shocking waves, similar to
those in the high-beta simulation, are seen and large self-reversals in the
intensity profiles are common.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figures, accepted to ApJ some figures are low-res, for
high-res email [email protected]
Conserved superenergy currents
We exploit once again the analogy between the energy-momentum tensor and the
so-called ``superenergy'' tensors in order to build conserved currents in the
presence of Killing vectors. First of all, we derive the divergence-free
property of the gravitational superenergy currents under very general
circumstances, even if the superenergy tensor is not divergence-free itself.
The associated conserved quantities are explicitly computed for the
Reissner-Nordstrom and Schwarzschild solutions. The remaining cases, when the
above currents are not conserved, lead to the possibility of an interchange of
some superenergy quantities between the gravitational and other physical fields
in such a manner that the total, mixed, current may be conserved. Actually,
this possibility has been recently proved to hold for the Einstein-Klein-Gordon
system of field equations. By using an adequate family of known exact
solutions, we present explicit and completely non-obvious examples of such
mixed conserved currents.Comment: LaTeX, 19 pages; improved version adding new content to the second
section and some minor correction
Getting the most out of additional guidance information in deformable image registration by leveraging multi-objective optimization
Incorporating additional guidance information, e.g., landmark/contour correspondence, in deformable image registration is often desirable and is typically done by adding constraints or cost terms to the optimization function. Commonly, deciding between a âhardâ constraint and a âsoftâ additional cost term as well as the weighting of cost terms in the optimization function is done on a trial-and-error basis. The aim of this study is to investigate the advantages of exploiting guidance information by taking a multi-objective optimization perspective. Hereto, next to objectives related to match quality and amount of deformation, we define a third objective related to guidance information. Multi-objective optimization eliminates the need to a-priori tune a weighting of objectives in a single optimization function or the strict requirement of fulfilling hard guidance constraints. Instead, Pareto-efficient trade-offs between all objectives are found, effectively making the introduction of guidance information straightforward, independent of its type or scale. Further, since complete Pareto fronts also contain less interesting parts (i.e., solutions with near-zero deformation effort), we study how adaptive steering mechanisms can be incorporated to automatically focus more on solutions of interest. We performed experiments on artificial and real clinical data with large differences, including disappearing structures. Results show the substantial benefit of using additional guidance information. Moreover, compared to the 2-objective case, additional computational cost is negligible. Finally, with the same computational budget, use of the adaptive steering mechanism provides superior solutions in the area of interest
The Dynamical Behaviour of Test Particles in a Quasi-Spherical Spacetime and the Physical Meaning of Superenergy
We calculate the instantaneous proper radial acceleration of test particles
(as measured by a locally defined Lorentzian observer) in a Weyl spacetime,
close to the horizon. As expected from the Israel theorem, there appear some
bifurcations with respect to the spherically symmetric case (Schwarzschild),
which are explained in terms of the behaviour of the superenergy, bringing out
the physical relevance of this quantity in the study of general relativistic
systems.Comment: 14 pages, Latex. 4 figures. New references added. Typos corrected. To
appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy
9286 Stars: An Agglomeration of Stellar Polarization Catalogs
This is a revision. The revisions are minor. The new version of the catalog
should be used in preference to the old. The most serious error in the older
version was that was incorrect, being sometimes far too large,
for Reiz and Franco entries; the correct values are all zero for that
We present an agglomeration of stellar polarization catalogs with results for
9286 stars. We have endeavored to eliminate errors, provide accurate
(arcsecond) positions, sensibly weight multiple observations of the same star,
and provide reasonable distances. This catalog is included as an ASCII file
(catalog.txt) in the source of this submission.Comment: The most serious error in the older version was that
was incorrect, being sometimes far too large, for Reiz and Franco entries;
the correct values are all zero for that reference. 11 pages, no figures.
Accepted for Astronomical Journal. Catalog also available as an ASCII file by
anonymous FTP from ftp://vermi.berkeley.edu/pub/polcat/p14.ou
Les pratiques touristiques en espace rural et la place des aménités
Lâobjectif de ce papier est dâanalyser qui sont et que font les touristes en espace rural. Notre point dâentrĂ©e est celui de la demande, analysĂ©e Ă partir des comportements observĂ©s des touristes. Cette analyse concerne le tourisme dâĂ©tĂ© dans deux rĂ©gions : Aquitaine et RhĂŽne-Alpes. Elle est menĂ©e Ă partir des donnĂ©es individuelles recueillies lors de lâenquĂȘte "Suivi de la Demande Touristique" des annĂ©es 2003, 2005 et 2007, donnĂ©es fournies par TNS Sofres Ă la direction du Tourisme. Ces donnĂ©es nous permettent dâidentifier la part relative des diffĂ©rentes pratiques touristiques dans les zones qualifiĂ©es de non urbaines. Elles mettent en Ă©vidence i) le maintien des sĂ©jours quâon peut qualifier de "retour chez soi" qui nâoccasionnent pas de dĂ©pense dâhĂ©bergement et au cours desquels aucune activitĂ© particuliĂšre nâest pratiquĂ©e ; ii) lâimportance des sĂ©jours tournĂ©s vers la pratique dâactivitĂ©s de plein air et ceux tournĂ©s vers la dĂ©couverte du patrimoine local. Ces deux types de sĂ©jours constituent les segments principaux du tourisme rural « moderne » et des vecteurs majeurs de valorisation des amĂ©nitĂ©s. En marge de ces deux segments, Ă©merge un tourisme gastronomique qui valorise la complĂ©mentaritĂ© entre les amĂ©nitĂ©s naturelles et les amĂ©nitĂ©s culturelles des territoires.TOURISME;AMENITES;MILIEU RURAL;CLASSIFICATION;TOURISM;AMENITIES;RURAL AREA;CLASSIFICATION;FRANCE
Consequences of a Killing symmetry in spacetime's local structure
In this paper we discuss the consequences of a Killing symmetry on the local
geometrical structure of four-dimensional spacetimes. We have adopted the point
of view introduced in recent works where the exterior derivative of the Killing
plays a fundamental role. Then, we study some issues related with this approach
and clarify why in many circumstances its use has advantages with respect to
other approaches. We also extend the formalism developed in the case of vacuum
spacetimes to the general case of an arbitrary energy-momentum content.
Finally, we illustrate our framework with the case of spacetimes with a
gravitating electromagnetic field.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX2e, IOP style. Revised version accepted for
publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit
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