18 research outputs found
Determination of Anger Expression and Anger Management Styles and an Application on Operating Room Nurses
This research has been carried out in order to determine anger expression and anger management styles in operating room nurses. By applying an in-depth interview technique on operating room nurses working in a private hospital, a qualitative study has been performed in order to determine anger expression and anger management styles in operating room nurses. The interview consisted of ten questions such as demographic questions addressing the workers’ age, sex, education level and duration of employment in the organization they work, aiming to determine their anger expression and anger management styles. Since operating room environments contain various risk factors, and require active team work in a stressful dynamic setting under excessive workload, , it has been found that operating room nurses display their anger through loud speaking, fail to settle their anger positively, fail to control their anger in a behavioural pattern despite their cognitive awareness in anger management. Thus, it has been suggested that operating room nurses should be trained on anger management methods so that they can manage their anger in a stressful operating room environment
Sağlık Turizmi ve Uluslararası Hastalar İçin Türkiye Pazarı
Günden güne hem kamu, hem de özel hastanelerin sayısı artmaktadır. Ulusal
hastalara ait sabit bir pazar olması, sağlık sektöründe büyük bir rekabeti
de beraberinde getirmektedir. Türkiye coğrafik konumu, iklimi, termal kaynakları,
doğal güzellikleri, kaliteli tıp personeli ve yüksek teknoloji kullanan
aletlere sahip hastaneleri ile sağlık turizmi için büyük bir potansiyele sahiptir.
Sağlık turizminin 2011 yılı verilerine göre dünyadaki pazar payı yaklaşık
olarak 400 milyar dolardır. Bu çalışma ile Türkiye’nin bu pazardaki mevcut
durumunu ortaya koyarken; gelecekte bu pazardaki payını daha da artırabilmek
için gereken öneri ve düzenlemelerin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır.
Hastalara ait veriler Sağlık Bakanlığı ile Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın resmi
sitelerinden alınmıştır.
2010 yılında, sağlık turizmi için 109-678 hasta Türkiye’ye gelmiştir
(Özel hastane: 77.003; kamu hastanesi: 32.675 kişi). Hastaların geldikleri
ülke ve aldıkları sağlık hizmetine göre farklı dağılımlar sergilediği
Kamu hastanelerinin yanı sıra özel hastanelerin sayısı da günden güne
artmakta ve bu sektörde önemli bir yer almaktadırlar. Sağlık sektöründe
pazarı arttırmak için Sağlık Bakanlığı ile Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı sağlık
turizmine gereken önemi vermelidir. Bu yolla oluşan döviz girdisi sağlık
sektöründe pazar payını arttırırken; ortaya çıkan yeni iş olanakları işsizliği
azaltacaktır. Sağlık sektörünün ayakta kalması için sağlık turizmi gün geçtikçe
daha önemli hale gelmektedir
Sağlık Hizmetlerinde Podolojinin Gelişimi ve Eğitimine Genel Bir Bakış
Podoloji, podos- (ayak) ve -loji (bilim) sözcüklerinden oluşan ve dünyada tarihi çok eskilere dayanmasına rağmen,
Türkiye’de çok yeni olan bir bilim dalıdır. Türkiye’deki gelişimi 2008 yılında Podoloji Derneği’nin kurulmasını takip
eden çalışmalarla ve podologluğun meslek kanununun 26.04.2011 tarihinde yayınlanmasıyla başlamıştır. Podoloji,
vücudumuzda organ fonksiyon bozukluklarının alt ekstremitede sinir, damar, eklem, cilt üzerine olan olumsuz
etkilerini tanımlayan ve verdiği hasarı önleyici tedbirlerle azaltmaya çalışan bir sağlık mesleğidir. Türkiye’deki
mesleki gelişimi çok yeni olmakla birlikte dünyada gelişimi eskilere dayanmaktadır.
Bu çalışmadaki amaç, konjenital, edinsel ya da travmaya bağlı olarak gelişen ayak hastalıklarına yönelik birtakım
primer / önleyici / koruyucu ve tedavi edici sağlık hizmetleri veren podoloğun eğitimini, podoloji alanına giren
uygulamaları ve podologların mesleki gelişimini inceleyerek, Türkiye’de podolojinin sağlık hizmet sunumundaki
yerini ve önemini vurgulamaktır
Determination of Anger Expression and Anger Management Styles and an Application on Operating Room Nurses
This research has been carried out in order to determine anger expression and anger management styles in operating room nurses. By applying an in-depth interview technique on operating room nurses working in a private hospital, a qualitative study has been performed in order to determine anger expression and anger management styles in operating room nurses. The interview consisted of ten questions such as demographic questions addressing the workers’ age, sex, education level and duration of employment in the organization they work, aiming to determine their anger expression and anger management styles. Since operating room environments contain various risk factors, and require active team work in a stressful dynamic setting under excessive workload, , it has been found that operating room nurses display their anger through loud speaking, fail to settle their anger positively, fail to control their anger in a behavioural pattern despite their cognitive awareness in anger management. Thus, it has been suggested that operating room nurses should be trained on anger management methods so that they can manage their anger in a stressful operating room environment
The Impact of Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment Among Generation Y Healthcare Employees
Objective: This study reported on the knowledge on the factors impacting job satisfaction and organizational commitment in the
healthcare sector. It critically examined the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment among Generational
Y healthcare workers.
Methods: The study involved 236 healthcare professionals working in a private healthcare group in Istanbul, The primary method of
data collection was a questionnaire composed of three sections. The first section recorded data concerning participants’ demographic
information. The second and third sections aimed to assess the participant’s job satisfaction and organizational commitment by applying
the Minnesota Job Satisfaction scale and the Organizational Commitment scale developed by Meyer and Allen. In data analysis and
evaluations, frequency tables, central and prevalence criteria, Pearson’s correlation test and simple linear regression analysis were
employed and analysed in the SPSS 20 statistical package program.
Results: Of 236 healthcare workers, 49.4% of the participants expressed that they have been working in the organization for 1 to 5
years. Among those healthcare workers who belonged to generation Y, a significant and positive relationship was found between job
satisfaction and organizational commitment (r = 0.719, p = 0.000).
Conclusion: Our study results demonstrated a positive and significant relationship between job satisfaction and their organizational
commitment among Generation Y healthcare workers. Among the factors identified, it was observed that pecuniary and moral support
received by employees have increased the perception of job satisfaction, whereas economic security and rewards associated with the
employment strengthened organizational commitment. The study discussed human resources practices that will strengthen job
satisfaction and organizational commitment
The aim of this study is to examine the impact of paternalist leadership behaviors on organizational citizenship behavior. The sample of the study consists of 535 healthcare professionals working in a private hospital in Istanbul. Correlation Analysis and Simple Linear Regression Analysis were used to examine the relationship between the measured variables. As a result of the research, it was found that paternalist leadership has a positive and moderate effect on organizational citizenship behavior (r = 0.427, p <0.01) and 18.3% of the changes in organizational citizenship behavior are explained by paternalist leadership. Our study shows that paternalistic leadership has a significant impact on the organizational citizenship behavior of health workers. By exhibiting paternalistic leadership behavior, health administrators can enable health workers to display more organizational citizenship behavior