6 research outputs found

    Savremeni pristupi upotrebe kukuruza

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    From a global standpoint, maize is one of the most important crops and as such one of the most significant naturally renewable carbohydrate raw materials of not only energy but also numerous very different products. The dominance and superiority of maize are primarily caused by and resulted from the extremely wide, very diversified and enormous possibilities of its utilization. Previous accomplishments were presented and prospective developments of the maize utilization were discussed in the present study. The recent utilizations of maize in the production of bioethanol biodegradable plastics and textile fibres were particularly emphasized and described. In addition, a brief review on changes in the global maize production was also presented.Posmatrano u svetskim razmerama kukuruz je je jedna od najznačajnijih gajenih biljaka i kao takav ujedno i jedna od najznačajnijih prirodno obnovljivih ugljenohidratnih sirovina energije i jako velikog broja veoma različitih proizvoda. Dominacija i superiorni položaj kukuruza uslovljeni su prevashodno izuzetno širokim, veoma raznovrsnim i ogromnim mogućnostima njegove upotrebe. U ovom radu su prikazana dosadašnja dostignuća i diskutovane perspektive budućeg razvoja upotrebe kukuruza. Posebno su istaknute i opisane najnovije upotrebe kukuruza u proizvodnji bioetanola, biorazgradive plastike i tekstilnih vlakana. Pored toga, dat je i kratak osvrt na promene u svetskoj proizvodnji kukuruza

    Genetic variability as background for the achievements and prospects of the maize utilisation development

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    Maize is one of the most important crops, and as such, one of the most significant naturally renewable carbohydrate raw materials of energy and numerous very different products. The dominance and superiority of maize are primarily caused by the extremely wide, very diversified and enormous possibilities of its utilisation. Previous accomplishments are presented and prospective developments of the maize chemistry and technology, i.e. maize utilisation in our country and worldwide were discussed in the present study. The objective of this study was to advert to this section of science that is full of real and great challenges. Changes in the maize production and utilisation are described. Some very important questions were asked, such as: what is it that makes maize such a valuable, naturally renewable raw material, how and why do we sow maize and harvest energy and products?

    Physical and chemical properties of various corn genotypes as a criterion of technological quality

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    Physical properties, such as test weight, 1000-kernel weight, kernel density flotation index, water absorption index and kernel hardness and chemical properties: protein, starch and oil contents, of twenty the most widely grown ZP corn hybrids of different genetic background and utilization purposes were studied. The results showed wide ranges of chemical and physical properties among the selected corn hybrids. Protein, starch and oil contents ranged from 8.9 to 13.5%, 67.5 to 73.7%, and 4.1 to 6.5%, respectively. The test weight was within the range of 771.8-897.7 kg m-3, while the 1000-kernel weight ranged from 121.6 to 392.7 g. The kernel density, i.e. flotation index was within the range of 1.23-1.34 g cm-3, i.e. 0-71 %, respectively, while the water absorption index ranged from 0.155 to 0.278. Kernel hardness, expressed as a milling response, and a hard fraction portion varied in the tested samples from 9.4 to 19.9s and 49.6 to 75.2%, respectively. The correlation analysis points to a very great interdependence among certain physical and chemical properties. Obtained high correlation coefficients could be used to predict not so easily measurable parameters based on the known value of the corresponding easily measurable parameter. A wide scope of tested quality parameters offers many possibilities in selection and estimation of hybrids for certain purposes

    Fizičko-hemijske karakterisrike i hemijski sastav frakcije kukuruznog oklaska

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    Morphological structure and chemical composition of basic fractions - hard and soft -of maize cob are presented in this paper. Different chemical compositions and physical and chemical properties of these fractions, first of all, their great capability to bind fluid, especially oil and water define their use as an agent for degreasing and drying. A great hardness and abrasive capability of products produced by cob milling have put them to a use for polishing in metalworking industry, while the content of certain compounds (pentosan) is of a very great importance in chemical industry in the manufacturing of furfural and its derivates. Due to their inertness neutral pH values and lack of heavy metals, these products are used as organic carriers in the production of pesticides and agrochemicals, as well as, in cosmetics and pharmacy.U radu su date fizičko-hemijske karakteristike i hemijski sastav frakcija kukuruznog oklaska dobijenih po originalnoj ZP tehnologiji. Različit hemijski sastav i fizičko-hemijske karakteristike ovih frakcije - celgran A B, C, pre svega visoka sposobnost vezivanja tečnosti, naročito ulja i vode opredeljuju njihovu upotrebu kao medijuma za odmašćivanje i sušenje. Velika tvrdoća i abrazivna sposobnost proizvoda dobijenih mlevenjem oklaska našla je primenu za poliranje u metaloprerađivačkoj industriji, a sadržaj nekih jedinjenja od posebnog je značaja u hemijskoj industriji. Zbog svoje inertnosti, neutralne pH vrednosti i odsustva teških metala ovi proizvodi nalaze primenu kao organski nosači u proizvodnji pesticida i agrohemikalija kao i u kozmetici i farmaciji

    Savremene metode određivanja kvaliteta i tehnološke vrednosti kukuruza

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    An ever growing importance of contemporary maize processing has imposed a need for more intensive research, within a field of quality and technological value of grain, as well as, relations between quality factors and maize utilization. A new concept of the developed maize market encompasses the identification of the most important utilization, as well as, requirements of each single use pertaining the essential grain properties. Several methods and tests for determination of properties, such as kernel hardness, kernel density, floatation index and water absorption index that are very important for estimation of the maize utilizable value, have been modified, according to contemporary tendencies in the world research, in the course of the long-term maize quality testing performed at the Department of technological research of the Maize Research Institute Zemun Polje.Rastući značaj suvremenih procesa prerade kukuruza nametnuo je potrebu intenziviranja istraživanja u oblasti kvaliteta i tehnološke urednosti zrna, kao i veze između faktora kvaliteta i upotrebe kukuruza. Novi koncept razvijenog tržišta kukuruza je da se identifikuju najznačajnije upotrebe, kao i zahtevi svake pojedinačne upotrebe u pogledu najbitnijih svojstava zrna. Sledeći tendencije savremenih svetskih istraživanja u višegodišnjim ispitivanjima kvaliteta kukuruza u Odseku za tehnološka istraživanja Instituta za kukuruz modifikovano je više metoda i testova za određivanje svojstava, kao što su tvrdoća zrna, gustina, indeks flotacije i indeks apsorpcije vode, koja su od izuzetnog značaja za procenu upotrebne urednosti kukuruza

    Visokovredna hrana i Novi tehnički proizvodi na bazi kukuruza i soje

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    The studies and research on the maize and soybean utilisation improvement performed at the Department of Technology have been directed to creating new assortment of qualitative plant food and feed and technological products. In order to achieve this contemporary technical and technological processing procedures with relatively low consumption of energy resources, water, labour and without chemicals have been applied. As a result of previous scientific and research work, technologies of making and producing the following products have been developed: celgran, mikro-ex soya, enbel-18 and other micronised and extruded products of maize, soybean and other cereals. Contemporary technical and technological procedures of maize and soybean processing have been discussed in previously published papers, while this paper presents, in detail and cumulatively, results of previous long-term scientific and research work, i.e. presents actual, new products of high values intended for the market. Besides, a brief review of basic principles of applied technologies and a retrospect of the situation and prospective of processing development of these two field crops very important not only in our country, but also world-wide, are presented in the paper.Istraživački rad na unapređenju upotrebe i prerade kukuruza i soje u Odseku za tehnološka istraživanja usmeren je ka stvaranju novog asortimana kvalitetne biljne hrane i tehničkih proizvoda primenom savremenih tehničko-tehnoloških postupaka prerade sa relativno malom potrošnjom energenata, vode, rada i bez hemikalija. Kao rezultat dosadašnjeg naučno-istraživačkog rada razrađene su tehnologije proizvodnje i dobijanja novih proizvoda: celgran, mikro-ex soja, enbel-18 i drugi mikronizovani i ekstrudovani proizvodi od kukuruza, soje i drugog zrnevlja. U većem broju ranije objavljenih radova diskutovani su savremeni tehničko-tehnološki procesi prerade kukuruza i soje, dok su u ovom radu detaljno opisani i zbirno prikazani dosadašnji rezultati višegodišnjeg naučno-istraživačkog rada, odnosno konkretni novi visokovredni proizvodi namenjeni tržištu. Pored toga, dat je i veoma kratak prikaz osnovnih principa primenjenih tehnologija i osvrt na stanje i perspektive razvoja prerade ove dve veoma važne ratarske kulture u našoj zemlji i u svetu