847 research outputs found

    Ontologia do nanoworld: abordagem do sistema e o conceito de evolucionismo

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    The article deals with the ontological subsystem of the philosophical foundations of the corresponding picture of the world, defining the typical understanding of the world as a unity in a variety of properties and relations typical of a particular historical period on the basis of appropriate philosophical interpretation of such categories as matter, motion, space and time, necessary and accidental, possible and real, and other categories, attracted from the classical philosophical heritage and non-classical philosophical teachings. The author points out an important event in the development of the system approach was the publication by Immanuel Kant in 1755 of the work "Universal Natural History and Theory of the Sky." The article describes the fundamental achievement which is the development of the so-called "physics of arising" that reads to express the principle ("From the existing to the emerging) in such a way: the evolutionary paradigm is expanded and elevated to the rank of the basis of all the processes entering according to the second law of thermodynamics. It is established modern holism synthesizes evolutionism, brought to the idea of self-development, with a systemic approach, in which ”zone of responsibility” not only isolated but open complex systems fall into. It is stated the support of nanotechnology and the NBIС tetrahedron as a whole, that is, the NBIC-initiative, is also a complex of self-organizing and self-developing system.El artículo trata del subsistema ontológico de los fundamentos filosóficos de la imagen correspondiente del mundo, definiendo la comprensión típica del mundo como una unidad en una variedad de propiedades y relaciones típicas de un período histórico particular sobre la base de la interpretación filosófica apropiada de categorías tales como la materia, el movimiento, el espacio y el tiempo, necesario y accidental, posible y real, y otras categorías, atraídos por el patrimonio filosófico clásico y las enseñanzas filosóficas no clásicas. El autor señala que un evento importante en el desarrollo del enfoque sistémico fue la publicación por Immanuel Kant en 1755 de la obra "Universal Natural History and Theory of the Sky". El artículo describe el logro fundamental que es el desarrollo de la llamada "física del surgimiento" que lee para expresar el principio ("De lo existente a lo emergente") de tal manera: el paradigma evolutivo se expande y se eleva al rango de la base de todos los procesos que ingresan según la segunda ley de la termodinámica. Se establece que el holismo moderno sintetiza el evolucionismo, llevado a la idea del autodesarrollo, con un enfoque sistémico, en el que la "zona de responsabilidad" no solo es aislada sino abierta los sistemas complejos caen en. Se afirma el apoyo de la nanotecnología y el tetraedro NBI 'en su conjunto, es decir, la iniciativa NBIC, también es un complejo de autoorganización y sistema de autodesarrollo.O artigo lida com o subsistema ontológica dos fundamentos filosóficos da imagem correspondente domundo, definindo a compreensão típica do mundo como uma unidade em uma variedade de propriedadese relacionamentos de um período histórico particular típicos com base na interpretação filosófica categoriasapropriadas tais como matéria, movimento, espaço e tempo, categorias necessárias e acidentais, possíveise reais, e outras, atraídas pela herança filosófica clássica e pelos ensinamentos filosóficos não-clássicos. Oautor destaca que um evento importante no desenvolvimento da abordagem sistêmica foi a publicação porImmanuel Kant em 1755 da obra "História Natural Universal e Teoria do Céu". O artigo descreve arealização chave é o desenvolvimento de "física surgimento" chamada lê para expressar o princípio ( "Desdeo existente para emergentes") para: o paradigma evolucionário se expande e sobe para o posto de base detodos os processos que entram de acordo com a segunda lei da termodinâmica. Ele afirma que o holismosintetiza evolucionismo moderno, levou à ideia de auto, com uma abordagem sistêmica, em que a "zonade responsabilidade" não só é isolado, mas sistemas complexos abertos cair. apoio da nanotecnologia e otetraedro NBI 'como um todo, ou seja, a iniciativa NBIC é também um complexo sistema de autoorganizaçãoe auto-estados

    The impact of innovations in the production of biologically valuable food products on supply chain management in the regional economy

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    Abstract— The article shows a study of the role of supply chain management of innovative biologically valuable food products in the industrial development and economy of the region. The analysis of the process of updating the assortment of food products based on the introduction of innovative developments and production principles conducive to the release of a healthy diet product (innovative product) is presented. The main provisions of the concept of healthy food products, the category of “innovative food products” are analyzed. The article systematizes the definitions of the concept of “innovative product”. Based on the results of the study, features, functional properties and characteristic features of an innovative food product are determined. Based on the concept of “innovative food product”, the concepts of “new food product”, “improved food product”, and “modified food product” are formulated. A classification model of innovative food products is presented. Based on it, it is shown that the development, production and sale of an innovative food product two functions: economic and social. The study made it possible to formulate the main criteria that make it possible to attribute a food product to a group of innovative food products. The article describes the characteristics of an innovative food product, describes market and consumer properties. The author's definitions of concepts are given: “innovative food product”, “new food product”, “improved food product”, “modified food product”. A classification of innovative food products is proposed

    Modelling the effects of beverage substitution during adolescence on later obesity outcomes in early adulthood: results from the Raine study

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    High sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption has been linked with obesity. The present study examined the associations between adolescent SSB intake and body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and overweight status in early adulthood, and modelled the association of alternative beverage substitution with BMI and WC. Data of offspring from the Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study at ages 14 and 22 years were used (n = 667). SSB intake at 14 years (100 g/day) was associated with higher BMI (β = 0.19 kg/m2, 95% CI 0.04, 0.33), WC (β = 0.41cm, 95% CI 0.04, 0.78), and being overweight at 22 years (OR 1.10, 95% CI 1.02, 1.18). Every 100g modelled substitution of SSB with milk at age 14 years was associated with lower BMI (-0.19 kg/m2) and WC (-0.52 cm) at age 22 years. Replacement of SSB with diet drink was associated with higher BMI and WC. No association was found for substitutions of SSB with water, tea/coffee, or 100% fruit juice with BMI or WC. SSB intake during adolescence was associated with higher BMI, WC, and being overweight in early adulthood. Milk as an alternative to SSB was associated with less adiposity. Caution is necessary in recommending diet drinks as a SSB alternative

    Strong coupling constants of heavy spin--3/2 baryons with light pseudoscalar mesons

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    The strong coupling constants among members of the heavy spin--3/2 baryons containing single heavy quark with light pseudoscalar mesons are calculated in the framework of the light cone QCD sum rules. Using symmetry arguments, the structure independent relations among different correlation functions are obtained. It is shown that all possible transitions can be described in terms of one universal invariant function whose explicit expression is Lorenz structure dependent.Comment: 16 Pages, 1 figure and 1 Tabl

    The effects of alcohol on plasma lipid mediators of inflammation resolution in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    Background Type 2 diabetes mellitus is characterized by peripheral insulin resistance and low-grade systemic inflammation. Inflammation resolution is recognised as an important process driven by specialised pro-resolving mediators of inflammation (SPMs) and has the potential to moderate chronic inflammation. Alcohol has the potential to affect synthesis of SPMs by altering key enzymes involved in SPM synthesis and may influence ongoing inflammation associated with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Aims (i) To examine the effects of alcohol consumed as red wine on plasma SPM in men and women with Type 2 diabetes in a randomised controlled trial and (ii) compare baseline plasma SPM levels in the same patients with those of healthy volunteers. Methods Twenty-four patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus were randomized to a three-period crossover study with men drinking red wine 300 ml/day (∼31 g alcohol/day) and women drinking red wine 230 ml/day (∼24 g alcohol/day), or equivalent volumes of dealcoholized red wine (DRW) or water, each for 4 weeks. The SPM 18-hydroxyeicosapentaenoic acid (18-HEPE), E-series resolvins (Rv) (RvE1-RvE3), 17-hydroxydocosahexaenoic acid (17-HDHA), and D-series resolvins (RvD1, 17R-RvD1, RvD2, RvD5), 14-hydroxydocosahexaenoic acid (14-HDHA) and Maresin 1 were measured at the end of each period. A baseline comparison of plasma SPM, hs CRP, lipids and glucose was made with healthy volunteers. Results Red wine did not differentially affect any of the SPM measured when compared with DRW or water. Baseline levels of the hs-CRP and the SPM 18-HEPE, 17-HDHA, RvD1 and 17R-RvD1 in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus were all significantly elevated compared with healthy controls and remained so after adjusting for age and gender. Conclusion Moderate alcohol consumption as red wine does not alter plasma SPM in patients with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. The elevation of SPM levels compared with healthy volunteers may be a homeostatic response to counter ongoing inflammation

    The association between dietary patterns and mental health in early adolescence

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    Objective: To investigate the associations between dietary patterns and mental health in early adolescence. Method: The Western Australian Pregnancy Cohort (Raine) Study is a prospective study of 2900 pregnancies recruited from 1989-1992. At 14 years of age (2003-2006; n = 1324), the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) was used to assess behaviour (characterising mental health status), with higher scores representing poorer behaviour. Two dietary patterns (Western and Healthy) were identified using factor analysis and food group intakes estimated by a 212-item food frequency questionnaire. Relationships between dietary patterns, food group intakes and behaviour were examined using general linear modelling following adjustment for potential confounding factors at age 14: total energy intake, body mass index, physical activity, screen use, family structure, income and functioning, gender and maternal education at pregnancy. Results: Higher total (b = 2.20, 95% CI = 1.06, 3.35), internalizing (withdrawn/depressed) (b = 1.25, 95% CI = 0.15, 2.35) and externalizing (delinquent/aggressive) (b = 2.60, 95% CI = 1.51, 3.68) CBCL scores were significantly associated with the Western dietary pattern, with increased intakes of takeaway foods, confectionary and red meat. Improved behavioural scores were significantly associated with higher intakes of leafy green vegetables and fresh fruit (components of the Healthy pattern). Conclusion: These findings implicate a Western dietary pattern in poorer behavioural outcomes for adolescents. Better behavioural outcomes were associated with a higher intake of fresh fruit and leafy green vegetables

    A comparison of outcomes with angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors and diuretics for hypertension in the elderly

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    Copyright © 2003 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.Background Treatment of hypertension with diuretics, beta-blockers, or both leads to improved outcomes. It has been postulated that agents that inhibit the renin–angiotensin system confer benefit beyond the reduction of blood pressure alone. We compared the outcomes in older subjects with hypertension who were treated with angiotensin-converting–enzyme (ACE) inhibitors with the outcomes in those treated with diuretic agents. Methods We conducted a prospective, randomized, open-label study with blinded assessment of end points in 6083 subjects with hypertension who were 65 to 84 years of age and received health care at 1594 family practices. Subjects were followed for a median of 4.1 years, and the total numbers of cardiovascular events in the two treatment groups were compared with the use of multivariate proportional-hazards models. Results At base line, the treatment groups were well matched in terms of age, sex, and blood pressure. By the end of the study, blood pressure had decreased to a similar extent in both groups (a decrease of 26/12 mm Hg). There were 695 cardiovascular events or deaths from any cause in the ACE-inhibitor group (56.1 per 1000 patient-years) and 736 cardiovascular events or deaths from any cause in the diuretic group (59.8 per 1000 patient-years; the hazard ratio for a cardiovascular event or death with ACE-inhibitor treatment was 0.89 [95 percent confidence interval, 0.79 to 1.00]; P=0.05). Among male subjects, the hazard ratio was 0.83 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.71 to 0.97; P=0.02); among female subjects, the hazard ratio was 1.00 (95 percent confidence interval, 0.83 to 1.21; P=0.98); the P value for the interaction between sex and treatment-group assignment was 0.15. The rates of nonfatal cardiovascular events and myocardial infarctions decreased with ACE-inhibitor treatment, whereas a similar number of strokes occurred in each group (although there were more fatal strokes in the ACE-inhibitor group). Conclusions Initiation of antihypertensive treatment involving ACE inhibitors in older subjects, particularly men, appears to lead to better outcomes than treatment with diuretic agents, despite similar reductions of blood pressure.Lindon M.H. Wing, Christopher M. Reid, Philip Ryan, Lawrence J. Beilin, Mark A. Brown, Garry L.R. Jennings, Colin I. Johnston, John J. McNeil, Graham J. Macdonald, John E. Marley, Trefor O. Morgan, and Malcolm J. West, for the Second Australian National Blood Pressure Study Grou