18 research outputs found

    De effectiviteit van de BORG-training

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    In dit onderzoek is onderzocht in hoeverre de BORG-training effectief is in het terugdringen van de (huiselijk gewelds)recidive bij daders van partnergeweld en wat mogelijk succesvolle en minder succesvolle aspecten van de training zijn. De volgende onderzoeksvragen stonden centraal: Wat zijn de achtergrondkenmerken van de onderzoeksgroep? a. Wat zijn de dader-, strafzaak- en strafrechtelijke voorgeschiedeniskenmerken (zoals leeftijd, type huiselijk geweld en aantal eerdere strafzaken) van de onderzoeksgroep en in hoeverre zijn deze vergelijkbaar met die van de controlegroep? b. In hoeverre voldoet de onderzoeksgroep aan de BORG-selectiecriteria? c. Wat zijn de uitvoeringskenmerken van de BORG-training (zoals aanwezigheids-percentage, individuele of groepstraining en training voltooid of voortijdig beëindigd) bij de onderzoeksgroep? Hoe effectief is de BORG-training in het terugdringen van recidive? Meer specifiek: hoe verhoudt de recidive van de onderzoeksgroep zich tot de recidive van de controlegroep? Welke uitvoeringskenmerken van de BORG-training hangen samen met de kans op recidive, indien er gecorrigeerd is voor verschillen in dader-, strafzaak- en strafrechtelijke voorgeschiedeniskenmerken? Hoe kijken ex-BORG-deelnemers terug op de BORG-training en wat zijn voor hen de succes- en faalfactoren van de training

    Recidive na high impact crimes

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    For some years now, the term 'high impact crimes' (abbreviated HIC) has been used in the Netherlands to indicate offences that have a major impact on the victim, their social environment and the sense of security in society. Among the classic HIC offences are (violent) property crimes, such as domestic burglary, mugging and robbery. Recently, the government has made great efforts to combat the HIC problem, through various policy and safety programs and by setting up a Robbery Task Force.In this report, we examine the recidivism of HIC offenders who were convicted be-tween 2002 and 2013. Three HIC groups are distinguished: domestic burglars, muggers and robbers. This study is part of a five-year research program into recidivism among HIC offenders

    Recidive na huiselijk geweld

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    In this report, we examine the recidivism of DV-perpetrators who were convicted between 2008 and 2013. This research is part of a five-year research program into recidivism among perpetrators of domestic violence and child abuse. In the present study, the research questions were:How many individuals are convicted annually for domestic violence?What are the characteristics (personal and criminal case characteristics) of domestic violence perpetrators and how do the characteristics of this group compare to the characteristics of the total group of convicted perpetrators?What is the recidivism rate for perpetrators of domestic violence: what percent-age of domestic violence perpetrators came back into contact with the criminal justice system within two years of their DV criminal case? How does the preva-lence of recidivism for this group compare to the prevalence of recidivism for the total group of convicted offenders? Three forms of recidivism are examined: general, violent, and domestic violence recidivism.Which personal characteristics are related to whether or not domestic violence perpetrators recidivate and how do these compare to those for the total group of convicted perpetrators?How do recidivism rates among domestic violence perpetrators develop over time, taking into account shifts in the background characteristics of perpetrators

    Een haalbaarheidsonderzoek naar de bruikbaarheid van registraties van ISD-trajecten

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    In deze studie is de haalbaarheid nagegaan van een onderzoek naar mogelijk effectieve componenten van de ISD-maatregel. Deze haalbaarheidsstudie had als doel te achterhalen welke informatie beschikbaar is over de individuele re-integratietrajecten van ISD’ers en wat de kwaliteit van deze informatie is. De focus lag hierbij op ISD’ers waarbij de maatregel in 2009 en 2010 werd beëindigd, maar ook is onderzocht hoe deze informatie momenteel bij ISD’ers geregistreerd wordt. Er zijn gesprekken gevoerd met medewerkers van DJI en de reclassering over mogelijk relevante informatiebronnen en er zijn gegevens uit de verschillende informatiebronnen bestudeerd. INHOUD: 1. Inleiding 2. De ISD-maatregel 3. Bevindingen Inspectierapporten 4. Theoretische achtergrond 5. Methode 6. Resultaten Discussie en conclusi

    Vierde meting van de monitor nazorg ex-gedetineerden

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    To reduce high recidivism rates among former prisoners, reintegration-related issues of prisoners are tackled before their release during imprisonment. By facilitating cooperation between prison services, municipalities, and other co-operating partners, the Ministry of Security and Justice tries to properly prepare prisoners for their return to society. For an optimal reintegration five basis conditions need to be met: obtaining a valid identity card, acquirement of income and housing, an inventory of outstanding debts and strategies how to deal with those debts, adequate physical and psychological care. The Monitor of Aftercare for Former Prisoners describes the situation of former prisoners with regard to these basic conditions immediately prior to imprisonment, immediately after release from imprisonment, and six months after release. The current report concerns the fourth measurement of the monitor, and focuses on detainees who were released from prison in the second semester of 2011 and 2012

    Haalbaarheidsstudie regionalisering recidivecijfers high impact crimes

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    The current study focused on the feasibility of calculating regional recidivism rates for domestic burglars, muggers and robbers, for whom the HIC offence has irrevocably ended in a court order or has been settled by the Public Prosecution Service in 2013. The following research questions were addressed:Is it possible to calculate expected recidivism rates per region for the HIC offenders, using the five region variables ‘court district’, ‘safety region’, ‘G4’, ‘municipality size’ and ‘urbanicity’, by taking differences in the composition of the population between regions into account?If the answer to the first research question is yes: what are the actual and expected recidivism rates per region for HIC offenders

    Recidive na forensische zorg

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    The aim of the current study is to take the first step in the development of a recidivism monitor for offenders with forensic psychiatric care. In addition, the relationship between demographics and offense characteristics, and re-offending in forensic psychiatric patients are examined. The current study is a descriptive study and provides no insight into the effectiveness of forensic care

    Procedural justice and prisoners’ mental health problems: A longitudinal study

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    Background Given the high prevalence of mental health problems among prisoners, knowledge on its determinants is important. Prior cross-sectional studies suggest that procedurally just treatment within prison is a significant predictor; however, longitudinal research is lacking. Aim The aims of this study were to examine (1) the longitudinal relationship between prisoners' perceptions of procedural justice - including fairness, respect, humanity and relationships with officers - and their mental health and (2) the moderating role of coping style in this relationship. Methods Data were obtained from the Prison Project, a longitudinal study of adult male prisoners in the Netherlands, interviewed both 3 weeks and 3 months after their reception into pre-trial detention (N = 824). A cross-lagged structural equation model was employed to investigate associations. Results Prisoners who reported experiencing a higher level of procedural justice 3 weeks after their arrival in custody reported fewer mental health problems after 3 months. No evidence was found that coping style moderated this relationship. Conclusions These findings suggest a causal relationship between procedural justice and psychological well-being. Fair and respectful treatment of prisoners is a predictor not only of prison order and prisoners' compliance but also of prisoners' psychological well-being. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd