706 research outputs found

    Quantum state reduction for universal measurement based computation

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    Measurement based quantum computation (MBQC), which requires only single particle measurements on a universal resource state to achieve the full power of quantum computing, has been recognized as one of the most promising models for the physical realization of quantum computers. Despite considerable progress in the last decade, it remains a great challenge to search for new universal resource states with naturally occurring Hamiltonians, and to better understand the entanglement structure of these kinds of states. Here we show that most of the resource states currently known can be reduced to the cluster state, the first known universal resource state, via adaptive local measurements at a constant cost. This new quantum state reduction scheme provides simpler proofs of universality of resource states and opens up plenty of space to the search of new resource states, including an example based on the one-parameter deformation of the AKLT state studied in [Commun. Math. Phys. 144, 443 (1992)] by M. Fannes et al. about twenty years ago.Comment: 5 page

    No-go Theorem for One-way Quantum Computing on Naturally Occurring Two-level Systems

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    One-way quantum computing achieves the full power of quantum computation by performing single particle measurements on some many-body entangled state, known as the resource state. As single particle measurements are relatively easy to implement, the preparation of the resource state becomes a crucial task. An appealing approach is simply to cool a strongly correlated quantum many-body system to its ground state. In addition to requiring the ground state of the system to be universal for one-way quantum computing, we also want the Hamiltonian to have non-degenerate ground state protected by a fixed energy gap, to involve only two-body interactions, and to be frustration-free so that measurements in the course of the computation leave the remaining particles in the ground space. Recently, significant efforts have been made to the search of resource states that appear naturally as ground states in spin lattice systems. The approach is proved to be successful in spin-5/2 and spin-3/2 systems. Yet, it remains an open question whether there could be such a natural resource state in a spin-1/2, i.e., qubit system. Here, we give a negative answer to this question by proving that it is impossible for a genuinely entangled qubit states to be a non-degenerate ground state of any two-body frustration-free Hamiltonian. What is more, we prove that every spin-1/2 frustration-free Hamiltonian with two-body interaction always has a ground state that is a product of single- or two-qubit states, a stronger result that is interesting independent of the context of one-way quantum computing.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Tensor product representation of topological ordered phase: necessary symmetry conditions

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    The tensor product representation of quantum states leads to a promising variational approach to study quantum phase and quantum phase transitions, especially topological ordered phases which are impossible to handle with conventional methods due to their long range entanglement. However, an important issue arises when we use tensor product states (TPS) as variational states to find the ground state of a Hamiltonian: can arbitrary variations in the tensors that represent ground state of a Hamiltonian be induced by local perturbations to the Hamiltonian? Starting from a tensor product state which is the exact ground state of a Hamiltonian with Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 topological order, we show that, surprisingly, not all variations of the tensors correspond to the variation of the ground state caused by local perturbations of the Hamiltonian. Even in the absence of any symmetry requirement of the perturbed Hamiltonian, one necessary condition for the variations of the tensors to be physical is that they respect certain Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 symmetry. We support this claim by calculating explicitly the change in topological entanglement entropy with different variations in the tensors. This finding will provide important guidance to numerical variational study of topological phase and phase transitions. It is also a crucial step in using TPS to study universal properties of a quantum phase and its topological order.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Conversational Speech Recognition by Learning Audio-textual Cross-modal Contextual Representation

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    Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) in conversational settings presents unique challenges, including extracting relevant contextual information from previous conversational turns. Due to irrelevant content, error propagation, and redundancy, existing methods struggle to extract longer and more effective contexts. To address this issue, we introduce a novel Conversational ASR system, extending the Conformer encoder-decoder model with cross-modal conversational representation. Our approach leverages a cross-modal extractor that combines pre-trained speech and text models through a specialized encoder and a modal-level mask input. This enables the extraction of richer historical speech context without explicit error propagation. We also incorporate conditional latent variational modules to learn conversational level attributes such as role preference and topic coherence. By introducing both cross-modal and conversational representations into the decoder, our model retains context over longer sentences without information loss, achieving relative accuracy improvements of 8.8% and 23% on Mandarin conversation datasets HKUST and MagicData-RAMC, respectively, compared to the standard Conformer model.Comment: Submitted to TASL

    Quantum codes give counterexamples to the unique pre-image conjecture of the N-representability problem

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    It is well known that the ground state energy of many-particle Hamiltonians involving only 2-body interactions can be obtained using constrained optimizations over density matrices which arise from reducing an N-particle state. While determining which 2-particle density matrices are "N- representable" is a computationally hard problem, all known extreme N-representable 2-particle reduced density matrices arise from a unique N-particle pre-image, satisfying a conjecture established in 1972. We present explicit counterexamples to this conjecture through giving Hamiltonians with 2-body interactions which have degenerate ground states that cannot be distinguished by any 2-body operator. We relate the existence of such counterexamples to quantum error correction codes and topologically ordered spin systems.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur