1,627 research outputs found

    Angular Momentum of a Brane-world Model

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    In this paper we discuss the properties of the general covariant angular momentum of a five-dimensional brane-world model. Through calculating the total angular momentum of this model, we are able to analyze the properties of the total angular momentum in the inflationary RS model. We show that the space-like components of the total angular momentum of are all zero while the others are non-zero, which agrees with the results from ordinary RS model.Comment: 8 pages; accepted by Chinese Physics

    From Ground States to Local Hamiltonians

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    Traditional quantum physics solves ground states for a given Hamiltonian, while quantum information science asks for the existence and construction of certain Hamiltonians for given ground states. In practical situations, one would be mainly interested in local Hamiltonians with certain interaction patterns, such as nearest neighbour interactions on some type of lattices. A necessary condition for a space VV to be the ground-state space of some local Hamiltonian with a given interaction pattern, is that the maximally mixed state supported on VV is uniquely determined by its reduced density matrices associated with the given pattern, based on the principle of maximum entropy. However, it is unclear whether this condition is in general also sufficient. We examine the situations for the existence of such a local Hamiltonian to have VV satisfying the necessary condition mentioned above as its ground-state space, by linking to faces of the convex body of the local reduced states. We further discuss some methods for constructing the corresponding local Hamiltonians with given interaction patterns, mainly from physical points of view, including constructions related to perturbation methods, local frustration-free Hamiltonians, as well as thermodynamical ensembles.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, to be published in PR

    Ground-State Spaces of Frustration-Free Hamiltonians

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    We study the ground-state space properties for frustration-free Hamiltonians. We introduce a concept of `reduced spaces' to characterize local structures of ground-state spaces. For a many-body system, we characterize mathematical structures for the set Θk\Theta_k of all the kk-particle reduced spaces, which with a binary operation called join forms a semilattice that can be interpreted as an abstract convex structure. The smallest nonzero elements in Θk\Theta_k, called atoms, are analogs of extreme points. We study the properties of atoms in Θk\Theta_k and discuss its relationship with ground states of kk-local frustration-free Hamiltonians. For spin-1/2 systems, we show that all the atoms in Θ2\Theta_2 are unique ground states of some 2-local frustration-free Hamiltonians. Moreover, we show that the elements in Θk\Theta_k may not be the join of atoms, indicating a richer structure for Θk\Theta_k beyond the convex structure. Our study of Θk\Theta_k deepens the understanding of ground-state space properties for frustration-free Hamiltonians, from a new angle of reduced spaces.Comment: 23 pages, no figur

    Ozone predictabilities due to meteorological uncertainties in the Mexico City basin using ensemble forecasts

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    The purpose of the present study is to investigate the sensitivity of ozone (O<sub>3</sub>) predictions in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) to meteorological initial uncertainties and planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterization schemes using state-of-the-art meteorological and photochemical prediction models through ensemble forecasts. The simulated periods (3, 9, 15 and 29 March 2006) represent four typical meteorological episodes ("South-Venting", "O<sub>3</sub>-North", "O<sub>3</sub>-South" and "Convection-North", respectively) in the Mexico City basin during the MCMA-2006/MILAGRO campaign. Our results demonstrate that the uncertainties in meteorological initial conditions have significant impacts on O<sub>3</sub> predictions, including peak time O<sub>3</sub> concentrations ([O<sub>3</sub>]), horizontal and vertical O<sub>3</sub> distributions, and temporal variations. The ensemble spread of the simulated peak [O<sub>3</sub>] averaged over the city's ambient monitoring sites can reach up to 10 ppb. The increasing uncertainties in meteorological fields during peak O<sub>3</sub> period contribute to the largest unpredictability in O<sub>3</sub> simulations, while the impacts of wind speeds and PBL height on [O<sub>3</sub>] are more straightforward and important. The magnitude of the ensemble spreads varies with different PBL schemes and meteorological episodes. The uncertainties in O<sub>3</sub> predictions caused by PBL schemes mainly come from their ability to represent the mixing layer height; but overall, these uncertainties are smaller than those from the uncertainties in meteorological initial conditions

    Complete Characterization of the Ground Space Structure of Two-Body Frustration-Free Hamiltonians for Qubits

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    The problem of finding the ground state of a frustration-free Hamiltonian carrying only two-body interactions between qubits is known to be solvable in polynomial time. It is also shown recently that, for any such Hamiltonian, there is always a ground state that is a product of single- or two-qubit states. However, it remains unclear whether the whole ground space is of any succinct structure. Here, we give a complete characterization of the ground space of any two-body frustration-free Hamiltonian of qubits. Namely, it is a span of tree tensor network states of the same tree structure. This characterization allows us to show that the problem of determining the ground state degeneracy is as hard as, but no harder than, its classical analog.Comment: 5pages, 3 figure

    Quantum Capacity Approaching Codes for the Detected-Jump Channel

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    The quantum channel capacity gives the ultimate limit for the rate at which quantum data can be reliably transmitted through a noisy quantum channel. Degradable quantum channels are among the few channels whose quantum capacities are known. Given the quantum capacity of a degradable channel, it remains challenging to find a practical coding scheme which approaches capacity. Here we discuss code designs for the detected-jump channel, a degradable channel with practical relevance describing the physics of spontaneous decay of atoms with detected photon emission. We show that this channel can be used to simulate a binary classical channel with both erasures and bit-flips. The capacity of the simulated classical channel gives a lower bound on the quantum capacity of the detected-jump channel. When the jump probability is small, it almost equals the quantum capacity. Hence using a classical capacity approaching code for the simulated classical channel yields a quantum code which approaches the quantum capacity of the detected-jump channel

    Estimating the Material Properties of Fabric from Video

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    Passively estimating the intrinsic material properties of deformable objects moving in a natural environment is essential for scene understanding. We present a framework to automatically analyze videos of fabrics moving under various unknown wind forces, and recover two key material properties of the fabric: stiffness and area weight. We extend features previously developed to compactly represent static image textures to describe video textures, such as fabric motion. A discriminatively trained regression model is then used to predict the physical properties of fabric from these features. The success of our model is demonstrated on a new, publicly available database of fabric videos with corresponding measured ground truth material properties. We show that our predictions are well correlated with ground truth measurements of stiffness and density for the fabrics. Our contributions include: (a) a database that can be used for training and testing algorithms for passively predicting fabric properties from video, (b) an algorithm for predicting the material properties of fabric from a video, and (c) a perceptual study of humans' ability to estimate the material properties of fabric from videos and images.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CGV-1111415)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (CGV-1212928)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research FellowshipMassachusetts Institute of Technology (Intelligent Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship)United States. Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (D10PC20023