17 research outputs found

    Spectral selectivity in capillary dye lasers

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    We explore the spectral properties of a capillary dye laser in the highly multimode regime. Our experiments indicate that the spectral behavior of the laser does not conform with a simple Fabry-Perot analysis; rather, it is strongly dictated by a Vernier resonant mechanism involving multiple modes, which propagate with different group velocities. The laser operates over a very broad spectral range and the Vernier effect gives rise to a free spectral range which is orders of magnitude larger than that expected from a simple Fabry-Perot mechanism. The presented theoretical calculations confirm the experimental results. Propagating modes of the capillary fiber are calculated using the finite element method (FEM) and it is shown that the optical pathlengths resulting from simultaneous beatings of these modes are in close agreement with the optical pathlengths directly extracted from the Fourier Transform of the experimentally measured laser emission spectra

    Disorder-induced single-mode transmission

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    Localized states trap waves propagating in a disordered potential and play a crucial role in Anderson localization, which is the absence of diffusion due to disorder. Some localized states are barely coupled with neighbours because of differences in wavelength or small spatial overlap, thus preventing energy leakage to the surroundings. This is the same degree of isolation found in the homogeneous core of a single-mode optical fibre. Here we show that localized states of a disordered optical fibre are single mode: the transmission channels possess a high degree of resilience to perturbation and invariance with respect to the launch conditions. Our experimental approach allows identification and characterization of the single-mode transmission channels in a disordered matrix, demonstrating low losses and densely packed single modes. These disordered and wavelength-sensitive channels may be exploited to de-multiplex different colours at different locations

    What is the right theory for Anderson localization of light?

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    Anderson localization of light is traditionally described in analogy to electrons in a random potential. Within this description the disorder strength -- and hence the localization characteristics -- depends strongly on the wavelength of the incident light. In an alternative description in analogy to sound waves in a material with spatially fluctuating elastic moduli this is not the case. Here, we report on an experimentum crucis in order to investigate the validity of the two conflicting theories using transverse-localized optical devices. We do not find any dependence of the observed localization radii on the light wavelength. We conclude that the modulus-type description is the correct one and not the potential-type one. We corroborate this by showing that in the derivation of the traditional, potential-type theory a term in the wave equation has been tacititly neglected. In our new modulus-type theory the wave equation is exact. We check the consistency of the new theory with our data using a field-theoretical approach (nonlinear sigma model)

    Disorder-Induced High-Quality Wavefront In An Anderson Localizing Optical Fiber

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    High-quality coherent wavefronts are extremely useful in optical communications and lasers. Disorder is usually considered as a source of noise and deviation from ideal designs for generating high-quality beams in photonic devices. Here, we demonstrate that strong disorder can be exploited to obtain high-quality wavefronts thanks to the Anderson localization phenomenon. Our analysis on a transverse Anderson localizing optical fiber reveals that a considerable number of the guided modes have M2 \u3c 2 values. These high-quality modes are distributed across the transverse profile of the disordered fiber and can be excited without requiring sophisticated spatial light modulations at the input facet. The results show the potential of such fibers for novel applications in fiber lasers and nonlinear devices, where a high beam quality is desirable