2,306 research outputs found
Virtual exchange and the integration of global and ecological citizenship in foreign language education
242 p.[EN] This thesis was written and is framed in a context of educational change and global challenge marked by historic events such as the Covid-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine and the environmental crisis among others. As asserted in the 2022 UN’s annual ‘Progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Report’: “Today, we stand on the precipice of a critical moment. Either we fail to deliver on our commitments to support the world’s most vulnerable or together we turbo-charge our efforts to rescue the SDGs and deliver meaningful progress for people and the planet by 2030” (UN, 2022, p. 4). For this reason, the pedagogical activities proposed here take on special relevance due to their suitability for the development of intercultural (Byram, 2008), global (OECD, 2018), and ecological (Dobson, 2000, 2003, 2007) citizenship competences that favour sustainable and peaceful coexistence. As stated by the OECD (2018): “Developing a global and intercultural outlook is a process -a lifelong process- that education can shape” (p.5). It is following this idea of using education as a shaping power for preparing students to seize the opportunities and face the challenges that the present context poses that this doctoral thesis is born.
The spread of access to technology and the internet has made it possible to implement innovative educational approaches such as Virtual Exchange (VE) for such an endeavour . VE is an umbrella term used to refer to the engagement of groups of learners in online language and intercultural interaction and collaboration with partners from other cultural contexts or geographical locations as an integrated part of course work, and under the guidance of educators and/or expert facilitators (O’Dowd, 2018). Given that the number of students who spend a period of their university studies abroad is very low, such educational experience is key to the democratisation of access to intercultural learning as it offers students the possibility to interact and learn in an intercultural environment through the mediation of technology, without the need to travel abroad (De Wit, 2016).
Consequently, in recent decades, the implementation and recognition of VE has grown progressively and exponentially. Numerous studies and research projects have been carried out by educators that have explored and acknowledged the value of involving students in VE. These have been implemented from multiple approaches with well-documented success in developing numerous skill sets such as Foreign Language (FL) proficiency, Intercultural Competence (IC), cultural awareness or global citizenship which are key to live and thrive in the present context (Furstenberg et al., 2001;
O'Dowd, 2003; Belz, 2004; Brammerts, 2006; Müller-Hartmann, 2007; Guth and Helm, 2010; Chun, 2015; Lindner, 2016; O’Dowd, 2019). However, the potential of VE for the development of ecological citizenship, has not yet been exploited as it could, despite the urgency of training students to meet the eminent challenges posed by the environmental crisis. In response to this gap, this research has explored the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values students develop as a result of being exposed to an authentic experience of intercultural interaction and collaboration that enables them to better understand the local and global dimensions of environmental challenges as well as the possibilities for sustainable development. At the same time, this study aims to introduce this theme into the debate on VE with a view to promoting a global and ecological culture in university FL education.
The aims of this research were: (1) to determine how the objectives of global and ecological citizenship can be integrated into the field of FL education through VE (proposal of a VE model), (2) to identify the observed learning outcomes, (3) to compare and contrast the possibilities of bilingual and lingua franca approaches, and (4) to explore how teachers can support students in their learning all within the framework of the VE model developed. To this end, an Action Research (AR) methodology was adopted. This methodology consisted of the design and implementation of two iterative cycles in which the VE model was tested and refined following the phases of planning, action taking, evaluation and refinement or reconceptualisation. Each VE intervention was designed on the basis of a literature review and the systematic collection of qualitative self-reporting and interactional data. Learning was measured through triangulation of these various sources of qualitative information over a two-year period in which two iterative cycles were implemented with 3 cohorts of students.
In the first iteration, a telecollaborative bilingual-bicultural approach was adopted (see Dooly, 2017 and O’Dowd, 2016 for overviews) in which two groups of learners from Spain and Ireland studying each other's languaculture (Agar, 1994) communicated and collaborated using both languages. During the second iteration, a lingua franca approach was adopted (Kohn & Hoffstaedter, 2017) and students from Spain participated in a VE with a German partner class using English for communication and collaboration around issues of global relevance that go beyond explicit bicultural comparison (O'Dowd, 2019). The adoption of both approaches offers the opportunity to compare and contrast the possibilities of each telecollaborative learning configuration in order to reach reliable conclusions about their effectiveness for the implementation of the VE model developed. It also contributes to the need for further replication studies that aim to confirm the learning outcomes of specific VE approaches due to the heterogeneous nature of this pedagogical approach (O’Dowd, 2021b). Examples of such studies can be found in European Erasmus+ projects such as EVALUATE (EVALUATE group, 2019) or EVOLVE (EVOLVE Project Team, 2020) which examine the impact of the class-to-class VE model on large cohorts of students or the recent study by O'Dowd (2021b) in which the differences between these two approaches are analysed.
The multiple iterations combined with the systematic collection and triangulation of varied data sources, allowed for the identification of the answers to the research questions and contributed in turn to the conceptualisation and evolution of the VE model designed in this study. Key reference works such as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) (Council of Europe, 2001, 2018b, 2020) for the development of language skills in English, the Global Competences Framework (OECD, 2018) and Dobson's (2000, 2003, 2007) notions of the virtues of the ecological citizen were used for the interpretation and analysis of the data collected.
The main outcome of this study is an evidence-based understanding of the possibilities of VEs to develop FL, global and ecological competences through both bilingual and lingua franca approaches. The VEs implemented and the final model developed were efforts to create opportunities to guide learners in building their intercultural, global and ecological profile to successfully cope with the present context made possible by the opportunities that technological mediation offers educators today. Furthermore, the study also identifies key aspects to be considered by teachers when designing and implementing VEs for the development of these competences. In addition, the study provides a VE model comprising specific tasks and materials ready to be used and/or adapted by other FL teachers who wish to introduce the global and ecological perspective into their classrooms
Protección del derecho al honor de las “víctimas” de los medios de comunicación mediante el ejercicio del derecho de rectificación
La velocidad de divulgación de las noticias en la sociedad actual multiplica los efectos perjudiciales que
las mismas pueden tener sobre la reputación, fama o imagen de los involucrados, respecto de los cuales la población
rápidamente se forma una opinión muy difícilmente modificable, convirtiéndoles de este modo en verdaderas
víctimas de los medios de comunicación. ¿Qué defensa tenemos los ciudadanos frente a estas actuaciones que nos
perjudican? El ejercicio del derecho de rectificación es un instrumento cuyas características le hacen especialmente
útil en estos supuestos de divulgación por los medios de comunicación de hechos perjudiciales que consideramos
inexactos. No se trata de controlar la veracidad de las informaciones publicadas sino del derecho de quienes se
sienten perjudicados por ellas a dar su versión, lo que ha permitido calificarlo de derecho de acceso por alusiones,
o un derecho de réplica o a ofrecer otra versión.The speed of divulgation of news multiplies nowadays its negative effects on the reputation or the
image of those concerned, over which people quickly reach an opinion hard to change. They became, this way, into
really mass media’s victims. What way of defense do we have as citizens against this harmful behavior? The Right of
Rectification is an especially useful tool. This is not to control truthfulness of published information, but the right to
give our own version. This feature has driven it to be qualified as a right to access by means of allusions, or the right
to offer another version
Reparación de las víctimas del delito en la Unión Europea: tutela por el Tribunal de Justicia de la UE del derecho a la indemnización
En la actualidad son numerosos los instrumentos normativos, europeos y nacionales, que regulan los derechos y la protección de los diferentes tipos de víctimas dentro del ámbito de la Unión Europea, garantizándolos más allá de las fronteras de un Estado miembro. El TJ ha definido el concepto de infracción penal y de autor de la infracción a efectos del derecho a la indemnización de las víctimas. Partiendo de la consideración de que la reparación y, concretamente la indemnización, es uno de los derechos más relevantes, las víctimas españolas cuentan con amplias posibilidades de tutela del mismo, tanto cuando deriva de delitos nacionales como de delitos cometidos en el territorio de otro Estado miembro de la Unión Europea, y tanto por parte del infractor, como, y en defecto de éste, por el Estado. Las vías procesales para hacer efectivo este derecho a la indemnización son diversas, pudiendo seguir tanto la penal como la civil
Interpretación y aplicación del derecho a la traducción de documentos esenciales por los tribunales penales en España
In this study is analyzed the right to translation of essential documents in criminal proceedings in the European Union and for the execution of a European arrest warrant, as applied and interpreted by judicial case law. This guarantee is ruled in article 3 of the Directive 2010/64/UE, where is also expressed that its purpose, concerning the right of defense as well as safeguarding the fairness of the proceedings, is directed to the superior aim of facilitate mutual recognition of criminal decisions and criminal judicial cooperation in the European Union, by means of setting out minimum common standards of procedural rights. Although from the point of view of the right to a fair trial it is more important the right to interpretation, it is also more difficult to guarantee its effectiveness in real proceedings. From a practical point of view it’s found more useful to analyze the right to translation of essential documents in a deep and detailed way, with special attention to its more problematic and weak faces.En el presente estudio se analiza exclusivamente el derecho a la traducción de los documentos esenciales en los procesos penales en la UE y en el procedimiento de ejecución de OEDyE, según es interpretado y aplicado por los tribunales. La garantía que supone el derecho de todo sospechoso, acusado o persona reclamada en la Unión Europea a la traducción de los documentos que resulten esenciales para su defensa se encuentra regulado en el art. 3 de la Directiva 2010/64/UE, donde también se recoge expresamente que su finalidad, tanto de defensa como de salvaguardar la equidad del proceso, se orienta a ese fin superior que es facilitar el reconocimiento mutuo de resoluciones penales y la cooperación judicial en la Unión Europea mediante el establecimiento de unos derechos y garantías procesales mínimas comunes. Aunque el derecho a intérprete es todavía más relevante desde el punto de vista del debido proceso o derecho a un proceso con todas las garantías, sin embargo garantizar su efectivo cumplimiento en los procesos reales es más difícil que el derecho a la traducción de documentos esenciales. Desde un punto de vista práctico puede resultar de mayor utilidad el análisis detenido de este último con especial atención a sus aspectos más débiles y problemáticos
Iraupen luzeko irakasleriaren garapenaren eraginkortasuna: irakasleriaren kontzepzioetan, hurbilketan eta kultura instituzionalean
[ENG] This article is based on a comprehensive concept of faculty development and studies the impact of the ERAGIN development strategy. For this, two areas of impact are analyzed the teacher individual level and the organizational and institutional levels.
To realize this analysis we take the first promotion of ERAGIN program to develop active teaching methodologies (Case Method, Problem-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning). Through a long-term strategy (350 hours) and working in co-mentoring groups, this research provides empirical evidence of the impact not only on teaching skills and conceptions about teaching and learning (T-L) but also on the ability for T-L research (scholarship of teaching and learning) as well as on educational leadership. Those aspects point out organizational change and support the progressive realization of the hybrid curriculum.
Therefore along the article we will discuss the following aspects: our goals and that the theoretical keys that support them, empirical context of this research, the methodology, the results and finally, the general conclusions.[ES] Este artículo parte de un concepto comprensivo del desarrollo docente y estudia el impacto de la estrategia de desarrollo de ERAGIN. Para ello se analizan dos ámbitos de impacto, por un lado el nivel docente individual, y por otro los niveles organizativos e institucionales.
Para realizar este análisis tomaremos como caso la primera promoción del programa ERAGIN para desarrollo de metodologías activas (Método de Caso, Aprendizaje basado en Problemas y Aprendizaje basado en Proyectos. A través de una estrategia larga en el tiempo (350 horas) y trabajando en grupos de co-mentoría, el estudio empírico da evidencias del impacto de esta formación en los conceptos sobre la enseñanza y el aprendizaje (E-A) de los docentes, en su enfoque pero también en la capacidad para investigar la docencia (scholarship of teaching and learning) o para liderar en ámbitos docentes. Estos aspectos nos introducen ya en el cambio organizativo y colaboran en la progresiva materialización del currículum híbrido.
Por lo tanto a lo largo del artículo analizaremos los siguientes aspectos: nuestros objetivos y las claves teóricas que los soportan, el contexto empírico de esta investigación, la metodología aplicada, los resultados obtenidos y finalmente, las conclusiones generales abordadas
Educational Development Units in Spain: Current status and emerging trends
Recent studies show that the character, function and goals of Educational Development Units (EDUs) in many countries are undergoing a shift, and they now tend to support universities and learning in a more comprehensive way. The status of Spanish EDUs, however, has not been studied in detail. The aim of this article is to describe the current status of 45 such units to explore the degree to which a similar shift can be observed. The data revealed clusters, from which four models were defined. The models illustrate the increasing diversity of functions and widening scope of practice within Spanish EDUs
Unibertsitateko irakasleen profezionalizazio baterantz: azterketa teorikoa
[ENG] Faculty development is recognized as a relevant factor for improving the quality of education in higher education institutions. However, behind this term different conceptions and practices are hiding. This article aims to analyze the changes and continuities of this concept over time and to understand deeply the complexity of their meanings, for which we will approach the construction of these meanings in their socio-historical contexts of production and scientific research. This perspective of analysis allows us to conclude that it has been moving from an approach oriented to supporting teachers in their development as teachers, professionals and/or academics, towards another, focused on promoting effective teaching and learning processes at micro and macro level. These challenges highlight the need to foster broader visions that, beyond teachers, focus on organizations, frameworks, and infrastructures that target teaching and learning.[ES] El desarrollo docente es reconocido como un factor relevante para la mejora de la calidad educativa en las instituciones de educación superior. No obstante, detrás de este término se esconden concepciones y prácticas diferentes. Este trabajo pretende analizar los cambios y continuidades de este concepto a lo largo del tiempo y comprender profundamente la complejidad de sus significados, para lo cual abordaremos la construcción de estos significados en sus contextos de producción socio-histórica y de investigación científica. Esta perspectiva de análisis nos permite concluir que se ha ido transitando desde un enfoque orientado a apoyar al profesorado en su desarrollo como docente, profesional y/o académico, hacia otro, enfocado a favorecer procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje efectivos a nivel micro y macro. Estos desafíos explicitan la necesidad de fomentar visiones más amplias que, más allá del profesorado, fijen la atención en las organizaciones, los marcos y las infraestructuras que se dirigen a la enseñanza-aprendizaje.UPV/EHUko IkasGura ikerketa taldea; GIU 14/08. «Hezkuntza,Kultura eta Gizartea» izena duen Prestakuntza eta Ikerkuntza Unitatearen, UFI 11/54
Shaping the identity of novice academics: strategies for support professional development
Studies on professional development and the construction of teaching identities in Higher Education point to the need to review the induction process for novice academics and to establish programmes that support their inclusion in the university. This article analyses such a programme, focusing on strategies used to construct an academic teaching identity. The results allowed participants to feel included, to construct rational guidelines for teaching, and to construct clear scenarios for understanding their tasks within the institution.However,theresultsalso highlight the need to integrate the research side intothe programme, thus helping them to construct a global academic identity that integrates the teaching self and the investigating self.IkasGura Research Group which is funded by the UPV/EHU (GIU 14/08) and, at the same time is part of the Training and Research Unit “Education, Culture and Society (UFI 11/54)
Regular variation and related results for the multivariate GARCH(p,q) model with constant conditional correlations
AbstractWe establish the regular variation of the finite dimensional distributions of the multivariate GARCH(p,q) process with constant conditional correlations under mild assumptions on the noise distribution. We use this property for two main purposes: First, to describe the componentwise-maximum domain of attraction in which the process lies; and second, to relate the asymptotic behavior of the sample autocovariance function of the process to its regular variation index
Un argumento a favor de la argumentación: los debates como recurso didáctico en el aula de inglés
[Resumen] El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la utilización de los debates como recursos didácticos en el aula de inglés, en concreto en las Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas (EOIs). El análisis del potencial didáctico de los debates se complementa con una propuesta de enseñanza-aprendizaje para implementar este recurso en un aula de inglés de nivel C1.[Abstract] The aim of the present study is to explore the use of debates as teaching and learning resources in the English classroom, particularly in the Official Language Schools (EOIs). The analysis of the didactic potential of debates is accompanied by a teaching and learning proposal to implement this resource in an English C1 classroom
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