221 research outputs found


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    Local governments provide more or less similar and comparable public services like police protection, fire control, roads, water and sewer, parks and recreation, public improvements, planning and zoning, and general administrative services to the residents in their jurisdictions. Yet, there are significant variations in the per capita expenditures of public service expenditures of comparable communities. What are the factors that explain these variations? This study attempts to answer the above questions using an extensive panel data of forty-six fast growing local governments in the State of Michigan. The explanatory variables considered in the study are population size, population growth rate, population density, type of government structure, per capita values of different types of property, and location of community in relation to metropolitan areas. A Fixed Effects econometric model was employed to analyze the data sets. The results showed that: (1) per capita public service expenditures of fast growing communities vary widely, (2) cities and townships of different population sizes have different expenditure patterns, and (3) communities located close to metropolitan districts have higher expenditures than those located farther away. More importantly, while the explanatory power of all variables varied across community groups, the per capita value of total property was found to be a consistently significant variable in explaining the variations in expenditures of local governments. If population growth into smaller size communities is re-directed, the savings that could be obtained from the joint impact of increased population and a dense new residential development could be substantial.Public Economics,

    Evaluation and Demonstration of Indigenous Fodder Trees and Shrubs in Alicho-wriro District, Siltie Zone

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    Agroforestry is a system and/or practices which incorporates different component in the same piece of land to produce forage, crop product, wood product and so on. Forage is the major limiting factor in tropical specially, in Ethiopia, feed source is depends on natural grazing (green grass). This research is design to dig out or assess and evaluate the nutritive value of other feed source that can easily found during dry season, natural grazing is abandoned and to demonstrate. Primary and secondary data were used. Group discussion, key informant interview and questioner were tools to collect primary data and document and literature review were used to collect secondary data during surveying. Leaf sample of identified fodder tree species collected and send to laboratory for further evaluation of their nutritive value. According to the research 41-60, 20-40 year and >60 years having the percent coverage of 46.6%, 38.6% and 14.8% respectively age distribution. About 55.7%, 39.7% and 4.5% of respondents are illiterate and elementary and others respectively. Total family size per household 6-10, <5 and >10 that account 56.8%, 31.8% and 11.4% from the respondent. 87.5% of respondent have greater 1ha land and 64.4%, 25% and 10.2 % of respondent medium, poor and rich wealth level. From interviewed farmer 84% of them have livestock less than 10 and only 16% were have greater than 10. Dry occurred about for six month in a year with high fodder shortage in the study srea. The major feed source for animal in wet season is green grass and in dry season tree are leaf, crop residue and enset leaf.  Bundelija polystachya, Yushanya alpin, Hygenia abysinica and Domoboya torrid are most frequently found fodder tree and feed source, which are naturally found around home, fence, and farm boundary and farm field. These fodder trees were more preferred by farmers because of their availability during dry season. Farmers use seedling to plant tree and pruning is most famer practices to provide forage/tree leaf for animal compared to other tending operation. Based on this we concluded that in the study area forage problem is high during dry season as the same time there are enough feed source with better nutritional value but not equally known or considered by all farmer. Therefore, indigenous fodder tree were recommended for best-feed source during feed shortage period and demonstration these indigenous fodder tree. Keywords: Alicho-wriro, Agroforestry, Fodder tree, Indigenous, Livestoc

    Evaluation of Multifunctional Fodder Bank Trees and Shrubs in Meskan Woreda Enseno Usma Kebele

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    Agroforestry is a system and/or practices which incorporates different component in the same piece of land to produce forage, crop product, wood product and so on. Forage is the major limiting factor in tropical specially, in Ethiopia, feed source is depends on natural grazing (green grass). This research is design to evaluate the biomass production potential and nutritive value fodder tree and shrubs during dry season, planted as protein band. The research was done in experimental plot of 26m*19.5m with 4m*4m plot size. Five fodder trees,susbania sesban, Moringa stenopetala, Morus alba, Lucenia luecocephala and Azandritcha indica were selected for experiment based on their adaptability to the area. According to the research Sesbania sesban had shows high growth rate having height of 0.67m and 2.84m in the first and the second years followed by Lucenia luecocephala with heght of 0.21m and 1.05m in the first and the second year respectively. Similarly, Sesbania sesban had provide high leaf biomass in dry season for animals followed by Lucenia luecocephala with 4.5kg and 0.87kg of biomass respectively.  On the other hand Morrus alba had show low growth rate, in height, leaf number, no. of branch and root collar diameter, and leaf biomass production. Azandritcha indica had no survived that means all most seedling were died and the remaining were not grow for measurable size with respect to others. The leaf chemical composition of those fodder tree were analyzed in laboratory. Dry matter content of all analyzed species were not show any significant differenc b/n them. Moringa stenopetala, Morus alba and Leuceana leucocephala have show high in crude protein, mineral matter and calcium relative to others. Based on this study we concluded that those tree species like Sesbania sesban, Moringa steopetala amd leuceana leucocephala were can provide enough forage during dry season having good chemical composition. Then farmers can plant those species as fodder source in piece of land. Keywords: Agroforestry, dry season, farmers, fodder bank, fodder tree, enseno usm

    Groundwater Development and Management Practices in Lake Awassa Catchment, Southern Ethiopia

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    The amount of groundwater that is currently being used for domestic and non-domestic purposes in the basin is 17.8 million cubic meter. The net total amount of water that is actually available to recharge the groundwater circulation within the Lake Awassa catchment is 218.79 million cubic meter. Currently, 233 groundwater structures are found developed in different parts of the study area. Out of these 49 are non functional. Among the developed groundwater structures dominantly nonfunctional is hand dug wells, which comprises 29.55% of the total constructed hand dug wells. The hand dug wells are followed by shallow wells (25%), springs (19.75%) and boreholes (10%). Poor management of the constructed schemes, lack of awareness at community level, spare part problems, and construction problems are the major causes of the failure of the groundwater structures. Utilization of groundwater in the functional ones is not conducted on the basis of recommended values that were set based on the hydrogeological parameters during the development of the structures. Discharging hours are increased to satisfy the water demands of different users. Currently, groundwater is developed without groundwater management plan in uncoordinated manner by governmental and nongovernmental organizations and also privately.At present, the amount of natural recharge in the basin is more than the abstraction. The problem is not lack of water; it is rather absence of or poor management. This is mainly due to lack of efficient groundwater management organization at sub-basin level. Management of groundwater resources is crucial for better development and optimum utilization of the groundwater resources of the basin and to avoid any adverse effects. Therefore it is necessary to establish an efficient groundwater management organization that can conduct detailed groundwater management studies of the basin, follow the objectives of the national water resources management policy and also effectively implement. Keywords: Aquifer ; Ethiopia;Groundwater management; Hydrogeology;Lake Awsasa DOI: 10.7176/JEES/10-12-01 Publication date: December 31st 202

    Assessment Report of Surveillance System and Outbreak Investigation in Yello Health Center, Loma District: Case Study

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    Surveillance is used for the application of health information for action under the following general set of conditions: in case of emergency situation, when timely response is demanded, needs public health epidemiologist must travel to & work in the field to solve the problem and when the extent of investigation is likely to be limited because of the imperative for timely intervention.The WHO-AFRO IDSR strategy focuses on the district level, but the goal of the IDSR strategy is to develop sufficient surveillance and response capacities at each level of the national system so that a flexible national infectious disease surveillance system will result. In a national adaptation of the strategy, a country might choose to focus initially on a few diseases depending on national resources and capacities.This study was done to assess the public health surveillance system and outbreak investigation in selected Yello Health Center, Loma District, South Ethiopia by using a cross sectional study was conducted from January 14-25 2/ 2012 in Yello Health Center.The data from different case team units in the health center is compiled but not analyzed by person, place and time dimensions. They perform trend analysis for malaria case only. They are using the information from statistics office to get denominator populationsSupervisors from woreda health office came to the health center three times in the past six months. The health center had made once supervision per month on the facilities under the health office i.e. health posts but no document was found about the supervision at all health posts.The health center has received written feedback from woreda health office but not from regional and supervisors. There is no standard case management protocol and contingency plan for epidemic prone diseases and possible outbreak in the health center. Activities conducted by health center on communicable disease prevention and control during the past 3 month includes Vitamin A supplementation, health education, malaria case management, ITN distribution and mass campaign like DDT spray. There is epidemic committee at the health center level. They are contributing to epidemic response activities by conducting case management, providing health education and immunization activities.Based on the assessment made, there is slightly alive surveillance system in the health center.The activities of IDSR system in health center are poor as it is evidenced by poor recording, analyzing, reporting, supervision and feedback. Therefore, a health center should create a link between laboratory and epidemiologic surveillance and need to increase the capacity to confirm cases and report to next higher level and reporting pattern of priority diseases need to be frequent and in line with the guideline. This works similarly for reporting to higher level and feedback to health posts. Keywords: IDSR, outbreak, Yello, catchment area, Loma Distric

    Rabies Prevalence, Prevention and Clinical Features in Case of Developing Countries: Article Review

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    Rabies is a viral disease that affects the central nervous system (CNS) of mammals and has an extremely high case fatality rate. It is widely distributed across the world, with only a few countries (mainly islands and peninsulas) that are free of the disease. It is a neglected disease of poor and vulnerable communities. Underreporting and not recording of cases made it unable to control.Africa and especially South East Asia and are the most common regions to be highly victims of dog bite rabies each year. Mostly young aged and rurals were commonly affected. All mammals are vulnerable to rabies, but only a limited number of species also act as reservoir hosts. They include members of the families Canidae (dogs, jackals, coyotes, wolves, foxes and raccoon dogs), Mustelidae (e.g., skunks), Viverridae (e.g., mongooses), and Procyonidae (raccoons), and the order Chiroptera (bats). Once clinical signs develop, there are very few survivors. Vaccines can protect pets, as well as people exposed to these animals, but the maintenance of rabies viruses in wildlife complicates control. In humans, illness can be prevented by administering anti-rabies antibodies and a series of vaccinations before the symptoms appear. However, people in impoverished countries do not always have access to effective post-exposure prophylaxis.In general, Domestic dogs serve as a major reservoir of rabies virus in many developing countries and are capable of maintaining virus transmission in a well-defined maintenance cycle. Cats are not known to act as maintenance reservoirs for unique rabies virus variants. They are important as incidental hosts affected by spillover and can serve as important in a chain of transmission of rabies virus to humans and other domestic animals. The only means to prevent rabies is ant rabies vaccination. Keywords: Domestic animals, Dogs, Developing Countries, Epidemiology, Human rabies, Vaccine Prevention and Contro

    The Effect of Business Process Re-engineering Practices on Employee Performances (The Case of Essera Woreda in Dawro Zone South West ETHIOPIA)

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of business process reengineering practices on employee performances. Egalitarian leadership cooperative working environment, top management commitment, the use of information technology, and resistance to change are major variables dealt in the study. Methods designed were descriptive and explanatory. probability sampling techniques and non-probability were used. Sample size determined scientifically was 110.The probability sampling technique used were stratified and simple probability technique. source of data was primary and secondary. Data collection tools were structured interview and questionnaires. Data was analysed by both descriptive and inferential analysis methods. The study achieved 92.7% response rate since 102 questionnaires were filled and returned out of 110 questionnaires distributed. Statistical package social science (SPSS21 version) software used to enter data. Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression model used for inferential analysis methods. Finally, conclusion was egalitarian leadership, cooperative working environment, top management commitment and use of information technology have significant effect on employee performances and resistance to change has insignificant effect on employee performances. A recommendation suggested on the findings were the organization should efficiently share the vision, top managers should participate employees in decision making, update information technology, making conducive working environment to achieve employee performances effectively. Keywords: Business process reengineering, leadership, top managements, employee performances DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/13-5-01 Publication date:March 31st 202

    Effect of Procurement Practices on Performances of Public Organizations (The Case of Essera Woreda in Dawro Zone South West Ethiopia)

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    The main objective of the study was to explain the effect of public procurement practices on performances of the organization. Procurement practices on such as procurement planning, procurement method, procurement transparency, competency of procuring staff, and contract management are independent variables in the study and the performance of the organization was dependent variable. The study used explanatory research design. The sampling technique used both probability and non-probability. The total target population of the study was 410.Among the total population 203 were scientifically selected as sample size. The data sources used in the study was primary data source. Primary data source used for data collection was questionnaires. Data were analysed by inferential statistical method. The study achieved 96% response rate since 195 questionnaires were filled and returned out of 203 questioners distributed. Statistical package for social science (SPSS 21 version) software used to data entry. Inferential analysis used was Pearson correlation and multiple linear regression model. The findings of the study showed that procurement planning, procurement methods, procurement transparency, staff competency and contract management had significance effect on the performances of the organizations. Finally, the researcher recommended that public organizations should efficiently manage procurement practices to achieve effectively. Keywords: public procurement, procurement planning, contract management, procurement methods DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-19-05 Publication date:October 31st 202
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