7 research outputs found

    Non-aqueous retention measurements: ultrafiltration behaviour of polystyrene solutions and colloidal silver particles

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    The retention behaviour of polyimide ultrafiltration membranes was investigated using dilute solutions of polystyrene in ethyl acetate as test solutions. It is shown that flow-induced deformation of the polystyrene chains highly affects the membrane retention. This coil-stretch transition is not instantaneous, but gradual. The concept of a deformation resistance has been ontroduced to explain this behaviour. This concept can be applied to describe the flux behaviour of the membranes during the tests as well. Solute deformation allows comparison of the pore size distributions of the membranes qualitatively. Retention measurements were also performed with silver sol particles that were prepared in mixtures of ethanol and water; these sols remain stable as long as the ethanol concentration does not exceed 57 vol%. The sols were completely retained by the membranes, which is probably caused by the fact that the effective diameter of the particles is much larger than that observed by transmission electron microscopy

    Recent advances in the formation of phase inversion membranes made from amorphous or semi-crystalline polymers

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    Structural characteristics in membranes formed by diffusion induced phase separation processes are discussed. Established theories on membrane formation from ternary systems can be extended to describe the effects of high or low molecular weight additives. A mechanism for the formation of nodular structures in the top layer of ultrafiltration membranes is presented. In the last part structures arising from polymer crystallization during immersion precipitation are discussed

    Characterization of new membrane materials by means of fouling experiments Adsorption of bsa on polyetherimide-polyvinylpyrrolidone membranes

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    The hydrophilicity of polyetherimide-polyvinylpyrrolidone (PEI-PVP) microfiltration membranes can be adjusted by means of a suitable post-treatment. The influence of the nature of the membrane surface on fouling properties was studied using permeation experiments before and after exposure to a protein (BSA) solution and adsorption experiments with 14C labelled BSA. A correlation between the permeation experiments and the radiolabelled BSA adsorption experiments was found. The PVP in the membrane matrix prevents BSA adsorption taking place to a large extent and it appeared that heat-treated PEI-PVP membranes showed the same nonfouling behaviour as, for example, cellulose acetate membranes

    Hindered diffusion of flexible polymers through polyimide ultrafiltration membranes

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    The hindered diffusion of polystyrene in dilute solutions of ethyl acetate through polyimide ultrafiltration membranes has been investigated. The present system did not show specific membrane-solute interactions; furthermore, polystyrene can be considered as a flexible polymer coil. It is shown that the hindered diffusive permeability for monodisperse dilute solutions for a series of molecular weights can be compared well with the diffusive permeability curve of one polydisperse dilute polystyrene solution. In the case of very dilute solutions, the polymer coils have no interaction with each other, and the whole range of molecular-weight-dependent permeabilities can be determined from only one measurement. The diffusion behavior of polydisperse solutions through various polyimide membranes has been investigated as well. It was found that the diffusive permeability curve is strongly dependent on the type of membrane, that is, on the pore size distribution. It was not possible to calculate a pore size distribution from diffusion experiments due to mathematical limitations. Nevertheless, it was shown that hindered diffusion measurements are useful to estimate a maximum pore size for each membrane