52 research outputs found

    Sprachliche Variationen von mathematischen Textaufgaben

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    EinschÀtzungen von Dritt- und ViertklÀssler*innen zur mathematikdidaktischen QualitÀt der ANTON-App

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    Der Einsatz digitaler Medien im Mathematikunterricht ist in der Forschung sowie in der Schulpraxis in den Fokus gerĂŒckt und fĂŒhrt zu einem breiten Angebot digitaler Lernangebote wie bspw. unterschiedlicher Tablet-Apps (Rink & Walter, 2020), mit denen Kinder ihre mathematischen FĂ€higkeiten begleitend zum oder im Unterricht vertiefen können. Eine fachdidaktische Evaluierung dieser Angebote hat bereits in Teilen etwa in Bezug auf die mathematische Lernförderlichkeit (Leuders, 2019) oder auf motivationale und affektive Merkmale (Reinhold et al., 2021) stattgefunden. DarĂŒber hinaus werden weitere systematische Analysen von regelmĂ€ĂŸig eingesetzten digitalen Medien benötigt, die zeigen, wie diese das mathematische Lernen von SchĂŒler*innen sinnvoll bereichern können (Bakker, 2018). Als eine der im deutschsprachigen Raum hĂ€ufig heruntergeladenen und eingesetzten Apps rĂŒckt so ANTON - Lernen - Schule (Solocode GmbH, 2021) in den Fokus

    Influence of primary students’ self-regulated learning profiles on their rating of a technology-enhanced learning environment for mathematics

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    The importance of learning technologies for mathematics education is increasing as new opportunities arise for mathematics education for all students, in school and at home. These so-called technology-enhanced learning environments (TELEs) incorporating technology with mathematical content are useful for developing mathematical knowledge and can simultaneously foster self-regulated learning (SRL) and motivational learning in mathematics. However, how do primary students’ differences in their SRL and motivation affect their rating of the quality of mathematical TELEs? To answer this research question, we asked third and fourth-grade primary students (n = 115) to evaluate both their SRL, including metacognition and motivation, and the quality characteristics of the ANTON application, a frequently and intensively used TELE in Germany. Using a person-centered research approach by conducting a cluster analysis, we identified three SRL profiles of primary students—motivated self-learners, non-motivated self-learners, and average motivated non-self-learners—who differ in their ratings of the quality characteristics of the TELE (output variables). Our results highlight that motivated self-learners and non-motivated self-learners vary significantly in their rating of the adequacy of the TELE to their mathematical learning and highly but not significantly concerning the TELE’s reward system. Moreover, differences existed between the motivated self-learners and the average motivated non-self-learners regarding their rating of the characteristic differentiation. Based on these findings, we assume that technical elements associated with adequacy, differentiation, and rewards of mathematical TELEs should be tailorable to the needs of individuals and groups of primary schoolchildren

    Erfassung individueller Lerntrajektorien zum Ableitungsbegriff in einer digitalen Lernumgebung

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    Ein zentraler Gegenstand der mathematikdidaktischen Forschung ist die Untersuchung, wie SchĂŒler*innen mathematische Begriffe im Verlauf einer Unterrichtssequenz entwickeln (Duncan & Hmelo-Silver, 2009). FĂŒr die Analyse derartiger LernverlĂ€ufe (Lerntrajektorien), vor dem Hintergrund einer theoretischen, idealisierten Lernprogression der Begriffsentwicklung, wird eine kontinuierliche Erfassung der Lernprozesse benötigt. Das Projekt ALICE (Analyzing Learning for Individualized Competence Development in Mathematics and Science Education) adressiert solche Fragestellungen domĂ€nenspezifischer Begriffsentwicklungen. DafĂŒr werden in Physik (Energie), Biologie (Evolution), Chemie (chemische Reaktionen) und Mathematik (Ableitung) Unterrichtseinheiten ĂŒber 20 Stunden in einer digitalen Lernumgebung konzipiert und die Begriffsentwicklung der SchĂŒler*innen evaluiert

    Irreversibility, Mechanical Entanglement and Thermal Melting in Superconducting Vortex Crystals with Point Impurities

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    We discuss the onset of irreversibility and entanglement of vortex lines in high Tc superconductors due to point disorder and thermal fluctuations using a simplified cage model. A combination of Flory arguments, known results from directed polymers in random media, and a Lindemann criterion are used to estimate the field and temperature dependence of irreversibility, mechanical entanglement and thermal melting. The qualitative features of this dependence, including its nonmonotonicity when disorder is sufficiently strong, are in good agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 7 pages, uses RevTeX, multicol.sty and epsf.sty, 5 EPS figures include

    Photoemission "experiments" on holographic superconductors

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    We study the effects of a superconducting condensate on holographic Fermi surfaces. With a suitable coupling between the fermion and the condensate, there are stable quasiparticles with a gap. We find some similarities with the phenomenology of the cuprates: in systems whose normal state is a non-Fermi liquid with no stable quasiparticles, a stable quasiparticle peak appears in the condensed phase.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures; v2: typos corrected and some clarification adde

    Biological Flora of the British Isles: Sorbus torminalis

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    1.This account presents information on all aspects of the biology of Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz (Wild Service-tree) that are relevant to understanding its ecological characteristics and behaviour. The main topics are presented within the standard framework of the Biological Flora of the British Isles: distribution, habitat, communities, responses to biotic factors, responses to environment, structure and physiology, phenology, floral and seed characters, herbivores and disease, history, and conservation.2.Sorbus torminalis is an uncommon, mostly small tree (but can reach 33 m) native to lowland England and Wales, and temperate and Mediterranean regions of mainland Europe. It is the most shade-tolerant member of the genus in the British Isles and as a result it is more closely associated with woodland than any other British species. Like other British Sorbus species, however, it grows best where competition for space and sunlight is limited. Seedlings are shade tolerant but adults are only moderately so. This, combined with its low competitive ability, restricts the best growth to open areas. In shade, saplings and young adults form a sapling bank, showing reproduction and extensive growth only when released. Sorbus torminalis tolerates a wide range of soil reaction (pH 3.5-8.0) but grows best on calcareous clays and thin soils over limestone.3.Sorbus torminalis is a sexual, diploid, non-apomictic species that has hybridised with a number of other Sorbus species to form microspecies. The hermaphrodite flowers are primarily insect pollinated. Seed production is reliable only in warm years, especially at the edge of its range, although even then seed viability is low. The fruits are primarily dispersed by carnivorous mammals. Seeds display embryo dormancy but most will germinate the first spring after falling.4.This tree is very tolerant of short droughts but only moderately tolerant of frost, hence its southerly and lowland distribution. It faces no particular individual threats although the small size of most populations makes it susceptible to habitat loss and fragmentation, particularly through the loss of open coppiced areas. As a consequence it appears to be declining throughout Britain and Europe despite its wide range of historical uses and the high value of its timber. The extent to which these losses will be offset by increases due to climate change is unknown.This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Evaluation von sprachlichen Schwierigkeiten bei Mathematikaufgaben

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    Bednorz D. Evaluation von sprachlichen Schwierigkeiten bei Mathematikaufgaben. In: BeitrĂ€ge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018. VortrĂ€ge zur Mathematikdidaktik und zur Schnittstelle Mathematik/Mathematikdidaktik auf der gemeinsamen Jahrestagung GDM und DMV 2018 . MĂŒnster: WTM-Verlag; 2018

    Evaluation von sprachlichen Schwierigkeiten bei Mathematikaufgaben

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    Bednorz D. Evaluation von sprachlichen Schwierigkeiten bei Mathematikaufgaben. In: BeitrĂ€ge zum Mathematikunterricht 2018. VortrĂ€ge zur Mathematikdidaktik und zur Schnittstelle Mathematik/Mathematikdidaktik auf der gemeinsamen Jahrestagung GDM und DMV 2018 . MĂŒnster: WTM-Verlag; 2018
