10 research outputs found
Characterization of Tissue Growth into Pellets and Partial Sections of Porous Porcelain and Titania Implanted in Bone
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1974
- Field of study
A Simple Method for Patients Palatal Rugae Duplication in Complete Dentures
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Maxillofacial prostheses challenges in resource constrained regions
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Prosthetic Rehabilitation for Patients with Maxillectomy – A Case Report
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Esthetics: Patients' Perceptions of Dental Attractiveness
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Mouth sticks: their past, present and future
- Author
- AD Bastable
- AJ Cloran
- AJ Cloran
- BA Evans
- D O'Donnel
- D O'Donnell
- E Lutwak
- EY Mildred
- HL Blaine
- I. K. Toor
- J Smokler
- JC Moore
- JH Nunn
- JP Brown
- KP Kozole
- M Sniderman
- M Zalkind
- MA Frankel
- MH Yeakel
- MW Donnelly
- O Garsud
- OE Beder
- R Mulligan
- R Smith
- RA Olsen
- RJ Grisius
- RR Buckely
- RW Stow
- S Garcia
- S Hemley
- S. B. Critchlow
- S. Tabiat-Pour
- WC King
- WJ Dampier
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Acceptable Deviation between Facial and Dental Midlines in Dentate Population
- Author
- AH Tjan
- B Rosner
- BD Lyun
- BE Kern
- CO Boucher
- DD Krajicek
- E Levin
- E Pound
- GH Latta Jr
- GJ Christensen
- H Peck
- HA Collett
- HF Mckenow
- HR Ortman
- HS Cardash
- J Morley
- JJ Sharry
- JP Frush
- K. R. Nagaraj
- M Charles
- M. P. Harshavardhan
- MR Mack
- MR Sharland
- MR Sharland
- MR Venkataswamy
- N. S. Jayalakshmi
- NH Cox
- OE Beder
- P. L. Rupesh
- RE Goldstein
- RE Lombardi
- RE Lombardi
- S. Ravindra
- SM Wright
- T Doldo
- VA Cesario Jr
- WD Culpepper
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Value at Risk Estimation
- Author
- A Hyvärinen
- A Hyvärinen
- A Lunde
- A McNeil
- BM Bibby
- C Pérignon
- D Nelson
- D Nelson
- E Eberlein
- E Giacomini
- J Beirlant
- J Berkowitz
- J Franke
- J Pickands
- JI Pickands
- K Kuester
- L Zhang
- M McAleer
- O Barndorff-Nielsen
- OE Barndorff-Nielsen
- P Artzner
- P Embrechts
- P Embrechts
- P Embrechts
- P Jorion
- P Kupiec
- P ČÞek
- PF Christoffersen
- R Engle
- R Engle
- R Koenker
- R Nelsen
- R Tsay
- RF Engle
- S. Poon
- T Andersen
- T Andersen
- T Beder
- T Bollerslev
- T Bollerslev
- TG Andersen
- W Härdle
- Y Chen
- YK Tse
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A review of electrodes for the electrical brain signal recording
- Author
- A Altuna
- AC Hoogerwerf
- AK Kreiter
- AM Dymond
- AR Mota
- B Renshaw
- B Rubehn
- BA Wester
- BC Wheeler
- BJ Kim
- BL McNaughton
- C Grozea
- C Henle
- C Henle
- CJ Harland
- CJ Lee
- D Pellinen
- DH Hubel
- DW Park
- E Asano
- E Marg
- EGC Clarke
- F Wörgötter
- FR Robinson
- G Kotzar
- G Liang
- G Lind
- G Ruffini
- G Voskerician
- GE Loeb
- Guideline thirteen: guidelines for standard electrode position nomenclature.
- H Shin
- H Toda
- H Zhu
- H-G Rhew
- H-L Peng
- J Thelin
- J-C Chiou
- JD Green
- JI Bates
- JJ Burmeister
- JP Seymour
- K Lee
- K Lee
- KA Moxon
- KE Jones
- KJ Yu
- L-D Liao
- LA Geddes
- LF Haas
- LW Tien
- M Abeles
- M Ochoa
- M Oehler
- M Recce
- M Salganicoff
- MA Brazier
- MK Patan
- ML Wolbarsht
- MR Klee
- OD Creutzfeldt
- OD Creutzfeldt
- OE Beder
- P Griss
- P Mohanan
- P Salvo
- P Tallgren
- PJ Rousche
- PJ Rousche
- PL Nunez
- R Caton
- R Cooper
- RF Jansen
- RG Bickford
- RM Dowben
- S Myllymaa
- S Schmidt
- S Takeuchi
- S Takeuchi
- S Woldring
- SB Lee
- SE Lee
- SW Lee
- T Adrega
- T Yamakawa
- TD Kozai
- TJ Sullivan
- TL Babb
- V Rowland
- W Shen
- WF Agnew
- Y-H d Chen
- YJ Huang
- YM Chi
- YY Chen
- Z Xiang
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Benign Non-neoplastic Lesions of the Head and Neck
- Author
- A Al-Mobeeriek
- A Belloso
- A Buchner
- A Chattopadhyay
- A Haemel
- A Hviid
- A Jainkittivong
- A Martinez-Penuela
- AA Razek
- AC Chi
- AC Chi
- ACL Chan
- AF Gouvea
- AG Smyth
- AR Hulsmann
- AS Kourosh
- B Heinze
- B Perez-Ordonez
- BC Vasconcelos
- BL Nelson
- BM Wenig
- BN Kumar
- BV Burns
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BW Neville
- BY Wang
- C Scully
- CA Egan
- CA Hart
- CB Fowler
- CC Plaschke
- CF Nonaka
- CR Penner
- CR Penner
- CS Miller
- CW Rennie
- D Assimakopoulos
- D Farina
- D Kademani
- D MM du
- D Vira
- DD Andressakis
- DH Rice
- DL Carlson
- DM Thompson
- DP D’Cruz
- DR Olney
- DS Foley
- DS Hurst
- DV Barge La
- E Bachor
- E Daniel
- E Karatas
- E Mantadakis
- EH Harley
- ES Norman
- F Gottwald
- FM Baik
- FM Butt
- FT Veloso
- G Dursun
- G Hedlund
- G Khanna
- G Leoncini
- G Merlini
- G Noussios
- GD Josephson
- GF Hulka
- GH Moussatos
- GL Coppit
- GL Davis
- GL Ellis
- GR Griffin
- H Yaman
- HH Brown
- HL Ioachim
- HR Schwartzbauer
- HV Ramos
- I Vennewald
- I Weinreb
- IB Masters
- J Gao
- J Guggenheimer
- J Jahanbani
- J Sunde
- J Yang
- J Yulin
- JA Felix
- JA Regezi
- JA Ship
- JD Harrison
- JD Shulman
- JE Bouquot
- JE Paes
- JF Kreidler
- JH Waldhausen
- JJ Sauk
- JV Hennessey
- JW Eveson
- K Anaes
- K Kakudo
- K Larson
- KA Atkins
- L Barnes
- L Barnes
- L Saranac
- LA Erickson
- LB Beder
- LC Rodrigues
- LD Thompson
- LP Dehner
- M Ahmad
- M Gorsky
- M Kelleher
- M Koch
- M Kovac-Kavcic
- M Nava-Villalba
- M Rowland
- M Schulz
- M Siponen
- MA DeMarcantonio
- MA Luna
- MD Heffner
- MD Moura
- ME Levi
- MG Sousa
- MJ Carfrae
- MJ Derebery
- ML Prasad
- MM Johns
- MN Kotby
- MS Brandwein-Gensler
- MS Dykewicz
- MS Schubert
- N Michaelopoulos
- NC Huang
- OE Tulunay
- P Adachi
- P Bertrand
- P Eloy
- P Kruszka
- P Lin
- PA Kreiger
- PD Karkos
- PD Kent
- PJ Bradley
- PJ Gergely
- PJ Woodward
- PV Voulgari
- R Bovo
- R Bovo
- R Desailloud
- R Persaud
- R Sanchez
- R Sindwani
- RA DeLellis
- RA Lebowitz
- RAP Persaud
- RC O’Reilly
- RD Thrasher
- RE Massine
- RI Fox
- RL Chai
- RM Robati
- RP Mehta
- RP Rapini
- RR Seethala
- RS Bahn
- RS Bahn
- RW Brauchle
- S Al-Dousary
- S Avitia
- S Baget
- S Basaria
- S Elchahal
- S Gulati
- S Harty
- S Kariya
- S Muller
- S Muller
- S Vaid
- SA Okhovat
- SD Pletcher
- SE Sobol
- SJ McQuone
- SM Campbell
- SM Grossmann
- SP Gubbels
- SP Hao
- SR Pillemer
- SS Chao
- T Jansen
- TR Flynn
- TS Higgins
- TS Kuhnel
- TT Fattahi
- TW Shields
- U Reineke
- UK Shah
- V Matai
- VR Erickson
- WI Grunberg
- Y Bajaj
- Y Chan
- Y Li
- Z Vourexakis
- ZI Shaikh
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study