39 research outputs found

    Nursery Production of Selected Actinorhizal Species

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    Sustainable landscaping includes utilization of plants requiring few inputs. We chose four species showing potential for use in arid landscapes: Purshia mexicana, Shepherdia argentea, Shepherdia rotundifolia, and Alnus maritima. We sowed seeds of S. rotundifolia, S. argentea and P. mexicana in three substrates with various water-holding properties due to differing amounts of organic matter (OM). S. rotundifolia germination was maximized in a calcined clay (66.2%) containing no OM and had low germination (12.7 - 21.8%) in the other substrates. S. argentea germination (42.3 to 53.7%) was similar in all substrates. Poor seed quality of P. mexicana resulted in inconclusive results. Our results suggest that germination of some species is enhanced by substrates with excellent drainage properties. We also investigated effects of different rates of controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) on symbiotic nodule formation in seaside alder. We found that lower than prescribed rates of CRF enhanced nodulation without compromising nitrogen status

    Red Yucca (Hesperaloe parvifolia) Use in Utah

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    This fact sheet describes Red yucca and its use in the landscape, including planting, care, and maintenance, varieties, and diseases and pests

    Lawn Fertilizers for Cool Season Turf

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    Lawns provide a durable and functional surface for many outdoor activities while adding beauty to the landscape. For these reasons, a healthy, green lawn is the goal of many homeowners and landscape managers. Keeping a lawn healthy and green may require many management practices such as mowing, irrigation and aerification. Often, these practices will include fertilizing with supplemental nutrients at various times during the growing season. This promotes optimum turf color, improves re-growth, and increases tolerance to wear, drought, insects and disease. The broad number of fertilizer options available from retailers can make choosing a fertilizer difficult. However, choosing an appropriate fertilizer and fertilization schedule can be simplified by determining turf nutrient needs through soil testing and determining how the turf will be used

    Shrub Selection for Utah Landscapes

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    Urban and suburban landscapes present special challenges concerning shrub selection in Utah. Due to our distinctive climate, shrubs must be able to withstand intense sunlight, low relative humidity, drying winds, and limited seasonal precipitation

    Growing Hummingbird Mint in Utah Gardens

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    This fact sheet describes hummingbird mints, a group of ornamental herbaceous perennials, that bloom from early summer to fall. It describes varieties, fertilization, planting and irrigation, diseases and pests and maintenance

    Simple Sprinkler Performance Testing for Cache County

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    This fact sheet describes how to perform a site inspection and a sprinkler test so you can irrigate your landscape more efficiently, and provides an irrigation schedule for Cache County, Utah

    Apricots in the Home Garden

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    This fact sheet provides information about apricots, including how to grow, harvest, store and use them

    Bumble Flower Beetle

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    The bumble flower beetle (BFB) is a common member of the Scarabaeidae (scarab) beetle family. Its common name originated because adult BFB’s often fly close to the ground and emit a loud buzzing sound similar to that of a bumble bee. Larvae (grubs) and adults are often found in or near fermenting and/or decomposing organic matter

    Prostrate and Spotted Spurge Management in Home Landscapes

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    This fact sheet describes prostrate spurge and spotted spurge that are low-growing annual weeds that can be problematic in landscapes in Utah, and provides management tips

    Walnuts in the Home Orchard

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    Walnuts are commonly found across much of the United States, with English (Persian) and black walnuts being the most common