440 research outputs found

    PP-wave Black holes and The Matrix Model

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    We discuss the sizes of a black hole in the M theory pp-wave background, and how the transverse size can be reproduced in the matrix model.Comment: 12 pages, harvmac. v2: final version to be published in JHEP, refs. adde

    Compactifications of Heterotic Theory on Non-Kahler Complex Manifolds: I

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    We study new compactifications of the SO(32) heterotic string theory on compact complex non-Kahler manifolds. These manifolds have many interesting features like fewer moduli, torsional constraints, vanishing Euler character and vanishing first Chern class, which make the four-dimensional theory phenomenologically attractive. We take a particular compact example studied earlier and determine various geometrical properties of it. In particular we calculate the warp factor and study the sigma model description of strings propagating on these backgrounds. The anomaly cancellation condition and enhanced gauge symmetry are shown to arise naturally in this framework, if one considers the effect of singularities carefully. We then give a detailed mathematical analysis of these manifolds and construct a large class of them. The existence of a holomorphic (3,0) form is important for the construction. We clarify some of the topological properties of these manifolds and evaluate the Betti numbers. We also determine the superpotential and argue that the radial modulus of these manifolds can actually be stabilized.Comment: 75 pages, Harvmac, no figures; v2: Some new results added, typos corrected and references updated. Final version to appear in JHE

    A Note on Flux Induced Superpotentials in String Theory

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    Non-vanishing fluxes in M-theory and string theory compactifications induce a superpotential in the lower dimensional theory. Gukov has conjectured the explicit form of this superpotential. We check this conjecture for the heterotic string compactified on a Calabi-Yau three-fold as well as for warped M-theory compactifications on Spin(7) holonomy manifolds, by performing a Kaluza-Klein reduction.Comment: 19 pages, no figure

    String vacua with flux from freely-acting obifolds

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    A precise correspondence between freely-acting orbifolds (Scherk-Schwarz compactifications) and string vacua with NSNS flux turned on is established using T-duality. We focus our attention to a certain non-compact Z_2 heterotic freely-acting orbifold with N=2 supersymmetry (SUSY). The geometric properties of the T-dual background are studied. As expected, the space is non-Kahler with the most generic torsion compatible with SUSY. All equations of motion are satisfied, except the Bianchi identity for the NSNS field, that is satisfied only at leading order in derivatives, i.e. without the curvature term. We point out that this is due to unknown corrections to the standard heterotic T-duality rules.Comment: 13 pages, no figures; v2: references added and rearranged, version to appear in JHE

    Linear Sigma Models with Torsion

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    Gauged linear sigma models with (0,2) supersymmetry allow a larger choice of couplings than models with (2,2) supersymmetry. We use this freedom to find a fully linear construction of torsional heterotic compactifications, including models with branes. As a non-compact example, we describe a family of metrics which correspond to deformations of the heterotic conifold by turning on H-flux. We then describe compact models which are gauge-invariant only at the quantum level. Our construction gives a generalization of symplectic reduction. The resulting spaces are non-Kahler analogues of familiar toric spaces like complex projective space. Perturbatively conformal models can be constructed by considering intersections.Comment: 40 pages, LaTeX, 1 figure; references added; a new section on supersymmetry added; quantization condition revisite

    Geometric Transition versus Cascading Solution

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    We study Vafa's geometric transition and Klebanov - Strassler solution from various points of view in M-theory. In terms of brane configurations, we show the detailed equivalences between the two models. In some limits, both models have an alternative realization as fourfolds in M-theory with appropriate G-fluxes turned on. We discuss some aspects of the fourfolds including how to see the transition and a possible extension to the non-supersymmetric case.Comment: 34 pages, LaTex, 2 figures; v2: Some comments added and references updated. Final version to appear in JHE

    M-theory Compactifications on Manifolds with G2 Structure

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    In this paper we study M-theory compactifications on manifolds of G2 structure. By computing the gravitino mass term in four dimensions we derive the general form for the superpotential which appears in such compactifications and show that beside the normal flux term there is a term which appears only for non-minimal G2 structure. We further apply these results to compactifications on manifolds with weak G2 holonomy and make a couple of statements regarding the deformation space of such manifolds. Finally we show that the superpotential derived from fermionic terms leads to the potential that can be derived from the explicit compactification, thus strengthening the conjectures we make about the space of deformations of manifolds with weak G2 holonomy.Comment: 34 pages. Minor changes: typos corrected, references added. Version to appear in Class. Quantum Gra

    Compactification of IIB Theory with Fluxes and Axion-Dilaton String Cosmology

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    Compactification of type IIB theory on torus, in the presence of fluxes, is considered. The reduced effective action is expressed in manifestly S-duality invariant form. Cosmological solutions of the model are discussed in several cases in the Pre-Big Bang scenario.Comment: 22 page

    Moduli Stabilisation in Heterotic Models with Standard Embedding

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    In this note we analyse the issue of moduli stabilisation in 4d models obtained from heterotic string compactifications on manifolds with SU(3) structure with standard embedding. In order to deal with tractable models we first integrate out the massive fields. We argue that one can not only integrate out the moduli fields, but along the way one has to truncate also the corresponding matter fields. We show that the effective models obtained in this way do not have satisfactory solutions. We also look for stabilised vacua which take into account the presence of the matter fields. We argue that this also fails due to a no-go theorem for Minkowski vacua in the moduli sector which we prove in the end. The main ingredient for this no-go theorem is the constraint on the fluxes which comes from the Bianchi identity.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX; references adde

    Comments on Heterotic Flux Compactifications

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    In heterotic flux compactification with supersymmetry, three different connections with torsion appear naturally, all in the form ω+aH\omega+a H. Supersymmetry condition carries a=−1a=-1, the Dirac operator has a=−1/3a=-1/3, and higher order term in the effective action involves a=1a=1. With a view toward the gauge sector, we explore the geometry with such torsions. After reviewing the supersymmetry constraints and finding a relation between the scalar curvature and the flux, we derive the squared form of the zero mode equations for gauge fermions. With \d H=0, the operator has a positive potential term, and the mass of the unbroken gauge sector appears formally positive definite. However, this apparent contradiction is avoided by a no-go theorem that the compactification with H≠0H\neq 0 and \d H=0 is necessarily singular, and the formal positivity is invalid. With \d H\neq 0, smooth compactification becomes possible. We show that, at least near smooth supersymmetric solution, the size of H2H^2 should be comparable to that of \d H and the consistent truncation of action has to keep αâ€ČR2\alpha'R^2 term. A warp factor equation of motion is rewritten with αâ€ČR2\alpha' R^2 contribution included precisely, and some limits are considered.Comment: 31 pages, a numerical factor correcte
