26 research outputs found

    Student Evaluation Of A Digital Learning Game

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    Data from 294 post-graduate students studying business administration were analysed to determine perceptions toward digital learning games. This research can be used as a conceptual model of how to react to new methods of instruction. 25 subject (game) related and 21 tutor related attributes made up the course evaluation form. Preliminary findings suggest a Halo effect in form of student’s perception of the tutor being influenced by the subject, vice versa. Although the overall evaluation of both, game and tutor, were on average very positive, there were distinct differences between clusters

    Improving After-Sales Services of Logistics Providers

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    Several studies have investigated the usage of IT systems for logistics companies but only a few have been looking at after-sales services. Data from 81 European customers of two major logistics companies were analysed to determine perceptions toward e-logistics after-sales services. This research can be used as a conceptual model of how to react to commercial (B2B) customer expectations. Preliminary findings suggest that it will need structural, infrastructural and integrative design decisions to improve after sales services

    Visionizing a Fiat Cryptocurrency

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    Bitcoin is part of a wider range of opportunities to creating cryptocurrencies based on blockchains. Research has shown that the existing cryptocurrencies are very volatile and often illiquid. A cryptocurrency endorsed by a Central Bank, as the starter of a private blockchain, will most likely show more stability. It may even take the form of legal tender. However, since almost all countries have their own currency already, the governments will not feel the need for an additional currency. One exception is Palestine. It enjoyed the privilege of having its own currency in the past. The purpose of this research is the evaluation of the feasibility of a cryptocurrency as legal tender. The authors recommend a new Palestinian Pound built on a private blockchain using Hyperledger. In practice it would not differ from any other fiat (legal) currency. The current weakness of not having its own currency could be turned into a strength by becoming the most advanced economy where transactions are transparent and efficient. This paper fills a research gap by analyzing the opportunities of a cryptocurrency that is actual legal tender and endorsed by a monetary authority

    M-Health: A Mobile Application For Monitoring Acute Respiratory Diseases (ARDs)

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    One of the most widespread epidemics is ARDs. Because of a limited number of hospital beds and hospital staff, hospitals cannot provide sufficient service and support to large numbers of suspected ARD patients. Many patients who are suspected of having acquired ARD have normal vital signs and can be transferred to home care service. Due to the possible incidences of deaths, this paper is aimed to propose a suspected ARD patient monitoring and controlling system by using mobile technology to remotely monitor home care patients with suspected ARD in order to reduce the difficulties of caring for these patients

    Veterinarians’ Perceptions of Online Services

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    The purpose of the study is to evaluate the perceived usefulness of online materials from a veterinarian’s perspective. The authors used an online questionnaire that was posted on the homepage of a Veterinarian News site. Questions were based on previous publications and added contemporary services such as remote pet monitoring by means of wearable electronic devices. According to our study, the perceived usefulness of online services can be condensed into four major dimensions: 1) Authoritative Knowledge & Updates; 2) Practical Online Content delivered by webportals; 3) Remote Monitoring/Tracking of pets; 4) Health Coaching. The findings have implications for the cooperation between suppliers and veterinarians. One size does not fit all. Veterinarians want to use digital media for receiving competent personalized advice in order to sell it on to their customers. Suppliers will have to provide unbiased advice to compete for veterinarian’s heart share instead of simple market share

    A Last-Minute E-Auction for Hotel Rooms

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    Electronic auctions have rapidly become one of the most widespread applications in electronic commerce. Within e-auctions, the online products are almost anything imaginable such as electronic parts, artwork, vacation packages, airline tickets, etc. In this paper, the reverse auction was implemented by proposing a suitable bidding mechanism for perishable products like hotel rooms. These vacant rooms should be sold as soon as possible before their value zeroes. Therefore, the Last-Minute Auction not only helps the buyers get their desired rooms, but also helps the hotels to selling their rooms in time. The research combined the Hungarian algorithm and Branch-and-Bound search to match the buyers\u27 demand and the sellers\u27 supply and optimizing the auction site’s revenue

    Digital Storytelling in a Flipped Classroom for Effective Learning

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    Conclusive empirical evidence on whether virtual classrooms result in higher performance, satisfaction, or an improvement in problem solving skills when compared with traditional face-to-face lecturing does not exist. Various studies point in different directions. However, blended learning outperforms the traditional classroom in student performance and satisfaction. A flipped classroom is one type of blended learning. For more than 20 years, this approach has been used at a European executive MBA (EMBA) program delivering online content combined with six residential weeks where students collaborate and reflect upon their online learning. Our research examined the overall setup of this program, and assessed one course in depth. As part of the course—International Management—an intercultural negotiation project was chosen to highlight the integration of online and offline activities. The flipped classroom is a demonstration of the reform-based teaching approach. The power of reform-based learning in executive education is the engaging combination of practice and theory, which improves the performance of executives. The participants considered the flipped approach exciting, dynamic, and insightful. The emphasis on a negotiation process involving classmates from around the world increased their global understanding. Beginning with a negotiation experience in the digital story project gave them a better appreciation of the relevant theories, techniques, and applications. Focusing on the practice of international negotiation and a cross-cultural analysis with reflection on cultural intelligence improved the competencies of the participants both during the course and after it

    Should I stay or should I go? A case of CSR in the occupied Palestinian territories

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    Companies investing in the occupied Palestinian territories are faced with a dilemma. Undoubtedly, the creation of jobs helps to put young Palestinians to work. Experience shows that especially young males are less likely to radicalise and commit crimes when having an occupation. However, negative press coverage due to the disputed status of the territory can force companies to withdraw. CSR activities can help to demonstrate that a company has a genuine interest in its employees and community at large. Our article looks into one particular case of an Israeli company that had to withdraw their operation due to public pressure, mainly Western media. We give recommendations how such failure could have been avoided by using the right kind of CSR activities that address the needs of the Palestinians

    The Middle East and Africa Code of Promotional Practices in the Pharmaceutical Industry

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    The pharmaceutical industry is known for investing heavily in promotions targeted at healthcare professionals (HCPs). Governments around the world try to regulate unwanted promotional practices in different ways. Where binding laws are in place in the U.S.A., European governments favor self-regulation. The purpose of this research is the evaluation of the Middle East and Africa Code of Promotional Practices (MEACPP) as a preliminary draft and its implications. Our paper fills a research gap by looking into the perceptions of the parties involved, analyzing their interests, and predicting possible outcomes. We used a mixed-method approach. Interviews were conducted with pharmaceutical companies and associations; while a questionnaire was administered to HCPs. Our findings suggest that all parties are in favor of more transparency. However, when it comes to disclosing the received financial support, the HCPs are hesitant. An estimated 20% would be willing to fully disclose their received benefits, which is in line with their European colleagues. Multinational pharmaceutical companies follow their own in-house standards and fear being at a competitive disadvantage when local companies can promote their drugs without any strings attached. MEA pharmaceutical companies do not see the potential benefits of analyzing the publicly available data to identify key opinion leaders (KOLs). The limitation of our research is the fact that the MEACPP has not been implemented yet and survey results are therefore based on expectations rather than real events

    Student Modelling in Adaptive E-Learning Systems

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    Most e-Learning systems provide web-based learning so that students can access the same online courses via the Internet without adaptation, based on each student's profile and behavior. In an e-Learning system, one size does not fit all. Therefore, it is a challenge to make e-Learning systems that are suitably “adaptive”. The aim of adaptive e-Learning is to provide the students the appropriate content at the right time, means that the system is able to determine the knowledge level, keep track of usage, and arrange content automatically for each student for the best learning result. This study presents a proposed system which includes major adaptive features based on a student model. The proposed system is able to initialize the student model for determining the knowledge level of a student when the student registers for the course. After a student starts learning the lessons and doing many activities, the system can track information of the student until he/she takes a test. The student’s knowledge level, based on the test scores, is updated into the system for use in the adaptation process, which combines the student model with the domain model in order to deliver suitable course contents to the students. In this study, the proposed adaptive e-Learning system is implemented on an “Introduction to Java Programming Language” course, using LearnSquare software. After the system was tested, the results showed positive feedback towards the proposed system, especially in its adaptive capability