131 research outputs found

    Centralized Spectrum Sharing and Coordination Between Terrestrial and Aerial Base Stations of 3GPP-Based 5G Networks

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    The objective of this paper is to estimate performance of a new approach for spectrum sharing and coordination between terrestrial base stations (BS) and On-board radio access nodes (UxNB) carried by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). This approach employs an artificial intelligence (AI) based algorithm implemented in centralized controller. According to the assessment based on the latest specifications of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) the newly defined Unmanned Aerial System Traffic Management (UTM) is feasible to implement and utilize an algorithm for dynamic and efficient distribution of available radio resources between all radio nodes involved in process of optimization. An example of proprietary algorithm has been described, which is based on the principles of Kohonen neural networks. The algorithm has been used in simulation scenario to illustrate the performance of novel approach of centralized radio channels allocation between terrestrial BSs and UxNBs deployed in 3GPP-defined rural macro (RMa) environment. Simulation results indicate that at least 85% of simulated downlink (DL) transmissions are gaining additional channel bandwidth if presented algorithm is used for spectrum distribution between terrestrial BSs and UxNBs instead of baseline soft frequency re-use (SFR) approach

    Centralized Spectrum Sharing and Coordination Between Terrestrial and Aerial Base Stations of 3GPP-Based 5G Networks

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    The objective of this paper is to estimate performance of a new approach for spectrum sharing and coordination between terrestrial base stations (BS) and On-board radio access nodes (UxNB) carried by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). This approach employs an artificial intelligence (AI) based algorithm implemented in centralized controller. According to the assessment based on the latest specifications of 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) the newly defined Unmanned Aerial System Traffic Management (UTM) is feasible to implement and utilize an algorithm for dynamic and efficient distribution of available radio resources between all radio nodes involved in process of optimization. An example of proprietary algorithm has been described, which is based on the principles of Kohonen neural networks. The algorithm has been used in simulation scenario to illustrate the performance of novel approach of centralized radio channels allocation between terrestrial BSs and UxNBs deployed in 3GPP-defined rural macro (RMa) environment. Simulation results indicate that at least 85% of simulated downlink (DL) transmissions are gaining additional channel bandwidth if presented algorithm is used for spectrum distribution between terrestrial BSs and UxNBs instead of baseline soft frequency re-use (SFR) approach

    Method and system for dynamic probabilistic risk assessment

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    The DEFT methodology, system and computer readable medium extends the applicability of the PRA (Probabilistic Risk Assessment) methodology to computer-based systems, by allowing DFT (Dynamic Fault Tree) nodes as pivot nodes in the Event Tree (ET) model. DEFT includes a mathematical model and solution algorithm, supports all common PRA analysis functions and cutsets. Additional capabilities enabled by the DFT include modularization, phased mission analysis, sequence dependencies, and imperfect coverage

    Dependability analysis of systems with on-demand and active failure modes, using dynamic fault trees

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    Safety systems and protection systems can experience two phases of operation (standby and active); an accurate dependability analysis must combine an analysis of both phases. The standby mode can last for a long time, during which the safety system is periodically tested and maintained. Once a demand occurs, the safety system must operate successfully for the length of demand. The failure characteristics of the system are different in the two phases, and the system can fail in two ways: 1) It can fail to start (fail on-demand), or 2) It can fail while in active mode. Failure on demand requires an availability analysis of components (typically electromechanical components) which are required to start or support the safety system. These support components are usually maintained periodically while not in active use. Active failure refers to the failure while running (once started) of the active components of the safety system. These active components can be fault tolerant and use spares or other forms of redundancy, but are not maintainable while in use. The approach, in this paper, automatically combines the “availability analysis of the system in standby mode” with the “reliability analysis of the system in its active mode.” The general approach uses an availability analysis of the standby phase to determine the initial state probabilities for a Markov model of the demand phase. A detailed method is presented in terms of a dynamic fault-tree model. A new “dynamic fault-tree construct” captures the dependency of the demand-components on the support systems, which are required to detect the demand or to start the demand system. The method is discussed using a single example sprinkler system and then applied to a more complete system taken from the offshore industry

    Analysis of safety systems with on-demand and dynamic failure modes

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    An approach for the reliability analysis of systems with on demand, and dynamic failure modes is presented. Safety systems such as sprinkler systems, or other protection systems are characterized by such failure behavior. They have support subsystems to start up the system on demand, and once they start running, they are prone to dynamic failure. Failure on demand requires an availability analysis of components (typically electromechanical components) which are required to start or support the safety system. Once the safety system is started, it is often reasonable to assume that these support components do not fail while running. Further, these support components may be tested and maintained periodically while not in active use. Dynamic failure refers to the failure while running (once started) of the active components of the safety system. These active components may be fault tolerant and utilize spares or other forms of redundancy, but are not maintainable while in use. In this paper we describe a simple yet powerful approach to combining the availability analysis of the static components with a reliability analysis of the dynamic components. This approach is explained using a hypothetical example sprinkler system, and applied to a water deluge system taken from the offshore industry. The approach is implemented in the fault tree analysis software package, Galile


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        حاولت هذه الورقة البحثية تسليط الضوء على مجهودات الجزائر في القطاع الزراعي كأحد ركائز النشاط الاقتصادي في الدولة، هذه الأخيرة وبعد الأزمات النفطية المتتالية حاولت الانتقال إلى استراتيجية جديدة هدفها التحول من الاقتصاد الريعي إلى تنويع الاقتصاد عبر تشجيع عدة قطاعات تتميز بالأفضلية النسبية في الثروات والمقومات المختلفة (القطاع الزراعي أحدها) لتفادي آثار تلك الصدمات،  ورغم المجهودات المبذولة من دعم وتحفيز وتشجيع للاستثمار الزراعي والتسهيلات المقدمة ظلت مساهمة القطاع الزراعي ضعيفة في معدلات النمو الاقتصادي.We tried in this paper to highlight the efforts of Algeria in the Agricultural Sector as one of the pillars of economic activity in the country. The latter being suffered from several oil crisis, tried to ,ove onto a new strategy that aims to shift from oil-based economy to diversification by encouraging several sectors characterized by relative advantage in terms of wealth and various components(Agricultural Sector being one of them) to avoid the effects of those shocks.      In spite of the efforts made to support and encourage the agricultural investesment and acilities offered by the country but the contribution of the Agricultural Sectoris still weak in economic growth rate