4 research outputs found

    Media Coverage of the 2013 Press Freedom Index: An uncritical media response?

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    Reporters Without Borders (‘RSF’), along with Freedom House, IFEX and others, produce international league tables on press freedom. These rank each nation’s commitment to freedom of journalists and expression. Whilst experts occasionally question the methodological robustness of ‘Press Freedom Indices’ they are often seen as powerful tools in public advocacy and debate. This begs the question of what kind of media response this Press Freedom Index actually generates. In the wake of publication of RSF’s 2012-13 data, LSE’s Matilde Beccatti looks at the initial media coverage among journalists, bloggers and the twittersphere. What is the advocacy impact of the index

    Aristotle good, Churchill better, Blair best? The art and history of speech-making (guest-blog)

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    This report on our latest Media Agenda Talk by Polis intern Matilde Beccatti. A great argument, great writing and a great occasion: these are the three conditions to become an “at least average” speaker according to Philip Collins

    Leveson: Bloggers vs the Press

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    This week, the LSE Media Policy Project has presented an initial analysis of how national newspapers reacted to Leveson because it is interesting to ask if, and how, the Press used its power to shape public debate on its own future

    Forget How We Got Here? Newspaper Coverage of the Royal Charter Deal

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    When Leveson published his Report at the end of November our research showed that the press presented the story as one mainly about freedom of the press and the struggle by hacking victims for vindication and protection in the future. Slightly less prominent but also present was a narrative of the politico-media complex or ties between big media and politicians. Our latest study of newspaper coverage before and after the Royal Charter agreement for implementing Leveson’s recommendations showed that the struggle of the victims of press wrongdoings has all but disappeared from the story