7 research outputs found

    Le forme brevi delle scale Conners 3 Self-report: un contributo all'analisi delle proprieta psicometriche

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    Una scala breve per la misurazione dei sintomi dell’ADHD e delle difficoltà ad esso associate nei bambini/adolescenti di età compresa tra 8 e 18 anni è la Conners 3-Self-Report-Short Form (Conners 3-SR(S); Conners, 2008), sviluppata a partire dalla forma lunga originale, la Conners 3-Self-Report (Conners 3-SR; Conners, 2008). Lo studio delle sue proprietà psicometriche ha fatto emergere proprietà equivalenti a quella lunga nel campione originale, tuttavia sono ancora poche le evidenze di adeguatezza psicometrica con popolazioni di contesti culturali e linguistici diversi da quello originale e, nello specifico, con bambini e adolescenti italiani (Primi & Maschietto, 2017). Alla luce della necessità, per il processo di assessment dell’ADHD, di disporre di strumenti self-report, che permettono di raccogliere la percezione personale del soggetto sul proprio funzionamento, e brevi, che possono quindi essere agevolmente utilizzati sia a scopo di ricerca/screening che di diagnosi/trattamento clinico, scopo di questo lavoro era indagare le proprietà psicometriche della scala Conners 3-SR(S) (Conners, 2008) con bambini e adolescenti italiani. In particolare, l’obiettivo del presente studio era indagare l’attendibilità, la validità di costrutto e la validità discriminativa della scala. A tale scopo, la versione italiana della Conners 3-SR(S) (Primi & Maschietto, 2017) è stata somministrata a 591 studenti di età compresa tra 8 e 18 anni (età media:12.26 anni, DS=2.96). I risultati ottenuti hanno sostenuto la struttura multifattoriale della scala: in linea con la versione originale, è stata evidenziata una struttura a cinque fattori: Inattenzione, Iperattività-Impulsività, Problemi di Apprendimento, Provocazione/Aggressività, e Relazioni Familiari. È stata, inoltre, confermata la validità dello strumento verificando l’esistenza di effetti legati al genere e all’età sulle scale di contento analoghi a quelli riscontrati da Conners (2008). Infine, attraverso l’analisi della coerenza interna (in termini di Alfa di Cronbach) è stata confermata l’attendibilità della scala. In conclusione, i risultati ottenuti forniscono un contributo alla adeguatezza psicometrica della Conners 3-SR(S) per la valutazione dell’ADHD con bambini e adolescenti italiani

    The role of probabilistic reasoning in risk perception and intentional behaviors during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    International audienceDuring the last year, governments around the world used statistics data to keep people informed about Covid-19, to stress the importance of managing this disease and to encourage to adopt preventive behaviors. In this study, we investigated a mechanism underlying intentional nonprecautionary behaviors during the COVID-19 lockdown. We hypothesized that the comprehension of COVID-19 risk statistics information had a central role in mediating the relationship between probabilistic reasoning ability and perceived statistics value (the antecedents) and the intention to act non-precautionary behaviors. Participants were 141 university students enrolled in an online study. Results revealed that probabilistic reasoning ability and perception of statistics value had a role in reducing the likelihood of engaging in transgressive behaviors through their impact on the ability to adequately reason with statistics data referred to the COVID-19 epidemic

    Assessing math attitude through the Attitude Toward Mathematics Inventory – Short form in introductory statistics course students

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    Math attitude refers to emotional responses, beliefs, and behaviors towards mathematics. Several studies measured the relation with math learning and related variables, but very few with statistics learning. To better investigate this relation has become increasingly relevant to have a measure that ensuring multidimensionality and shortness. The aim of the present paper was to confirm the factor structure of the Lin and Huang (2014)'s ATMI - Short Form (ATMI - SF) when administered to Italian college students attending introductory statistics course, and to test its measurement invariance applying a multigroup confirmatory analysis. We also assessed the reliability and the incremental validity of the ATMI - SF by verifying whether it predicted statistics achievement over and above the effect of math knowledge. The overall findings provide that ATMI - SF is a reliable and valid measure to assess math attitude among college students who attend introductory statistics courses in nonmathematical courses

    Parental gambling frequency and adolescent gambling: A cross-sectional path model involving adolescents and parents.

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    INTRODUCTION Nowadays, most of the research studies in the field of adolescent gambling are focused on individual factors related to problem gambling. The aim of this study was to test an integrated model to explain adolescent problem gambling involving both individual (i.e., correct gambling knowledge, superstitious thinking, and gambling-related cognitive distortions) and environmental factors (i.e., parental gambling frequency). In detail, the aim was to better understand the role of parental gambling behavior on adolescents' gambling frequency and problem gambling severity, to draw indications for prevention. METHODS Participants were 680 parents (36% men; Mage = 48.32, SD = 6.14 years) of 680 high school students (51% boys; Mage = 15.51, SD = .55 years) attending the second year of different high schools in Tuscany (Italy). Data collection occurred within the school prevention program PRIZE (Prevention of gambling risk among adolescents). RESULTS A path model showed was conducted to detect direct and indirect effects from individual and environmental factors to gambling problem severity. Analyses showed that correct gambling knowledge and superstitious thinking were directly related-respectively in a negative and a positive direction-both to gambling-related cognitive distortions and adolescents' gambling frequency. Parental gambling frequency was directly associated with adolescents' gambling frequency. Correct gambling knowledge and superstitious thinking were indirectly related to adolescents' gambling problem severity through the mediational role of gambling-related cognitive distortions and gambling frequency. Parental gambling frequency was indirectly linked to gambling problem severity by passing through adolescents' gambling frequency. CONCLUSIONS The current cross-sectional results confirm that parental gambling behavior has an important role for adolescents' gambling behavior and severity. Thus, results highlight the need for innovative prevention programs which involve adolescents' adult reference figures and integrate the individual risk and protective factors with the environmental ones