349 research outputs found

    The Iowans at Fort Donelson

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    The Battle of Pea Ridge

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    Military Operations on the St. Johns, September-October 1862 (Part I)

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    As the months passed the Union blockade of the Southern coast increased in effectiveness. To make matters worse for the Confederacy, Union amphibious commands were put ashore at a number of points, vital ports and strategic forts were seized, and the number of points at which blockade runners could land their valuable cargos were constantly reduced. On the east coast of Florida, Fernandina, Fort Clinch, Jacksonville, and St. Augustine had been occupied by the Federals in March, 1862. The following month, Jacksonville was evacuated by the Unionists

    The Battle of Pea Ridge

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    Asboth\u27s Expedition Up the Alabama and Florida Railroad

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    During the first week of July, 1864, the powerful “Army Group” commanded by Major General William T. Sherman slowly closed in on Atlanta, Georgia. To help loosen the grip of the Confederate Army of Tennessee on Atlanta, Sherman planned to send a fast moving cavalry force, about 3,000 strong, to smash the Montgomery and West Point Railroad. (This railroad linked the defenders of Atlanta with the magazines and supply depots of central Alabama.) Leaving Decatur, Alabama, on July 9, these raiders were expected to strike the vital railroad near Opelika. After tearing up the track and burning the trestles and bridges, the Union cavalry would have to escape the clutches of the aroused Confederates. If the raiders found that it was impossible to rendezvous with Sherman’s “Army Group” before Atlanta, they were to head for Pensacola, Florida, which had been occupied by the Union forces since May, 1862

    Civil War Operations In and Around Pensacola Part III

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    Five days subsequent to the great artillery duel of November 22-23 Bragg endeavored to transmit mail to the Confederate prisoners held by the Yankees. Brown refused to receive the letters and even disdained to state his reasons for so doing. He was by no means as courteous and amiable as he had been after the attack on his outside confrere, Colonel Wilson. Later in the day a small yawl attempted to enter the bay from the fleet, a privilege heretofore accorded to the Federals, as until November 22 the Rebels’ vessels had been allowed to tie up at the navy yard without interference. Fire was opened, and the crew hurriedly abandoned the vessel and swam for shore

    Federal Expedition Against Saint Marks Ends At Natural Bridge

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    In the last year of the Civil War, the Union forces took advantage of their seapower to carry the conflict to sections of Florida that had heretofore escaped the ravages of war. Operating from bases which they had seized along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts of the state, Union columns would strike deep into the interior and fall back before the Confederates could rally a force strong enough to intervene. Raiding parties were likewise put ashore from transports. If they ran into serious opposition, the raiders would fall back to the beach, where they would be covered by the great guns mounted on the supporting warships

    The Battle of Pea Ridge

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    The Battle of Pea Ridge

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    The Battle of Pea Ridge

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