37 research outputs found

    Garden Accessories

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    Come out of the kitchen! calls the gay little garden of nodding \u27flowers. Tired from a long morning in the kitchen, you obey the summons. But as you look about your garden, admiring and piking the flowers, do you not feel that there is something missing? And then you realize how nice it would be to have a shady retreat where you could sit to shell the peas or pare the apples and at the same time enjoy your garden. And you dream of so many other garden features which would fit into this or that place--a sun-dial at the crossing of the paths, or a bird house standing guard over the stately hollyhocks

    Painting the Fall and Winter Landscapes

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    Many gardeners feel that autumn is a season of regrets. This feeling has been expressed by the old Chinese poet, Lu Yun, in the line At the fall of the year there is autumn in my heart. :The fall months of September, October and November might be likened to three sisters\u27 endowed with diminishing amounts of this world\u27s goods. September\u27s glory is inherited from summer. October decks herself in a cloak of scarlet and gold for her final festive days of Indian summer; but naught is left November save some gaudy berries, the last bits of old family jewelry, and the laces woven by the branches and twigs against the winter sky

    Patrick Plans for Opening Days of Gardening Season

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    Top of the morning to ye, and phat are the birdies a-saying to yez today? called old Patrick, the gardner to a queer mummy-like figure in the corner of the garden. Faith, soon an\u27 I\u27ll be of a takin\u27 that straw overcoat off from ye and ye\u27ll be producin\u27 the finest roses iver this summer! And \u27twas only yisterday I did take the covers off from all the lilies and bulbs in the border and rake up all the old dead leaves-but not to burn like old George across the way was doing-l\u27m tellin\u27 ye I save all that stuff for -further use

    Shrubs as a Garden Background

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    To have a flower garden from early spring until frost is the wish of many homemakers and yet this result is difficult to achieve when one has only the gaudily colored seed catalog as a guide. To gain the desired effects of color, form and texture, one must have advice from those who are acquainted with all the characteristics of plants

    Planning The Home Grounds

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    I never had any desire so strong and so like to covetousness, as that one which I have had always, that I might be master of a small house and a large garden. This thought might express the sentiment of many of us today, and the fulfillment of this desire is within reach of us all

    Perennials for Perpetual Bloom

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    What a joy to own such a garden where one may watch nature\u27s pageant of color moving on and on-the first little Iris pumila bearing their flags of royal purple; the Oriental poppies, with their flaming torches, marching over the crest of the hill ; the larkspur with steel-blue spears gleaming beneath the noon-day sun and canterburybells with tinkling chimes

    A Neighborhood Playground

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    We wish to introduce you to a. strange creature. It resists classification and analysis. It has a tousley mat of indifferent colored hair surmounting a defiant freckled face. Water it abhors except in ponds full. When it comes into the house, it topples over chairs and bric-a-brac. Its limbs are too short for its body and its clothes too short for its limbs. When it tries to talk its voice sometimes goes up and sometimes down. Taken all together, it is not ornamental nor particularly useful. The abode of civilization is no place for it Its natural occupation is hunting, fishing or fighting; its habitation Is the fields and woods. It Imagines itself an Indian and belongs to a tribe who go on plundering expeditions against its enemies

    Basketry—A Modernized Ancient Art

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    Baskets everywhere! From ancient times, when propitiatory gifts to appease the wrath of an angry- god :were heaped on woven trays to adorn the village altar, to the· present time, when flowers, fruits candies, and sandwiches are packed in baskets to adorn the buffet or serve the honored guests

    Survey of the Opinions of Disadvantaged Adult Home Economics Students on Grading

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    Home Economics Educatio

    The Iowa Homemaker vol.1, no.3-4

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    Table of Contents Carrie Chapman Catt Returns to Iowa State College by Clara Jordan, page 1 A Neighborhood Playground by Juanita Beard, page 2 Baby’s Health Insurance – Proper Feeding by Belle Lowe, page 3 Summer Salad Possibilities by Beth Bailey, page 4 Iowa’s Nutrition Classes for School Children by Gladys Dodge, page 6 Little Frocks for Little Tots by Mildred Elder, page 7 Why Do You Buy Your Hat? by Margaret Kingery, page