19 research outputs found

    Combining Constraint Solving and Symbolic Model Checking for a Class of Systems with Non-linear Constraints

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    We extend the conventional BDD-based model checking algorithms to verify systems with non-linear arithmetic constraints. We represent each constraint as a BDD variable, using the information from a constraint solver to prune the BDDs by removing paths that correspond to infeasible constraints. We illustrate our technique with a simple example, which has been analyzed with our prototype implementation

    Separating deterministic from nondeterministic NOF multiparty communication complexity (Extended Abstract)

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    We solve some fundamental problems in the number-onforehead (NOF) k-party communication model. We show that there exists a function which has at most logarithmic communication complexity for randomized protocols with a one-sided error probability of 1/3 but which has linear communication complexity for deterministic protocols. The result is true for k = n O(1) players, where n is the number of bits on each players ’ forehead. This separates the analogues of RP and P in the NOF communication model. We also show that there exists a function which has constant randomized complexity for public coin protocols but at least logarithmic complexity for private coin protocols. No larger gap between private and public coin protocols is possible. Our lower bounds are existential and we do not know of any explicit function which allows such separations. However, for the 3-player case we exhibit an explicit function which has Ω(log log n) randomized complexity for private coins but only constant complexity for public coins. It follows from our existential result that any function that is complete for the class of functions with polylogarithmic nondeterministic k-party communication complexity does not have polylogarithmic deterministic complexity. We show that the set intersection function, which is complete in the number-in-hand model, is not complete in the NOF model under cylindrical reductions

    Improving Efficiency of Symbolic Model Checking for State-Based System Requirements

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    We present various techniques for improving the time and space efficiency of symbolic model checking for system requirements specified as synchronous finite state machines. We used these techniques in our analysis of the system requirements specification of TCAS II, a complex aircraft collision avoidance system. They together reduce the time and space complexities by orders of magnitude, making feasible some analysis that was previously intractable. The TCAS II requirements were written in RSML, a dialect of statecharts. Keywords Formal verification, symbolic model checking, reachability analysis, binary decision diagrams, partitioned transition relation, statecharts, RSML, TCAS II, system requirements specification, abstraction. 1 Introduction Formal verification based on state exploration can be considered an extreme form of simulation: every possible behavior of the system is checked for correctness. Symbolic model checking [?] using binary decision diagrams (BDDs) [?] is an effic..

    The Resolution Complexity of Random Graph k-Colorability

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    We consider the resolution proof complexity of propositional formulas which encode random instances of graph k-colorability. We obtain a tradeoff between the graph density and the resolution proof complexity. For random graphs with linearly many edges we obtain linear-exponential lower bounds on the length of resolution refutations. For any # > 0, we obtain sub-exponential lower bounds of the form for some # > 0 for non-k-colorability proofs of graphs with n vertices and O(n -# ) edges. We obtain sharper lower bounds for Davis-Putnam-DPLL proofs and for proofs in a system considered by McDiarmid

    Abstract Improving Efficiency of Symbolic Model Checking for State-Based System Requirements

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    We present various techniques for improving the time and space efficiency of symbolic model checking for system requirements specified as synchronous finite state machines. We used these techniques in our analysis of the system requirements specification of TCAS II, a complex aircraft collision avoidance system. They together reduce the time and space complexities by orders of magnitude, making feasible some analysis that was previously intractable. The TCAS II requirements were written in RSML, a dialect of statecharts

    Optimizing symbolic model checking for statecharts

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    AbstractÐSymbolic model checking based on binary decision diagrams is a powerful formal verification technique for reactive systems. In this paper, we present various optimizations for improving the time and space efficiency of symbolic model checking for systems specified as statecharts. We used these techniques in our analyses of the models of a collision avoidance system and a faulttolerant electrical power distribution (EPD) system, both used on commercial aircraft. The techniques together reduce the time and space requirements by orders of magnitude, making feasible some analysis that was previously intractable. We also elaborate on the results of verifying the EPD model. The analysis disclosed subtle modeling and logical flaws not found by simulation. Index TermsÐFormal verification, symbolic model checking, binary decision diagrams, requirements specifications, statecharts

    ABSTRACT Decoupling Synchronization from Local Control for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking of Statecharts

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    Symbolic model checking is a powerful formal-verification technique for reactive systems. In this paper we address the problem of symbolic model checking for software specifications written as statecharts. We concentrate on how the synchronization of statecharts relates to the efficiency of model checking. We show that statecharts synchronized in an oblivious manner, such that the synchronization and the local control are decoupled, tend to be easier for symbolic analysis. Based on this insight, the verification of some non-oblivious systems can be optimized by a simple, transparent modification to the model to separate the synchronization from the local control. The technique enabled the analysis of the statecharts model of a fault-tolerant electrical power distribution system developed by the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group. The results disclosed subtle modeling and logical flaws not found by simulation. Keywords Formal methods, formal verification, symbolic model checking, binary decision diagrams, software specification, statecharts, fault tolerance.

    Decoupling Synchronization from Logic for Efficient Symbolic Model Checking of Statecharts

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    Symbolic model checking is a powerful formal-verification technique for reactive systems. In this paper we address the problem of symbolic model checking for software specifications written as statecharts. We concentrate on how the synchronization of statecharts relates to the efficiency of model checking. We show that statecharts synchronized in an oblivious manner, such that the synchronization and the control logic are decoupled, tend to be easier for symbolic analysis. Thanks to this insight, the verification of some non-oblivious systems can be optimized by a simple, transparent modification to the model to separate the synchronization from the logic. The technique enabled the analysis of the statecharts model of a fault-tolerant electrical power distribution system developed by the Boeing Commercial Airplane Group. The results disclosed subtle modeling and logical flaws not found by simulation. Keywords Formal methods, verification, symbolic model checking, binary decision diag..

    Model Checking Large Software Specifications

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    In this paper we present our experiences in using symbolic model checking to analyze a specification of a software system for aircraft collision avoidance. Symbolic model checking has been highly successful when applied to hardware systems. We are interested in whether model checking can be effectively applied to large software specifications. To investigate this, we translated a portion of the state-based system requirements specification of Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System II (TCAS II) into input to a model checker (SMV). We successfully used the model checker to analyze a number of properties of the system. We report on our experiences, describing our approach to translating the specification to the SMV language, explaining our methods for achieving acceptable performance, and giving a summary of the properties analyzed. Based on our experiences, we discuss the possibility of using model checking to aid specification development by iteratively applying the technique earl..