11 research outputs found
Fattori che influiscono sulla sicurezza e qualita della carne di selvaggina
U radu su opisani različiti čimbenici (okoliš, mikrobna kontaminacija, postupanje s divljači, posmrtne promjene na mesu divljači) koji utječu na zdravstvenu ispravnost i kakvoću mesa uzgajane i izlovljene divljači. Naglasak je na ostacima onečišćivača: rizičnim kemijskim elementima (Cd, Pb, Hg), mikotoksinima (aflatoksin, okratoksin, trihotecen), ostacima veterinarskih lijekova (sulfonamid, amprolij, klopidol) i biogenim aminima u mesu divljači, tj. njihovom štetnom utjecaju na ljudsko zdravlje.The different factors (environmental, microbial contamination, handling procedures with game, post - mortal changes of game meat) influenced on safety and quality of farmed and hunted wild game meat are described. The emphasis is given on residues of contaminants: risk chemical elements (Cd, Pb, Hg), mycotoxins (aflatoxin, ochratoxin, trichothecene), veterinary drug residues (sulfanilamid, amprolium, clopidol) and biogenic amines in game meat in fact of their adversely affect on human health.Verschiedene Faktoren sind beschrieben (Umwelt, mikrobielle Kontamination, Verfahren mit Tieren, Veränderungen auf dem Fleisch nach dem Tod der Tiere), die gesundheitliche Richtigkeit und Qualität des Fleisches von gezüchtetem und erjagtem Wild beeinflussten. Die Betonung liegt auf Verschmutzersresten: chemischen Risikoelementen (Cd, Pb, Hg), Mycotoxinen (Aflatoxin, Ochratoxin, Trichothecene), den Resten von veterinärischen Medikamenten (Sulfonamid, Amprolium, Clopidol) und biogenen Aminen im Wildfleisch, d.h. auf ihrer schädlichen Wirkung auf menschliche Gesundheit.In questo testo sono descritti vari fattori (ambiente, contaminazione microbica, trattamento delle carni di selvaggina, cambiamenti postmortali sulla carne di selvaggina) che hanno influito sulla sicurezza sanitaria e sulla qualità della carne di selvaggina allevata e cacciata. Bisogna sottolineare i residui di contaminanti : dannosi elementi chimici (Cd, Pb, Hg), micotossine (aflatossine, ocratossine, tricoteceni), residui di farmaci veterinari (sulfonamide, amprolio, clopidol) ed amine biogeniche nella carne di selvaggina, cioè la loro dannosità alla salute umana
Pojava elemenata u tragovima u goveđem mesu
The occurrence of trace metals (Cu, Zn) was determined in cattle meat from the vicinity of a metallurgical plant. Copper and zinc concentrations in 62 samples of muscles and liver collected from (31) cows were quantified and compared with results in other countries. In our study mean muscle Zn and Cu concentrations were higher in liver (67.314; 44.205 mg/kg w. wt) compared to muscle (38.865; 1.993 mg/kg w. wt). It can be concluded that bioaccumulation of Zn and Cu in cattle meat in industrial areas could be slightly enhanced, differently in dependence on the types of industry prevailing in various countries.Pojava elemenata u tragovima (Cu, Zn) određivana je u mesu goveda uzgajanih u blizini metalurškog postrojenja. Koncentracije bakra i cinka u 62 uzorka mišića i jetre uzetih od 31 krave kvantificirane su i uspoređene s rezultatima iz drugih zemalja. U našem su ispitivanju koncentracije Cu i Zn bile više u jetri (67,314; 44,205 mg/kg v. t.) od onih u mišićju (38,865; 1,993 mg/kg v. t.). Može se zaključiti da bi bioakumulacija Zn i Cu u mesu goveda mogla biti nešto povećana i različita ovisno o vrsti industrije koja prevladava u raznim zemljama
Koncentracija nekih teških metala u goveda uzgajanih u blizini metalurških središta.
The occurrence of heavy metals was determined in the biological material of cattle slaughtered on agricultural farms in the fallout region of a metallurgical plant. In 1998, tissues and organs (n=42) from 21 cattle (muscle, liver) were analysed for the presence of Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn, Cu and Fe on an atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Unicam Solar 939, UK). The highest mean levels of heavy metals were recorded in the liver Pb 1.072; Cd 0.456; Zn 79.946; Cu 84.091; Fe 146.822; Ni 0.231 mg/kg, respectively. The highest mean levels in the muscle were Pb 0.671; Cd 0.126; Zn 81.180; Cu 6.312; Fe 51.800; Ni 0.350 mg/kg, respectively. From the results obtained concerning heavy metals in the area of observation, we can conclude that lead and cadmium are of particular ecological importance. We consider it necessary to implement ecological measures in the area of observation with respect to human consumption of beef.Nalaz teških metala istražen je u tkivu zaklanih goveda prethodno uzgajanih u blizini metalurških središta. Koncentracije Cd, Pb, Ni, Zn, Cu i Fe bile su odreðene metodom atomske apsorpcije (Unicam Solar, 939) u mišićnom i jetrenom tkivu 21 goveda. Najveće srednje vrijednosti utvrđene su u jetri i to za Pb 1,072 mg/kg, Cd 0,456 mg/kg, Zn 79,946 mg/kg, Cu 84,091 mg/kg, Fe 146,822 mg/kg i Ni 0,231 mg/kg. Utvrđene su i najveće prosječne vrijednosti u mišićnom tkivu koje su za Pb iznosile 0,671 mg/kg, Cd 0,126 mg/kg, Zn 81,180 mg/kg, Cu 6,312 mg/kg, Fe 51,800 mg/kg i Ni 0,350 mg/kg. Zaključeno je da Cd i Pb imaju najveće značenje te da se mora uspostaviti trajni nadzor kojim bi se odredio rizik za potrošače
Cilj ispitivanja bio je određivanje koncentracija Fe i Mn u junećem mesu. Sakupljeno je 18 uzoraka mišića junadi uzgajane na dvije farme u istočnoj Slovačkoj. Nakon razlaganja mikrovalovima analizirane su koncentracije metala pomoću atomskog apsorpcijskog spektrofotometra. Srednje vrijednosti koncentracija Fe u mišićju životinja s farme A bile su više od onih nađenih u mišićju životinja s farme B (23.788, odnosno 15.789 mg.kg-1). S druge strane, srednje koncentracije Mn bile su više na farmi B nego na farmi A (0.242, odnosno 0.566 mg.kg-1). Dobiveni rezultati su uspoređeni s onima raznih sličnih ispitivanja provedenih u svijetu.The paper describes the importance of hygienic quality of drinking water and its influence on health, productivity and welfare of cattle. Quality of water from four different sources was determined in a laboratory by testing the organoleptic, physico-chemical and bacteriologic parameters. Samples that were not in compliance with the requirements of the Croatian standards for drinking water were disinfected, in vitro, with chlorine and hydrogen peroxide based disinfectants. In a field study such disinfected water was offered to cattle. The study results, obtained by monitoring the drinking behaviour of cattle, have shown no preferences of non-disinfected over disinfected water with possible changed taste or odour.In wird Arbeit ist beschrieben, wie wichtig die Richtigkeit des Wassers zum Tränken von Rindvieh für ihre Gesundheit, Produktivität und Wohlergehen ist. Im Labor wurde die Wasserqualität aus vier Quellenbereichen bestimmt, u.zw. durch das Prüfen von organoleptischen, physischchemischen und bakteriologischen Parametern. Muster, die nicht den Bedingungen laut Dienstvorschrift für gesundheitliche Richtigkeit des Trinkwassers entsprachen, wurden desinfiziert, in vitro, im Labor mit Desinfizienzien auf Chlor- und Wasserstoffperoxydbasis. Auch wurde in Praxis im Experiment das Trinkwasser zum Tränken von Rindvieh desinfiziert. Resultate, die durch die Beobachtung des Verhaltens während des Tränkens bekommen sind, weisen darauf hin, dass die Desinfektion und die eventuell geänderten Beigeschmack und Geruch keinen Einfluss auf die Wahl von Wassermustern hatten.In questo studio è esaminato l’evento della concentrazione di ferro e di manganese nella carne bovina. I campionati dei 18 muscoli erano presi dalle 2 fattorie nella Slovacchia orientale. Dopo la digestione a microonde, i livelli dei metalli erano analizzati con il spectrofotometro di assorbimento atomico. La media della concentrazione di ferro di campionati dei muscoli collegati alla fattoria A è stata più alta di campionati dei muscoli raccoltati alla fattoria B (23.788; 15.789 mg.kg-1, rispettivamente). La media della concentrazione di manganese è stata più alta dei campionati dalla fattoria B che dalla fattoria A (0.242; 0.566 mg.kg-1, rispettivamente). I risultati ottenuti erano confrontati con i risultati ottenuti negli studi simili nel mondo
Effect of feeding of prefermented bioproduct containing gamma-linolenic acid and beta-carotene on selected parameters of broiler chicken meat quality
The aim of the work was to evaluate the effect of addition of prefermented bioproduct with a increased content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially gamma-linolenic acid) and beta-carotene into commercial feed on the selected qualitative parameters. The chemical composition, the color, the loss of water, the pH and the concentration of lactic acid of the meat of broiler chickens (COBB 500) were monitored. Bioproduct was prepared from corn scrap, which was fermented using the lower filamentous fungus Umbelopsis isabellina CCF2412. The prepared material was mixed into the commercial compound feed intended for broiler chickens at a ratio of 10%, and was fed from the 11th day of age of the chickens until the time of slaughter. The obtained results were compared with the results of control group, which was represented by broiler chickens fed only with a commercial compound feed. Feeding of bioproduct, in terms of chemical composition, affected mainly the fat content in breast and thigh meat, which was lower in the experimental group. Meat color (measured by colorimetric assay) was not affected and differences were significant only at a value a*, which was higher in the experimental group. Statistically significant differences in the water losses of meat were not recorded, but the feeding of bioproduct affected the pH of the meat, and also the concentration of lactic acid and both parameters were higher in the meat of control group
Razine kadmija u mesu peradi.
A survey of cadmium (Cd) levels in poultry meat from polluted area of Eastern Slovakia is presented. Samples of poultry tissue (72 samples of breast muscle, leg muscle, liver and heart) were analysed for the presence of Cd on atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Unicam Solar 939). Mean values of cadmium in breast and leg muscle, liver and heart were 0.019; 0.021; 0.061; 0.099 mg/kg, respectively. On the basis of presented results of cadmium analyses it follows that its levels in poultry meat are below the highest permissible hygienic limits for Cd (muscle 0.1mg/kg; internal organs 0.5 mg/kg - Codex Alimentarum of the Slovak Republic No. 981/1996). The presented results are higher than those in unpolluted areas. The regular monitoring and control of poultry meat guarantee that a consumer is protected against unfavourable higher values of cadmium.Prikazani su rezultati određivanja kadmija u mesu peradi uzgajane u zagađenim područjima istočne Slovačke. Razine kadmija određene su u 72 uzorka mesa peradi (grudnog mišićja, mišićja noge, srčanog mišića i jetre) atomsko-apsorpcijskom spektrofotometrijom (Unicam Solar 939). Srednja vrijednost kadmija u grudnom mišićju iznosila je 0,019 mg/kg, u mišićju noge 0,021 mg/kg, jetri 0,061 mg/kg, te u srčanom mišiću 0,099 mg/kg. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata autori zaključuju da su količine dokazanog kadmija niže od najviših dozvoljenih vrijednosti prema pravilniku o ispravnosti mesa (za mišićno tkivo 0,1 mg/kg, za unutarnje organe 0,5 mg/kg - Codex alimentarium Republike Slovačke broj 981/1996). Količine kadmija bile su više u odnosu na nezagađena područja. Redovito praćenje kvalitete mesa peradi jamči potrošaču sigurnu zaštitu od visoke količine kadmija sadržanog u tkivu
In this study the effects of two ways of storage by chilling and vacuum packaging on the physicochemical changes of hunted pheasant meat were determined during the refrigerate storage. Lactic acid, phosphate and pH value in breast and thigh muscle of chilled (n=10) and vacuum packed pheasants (n=10) were evaluated at 1st, 7th and 14th day after weaning. On day 7 lactic acid concentrations significantly increased in thigh (1.63 ± 0.41 g/100g; p ≤ 0.05). On day 14, lactic acid in the nonvacuum packed thigh significantly decreased (0.73 ± 0.56g/100g; p ≤ 0.05) compared to day 7. Significantly higher (p ≤ 0.01) concentrations of lactic acid were recorded in vacuum packed than non-vacuum packed thigh muscles on day 14. In breast, significant difference (p ≤ 0.01) in lactic acid between vacuum and non-vacuum packed meat was observed on day 14 (1.88 ± 0.18, respectively 1.15 ± 0.67g/100g). Increased pH value in non-vacuum packed thigh was observed on day 7 (6.49 ± 0.15g/100g), and in vacuum packed on day 14 (6.42 ± 0.13g/100g). Significantly higher concentrations of phosphates in thigh were recorded on day 7 in both groups, vacuum (0.90 ± 0.17; p ≤ 0.05) and non-vacuum packed meat (0.91 ± 0.10; p ≤ 0.05), in comparison with day 1. The significant decrease (0.68 ± 0.18; p ≤ 0.01) of phosphates in thigh were observed on day 14 in non-vacuum packed thigh. In vacuum-packed thigh the phosphates showed significantly increased level (0.89 ± 0.15; p ≤ 0.05) on day 14 compared with day 1. Our results indicate that the most suitable method of storage of pheasant meat is a combination of chilling and vacuum packing.
Key words: pheasant; meat; lactic acid; pH; vacuu