5 research outputs found
Role of Actinomyces spp. and related organisms in the development of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) : Clinical evidence based on a case series
Medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) is an increasingly common consequence of antiresorptive treatment, which often leads to the development of necrotic exposed bone surfaces with inflammatory processes affecting the jawbone. Although the development of MRONJ is often associated with the inflammatory response or infections caused by the colonizing members of the oral microbiota, the exact pathogenesis of MRONJ is still not fully understood. In the present paper, we aimed to provide additional, microbiological culture-supported evidence, supporting the "infection hypothesis" that Actinomyces spp. and related organisms may play an important pathogenic role in the development of MRONJ and the resulting bone necrosis. In our case series, all patients presented with similar underlying conditions and anamnestic data, and have received antiresorptive medications (bisphosphonates or a RANK ligand (RANKL) inhibitor) to prevent the occurrence or progression of bone metastases, secondary to prostate cancer. Nevertheless, a few years into antiresorptive drug therapy, varying stages of MRONJ was identified in the mentioned patients. In all three cases, quantitative microbiological culture of the necrotic bone samples yielded a complex microbiota, dominated by Actinomyces and Schaalia spp. with high colony counts. Additionally, our followed-up case series document the treatment of these patients with a combination of surgical intervention and long-term antibiotic therapy, where favourable clinical responses were seen is all cases. If the "infection hypothesis" is valid, it may have significant consequences in the preventative and therapeutic strategies associated with this disease
Povezanost genotipova transferina i proizvodnih osobina holštajn frizijskih krava u Vojvodini
The aim of this study was to identify genotypes of transferrin, evaluate their frequency in popula¬tion of Holstein-Friesian cows, and to study association of transferrin genotypes with productivity of cows. Blood samples were collected from 249 healthy adult Holstein cows, daughters of 18 sires, reared at farm in Vojvodina. The nine transferrin (Tf) genotypes were identified: three (transferrin AA, D1D1 and D2D2) of these were homozygous and the remaining six (transferrin AD1, AD2, AE, D1D2, D1E and D2E) heterozygous. The frequencies of genotypes AD2, D1D2, D2D2 and AD1 were 0.29, 0.20, 0.17, and 0.11, respectively, while the other genotypes had frequencies below 0.11. The frequency of alleles A, D1, D2 and E, which was derived from the frequency of genotypes, was 0.30 for allele A, 0.19 for allele D1, 0.45 for allele D2 and 0.06 for allele E. In the analyzed population, cows Tf genotype D2E, AD2, D2D2, and D1D2 had the highest average of milk and milk fat yield in the first three standard lactation, while cows genotype AA, AD1 and D1E had the least amount. Analysis of variance showed that Tf genotype had a non-significant effect in the case of milk fat. However, cows which showed the highest performance for milk fat yield in three standard lactations were phenovarients Tf D2E, AD2, D2D2 and D1D2 in the analyzed population. Based on these results, the general conclusion can be made that the cows with Tf genotype AD2 recorded best results in all observed traits, and that cows which were heterozygous for Tf gene had higher milk yield and milk fat than the cows homozygous for Tf gene.Cilj ovog rada bio je identificirati genotipove transferina, procijeniti njihovu učestalost u populaciji holštajn-frizijskih krava, te utvrditi njihovu povezanost s proizvodnim osobinama krava. Uzorci krvi za ovo istraživanje uzeti su od 249 zdrave odrasle krave holštajn pasmine, kćeri 18 bikova, uzgojenih na farmi u Vojvodini. Identificirano je devet genotipova transferina, od kojih su tri (AA, D1D1, D2D2) bili homozigoti, a preostalih šest (AD1, AD2, AE, D1D2, D1E, D2E) heterozigoti. Frekvencije genotipova AD2, D1D2, D2D2 i AD1 bile su 0,29, 0,20, 0,17 i 0.11, dok su ostali genotipovi imali frekvencije ispod 1,00. Učestalost alela A, D1, D2 i E, koji su dobiveni iz učestalosti genotipova, iznosila je 0,30 za alel A, 0,19 za alel D1, 0,45 za alel D2 i 0,06 za alel E. U analiziranoj populaciji, krave transferinskog genotipa D2E, AD2, D2D2 i D1D2 imale su prosječno najveću proizvodnju mlijeka i mliječne masti u prve tri standardne laktacije, dok su krave genotipa AA, AD1 i D1E imale najmanju količinu mlijeka i mliječne masti. Analiza varijance pokazala je da genotipovi transferina nisu imali značajnog utjecaja na postotak mliječne masti. Međutim, u analiziranoj populaciji krave transferinskog genotipa D2E, AD2, D2D2 i D1D2 proizvele su mlijeko s najviše mliječne masti. Na temelju ovih istraživanja možemo primijetiti da su krave transferinskog genotipa AD2 imale najbolje rezultate za sve promatrane osobine, odnosno da su krave heterozigotne za transferin gen imale veći prinos mlijeka i mliječne masti u odnosu na krave homozigotnog genotipa za transferin
Assessment of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of Limousin herds in Hungary using microsatellite markers
Objective This study was conducted to investigate basic information on genetic structure and characteristics of Limousin population in Hungary. Obtained results will be taken into consideration when adopting the new breeding strategy by the Association of Hungarian Limousin and Blonde d’Aquitaine Breeders (AHLBB). Methods Genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship of 3,443 Limousin cattle from 16 different herds were investigated by performing genotyping using 18 microsatellite markers. Amplified DNA was genotyped using an automated genetic analyzer. Results Mean of effective alleles (ne) of the populations was 3.77. Population C had the lowest number of effective alleles (3.01) and the lowest inbreeding coefficient (FIS) value (−0.15). Principal component analysis of estimated genetic distance (FST) values (p<0.000) revealed two herds (C and E) distinct from the majority of other Limousin herds. The pairwise FST values of population C compared to the others (0.066 to 0.120) fell into the range of moderate genetic distance: 0.050 to 0.150, while population E displayed also moderate genetic distance (FST values in range 0.052 to 0.064) but only to six populations (G, H, J, L, N, and P). FST(C-E) was 0.148, all other pairs -excluding C and E herds- displayed low genetic distance (FST<0.049). Population D, F, I, J, K, L, N, O, and P carried private alleles, which alleles belonged to 1.1% of the individuals. Most probable number of clusters (K) were 2 and 7 determined by Structure and BAPS software. Conclusion This study showed useful genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship data that can be utilized for the development of a new breeding strategy by AHLBB. The results presented could also contribute to the proper selection of animals for further whole genome scan studies of Limousins
Association of transferrin genotypes and production traits of Holstein-Friesian cows in Vojvodina
The aim of this study was to identify genotypes of transferrin, evaluate their frequency in popula¬tion of Holstein-Friesian cows, and to study association of transferrin genotypes with productivity of cows. Blood samples were collected from 249 healthy adult Holstein cows, daughters of 18 sires, reared at farm in Vojvodina. The nine transferrin (Tf) genotypes were identified: three (transferrin AA, D1D1 and D2D2) of these were homozygous and the remaining six (transferrin AD1, AD2, AE, D1D2, D1E and D2E) heterozygous. The frequencies of genotypes AD2, D1D2, D2D2 and AD1 were 0.29, 0.20, 0.17, and 0.11, respectively, while the other genotypes had frequencies below 0.11. The frequency of alleles A, D1, D2 and E, which was derived from the frequency of genotypes, was 0.30 for allele A, 0.19 for allele D1, 0.45 for allele D2 and 0.06 for allele E. In the analyzed population, cows Tf genotype D2E, AD2, D2D2, and D1D2 had the highest average of milk and milk fat yield in the first three standard lactation, while cows genotype AA, AD1 and D1E had the least amount. Analysis of variance showed that Tf genotype had a non-significant effect in the case of milk fat. However, cows which showed the highest performance for milk fat yield in three standard lactations were phenovarients Tf D2E, AD2, D2D2 and D1D2 in the analyzed population. Based on these results, the general conclusion can be made that the cows with Tf genotype AD2 recorded best results in all observed traits, and that cows which were heterozygous for Tf gene had higher milk yield and milk fat than the cows homozygous for Tf gene