27 research outputs found


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    We are studied the 15 patients with autoimmune liver diseases and 36 patients without autoimmune pathology found the diagnostic value of antinuclear and antimitochondrial autoantibodies (AMA-M2) tests, and antibodies to asialoglycoprotein receptor (anti-ASGPR). Based on the ROC analysis showed that the diagnostic sensitivity and diagnostic specificity of AMA-M2 was 73% and 100% and for anti-ASGPR – 60% and 77%, respectively. Therefore, the test for anti-ASGPR in autoimmune diseases of the liver showed no advantages over standart tests, and its using in clinical practice requires clarification

    Research and innovative activity of the medical university: experience and results

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    The significance of the research and innovation activities of a medical university related to the application of research results in diagnostic and treatment practice, the training of innovatively oriented specialists in the field of medical science and healthcare is presented.Представлена значимость исследовательской и инновационной деятельности медицинского университета, связанная с применением результатов исследований в лечебно-диагностической практике, подготовкой инновационно-ориентированных специалистов в области медицинской науки и здравоохранения

    Clinical and diagnostic value of hemostasis parameters in liver cirrhosis

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    This article deals with the changes in hemostasis harameters in various severity and etiology of liver cirrhosis. Diagnostically significant parameters – the prothrombin test, and the number of platelets were registrated. The effectiveness of this tests in laboratory monitoring was shown.В статье рассмотрены изменения показателей гемостаза при циррозе печени (ЦП) различной тяжести и этиологии. Выявлены диагностически значимые параметры – протромбиновый тест, количество тромбоцитов. Показана эффективность их использования в лабораторном мониторинге

    Clinical value of oral fluid chemokines in chronic periodontitis

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    Activation of cytokine network is one of the key mechanisms in immunopathogenesis of chronic periodontitis (CP), a common dental disease. Therefore, the study of the proteomic (including cytokine) profile of saliva is not coincidentally considered among global research areas in periodontology. However, the existing data on the contents of cytokines / chemokines in oral fluid (OF) in CP are contradictory. This ambiguity of the results can be associated both with a variety of methodological approaches to the cytokine determination, and with different severity of CP in the studied cohorts of patients. Moreover, recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses show that clinical value of chemokines in CP is also not yet determined thus indicating a need for future research in this area.The aim of this study was to assess clinical and diagnostic value of some chemokines from oral fluid in chronic mild periodontitis. The work was based on a study of 18 patients diagnosed with mild chronic periodontitis (MCD-10 K05.3) and 12 practically healthy volunteers with relatively intact periodontal tissue. The diagnosis was based on standard clinical and radiological criteria. In all cases the levels of 8 chemokines were determined using multiparametric fluorescence analysis with magnetic microspheres (xMAP technology, Luminex 200, USA). Statistical analysis was carried out by methods of non-parametric statistics. To determine the predictive value of the test, ROC analysis was performed.It has been shown that CP is accompanied by increased levels of CXCL1 (5.5-fold), CXCL8 (8.1-fold), CXCL12 (3.5-fold), CCL2 (2.7-fold). At the same time, the level of other chemokines did not change significantly. There was a lack of correlations between individual parameters in the group of patients with CP, in contrast to the control group, thus, probably reflecting disturbed mechanisms of “balance” regulation of chemokines. By means of ROC analysis, highly sensitive biomarkers of chronic mild periodontitis were identified. The diagnostic sensitivity and diagnostic specificity were for CXCL1 (91 and 75%, respectively), CXCL8 and CXCL12 (95 and 75%), CCL2 (82 and 75%). The data obtained indicate that the salivary chemokines CXCL1, CXCL8, CXCL10, CXCL12, CCL2 can be considered potential biomarkers of mild chronic periodontitis

    Myelodysplasia in a patient with pulmonary tuberculosis and HIV infection (Clinical case)

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    Currently, there is still interest in the state of hematopoiesis in mixed infections due to a number of reasons. Specialists know the basic hematological characteristics of the infectious process. But it should be noted that despite the abundance of scientific information on this problem, there are relatively few clinical descriptions of hematological disorders during tuberculosis + HIV coinfection. Therefore, we consider the aim of the work to be to present a clinical observation of a patient with myelodysplasia with coinfection of tuberculosis + HIV. Materials and methods. At the first stage of the study, an analysis of clinical and laboratory data of a patient with tuberculosis + HIV co-infection was carried out. At the second stage of the study, a bibliographic search was carried out with a search depth of 10 years (2013–2023) using the CyberLeninka scientific electronic library and the PubMed search engine for biomedical research. As a result, only 7 publications on this issue were found. Results. A clinical case of a patient with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis, MBT (–) and HIV infection is presented. Due to suspicion of multiple myeloma, a bone marrow examination was performed. Bone marrow preparations are cellular; megakaryocytes are found, varying in size and with different nuclear lobularity. Signs of myelodysplasia are expressed: uneven maturation of the nucleus and cytoplasm of granulocytes, hypogranularity, hypersegmentation and gigantic size of neutrophils, megaloblas toidity of erythroid cells and cytoplasmic bridges between normoblasts. No cytogenetic abnormalities characteristic of myelodysplastic syndrome were found. Thus, the patient was diagnosed with hematopoietic dysplasia, the clonality of which has not been proven. Conclusion. The myelodysplastic process during infections is not an exceptional phenomenon. But in this case, we showed three-line myelodysplasia in mixed infection. The authors of this observation will continue to monitor the patient’s situation in order to clarify the dynamics of myelodysplastic hematopoiesis and its possible transformation.В настоящее время по-прежнему сохраняется интерес к состоянию гемопоэза при микст-инфекциях, что связано с рядом причин. Специалистам известны основные гематологические характеристики инфекционного процесса. Однако следует отметить, что при обилии научной информации по этой проблеме клинических описаний гематологических нарушений при коинфекции туберкулез + ВИЧ немного. Цель работы — представить клиническое наблюдение пациента с миелодисплазией при коинфекции туберкулез + ВИЧ. Материалы и методы. На первом этапе исследования проведен анализ клинико-лабораторных данных пациента с коинфекцией туберкулез + ВИЧ. На втором этапе проведен библиографический поиск с глубиной поиска 10 лет (2013–2023 гг.) с помощью научной электронной библиотеки «КиберЛенинка» и поисковой системы по биомедицинским исследованиям PubMed. В результате обнаружено только 7 публикаций по проблеме. Результаты. Представлен клинический случай пациента с диссеминированным туберкулезом легких, МБТ (–) и ВИЧ-инфекцией. В связи с подозрением на множественную миелому выполнено исследование костного мозга. Препараты костного мозга клеточные, встречаются мегакариоциты, разнообразные по размеру и с разной лобулярностью ядер. Выражены признаки миелодисплазии: неравномерное созревание ядра и цитоплазмы гранулоцитов, гипогранулярность, гиперсегментация и гигантские размеры нейтрофилов, мегалобластоидность эритроидных клеток и цитоплазматические мостики между нормобластами. Цитогенетические аномалии, характерные для миелодиспластического синдрома, не обнаружены. Таким образом, у пациента выявлена дисплазия кроветворения, клональность которой не было доказана. Заключение. Миелодиспластический процесс при инфекциях не является исключительным явлением. Однако в этом случае мы показали трехростковую миелодисплазию при микст-инфекции. Авторы наблюдения продолжат мониторирование ситуации с пациентом для выяснения динамики миелодиспластичного кроветворения и возможной его трансформации

    Serum nesfatin in overweight and obese children

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is one of the most common children diseases. In present time it is being actively studied the natural hormones role in the pathogenesis of obesity. AIMS: To determine the relationship between serum nesfatin level with impaired lipid metabolism in school age children with overweight and obesity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included children with overweight and obesity («case») and healthy children with normal body mass («control») aged 9 to 15 years. All children were determined by concentration in cholesterol blood and its factions, apoA-1, apoB. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Bio Human Nesfatin Enzyme Immunoassay Kit). RESULTS: Groups of patients with overweight and obesity (n = 53) and healthy children (n = 31) were comparable by age and sex. In obese children, a significant decrease in the level of nesfatin-1 was revealed compared with the group with normal body weight. In cases of children obesity there is a marked decrease in the concentration of nesfatin-1 in serum, especially expressed in the dyslipidemia presence. The nesfatin-1 level are negatively correlated to BMI and body fat content. CONCLUSIONS: The obtained data suggest that along with the known key role of nesfatin in the regulation of eating behavior and appetite, it also affects anthropometric indicators, primarily associated with the accumulation of excess fat mass. Based on the data obtained, nesfatin-1 should be considered as a possible marker for the development of obesity in children

    Сhange in pletelet parameters in patients with liver cirrhosis

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    The research is devoted to the study of the platelets parameters in patients with liver cirrhosis (LC). 208 patients was examined. Platelet counts (PLT), mean platelet volume (MPV), platelet distribution width (PDW), plateletcrit (PCT) were assessed in these people. It was established that thrombocytopenia at the initial stage had hyperdestructive type. This pathology in late stages had hypoproductive type. We identified differences in platelet parameters in patients with LC, depending on their severity, may play a crucial role in accurate diagnosis verification, laboratory monitoring and selection of optimal conservative treatment strategies.Данное исследование посвящено изучению тромбоцитарных показателей пациентов при циррозе печени (ЦП) различной степени тяжести. Обследовано 208 человек, у которых оценивали количество тромбоцитов(PLT), средний объем тромбоцитов (MPV), анизоцитоз (PDW) и тромбокрит (PCT). В результате исследования установили, что на начальной стадии цирроза печени тромбоцитопения имела характер гипердеструктивного типа, а уже на поздних стадиях приобрела гипопродуктивный генез. Выявленные различия в тромбоцитарных параметрах у пациентов с ЦП в зависимости от степени тяжести могут играть решающую роль в точной верификации диагноза, в лабораторном мониторинге и подборе оптимальных консервативных стратегий лечения

    Clinical value of cytological features of buccal cells in patients with Alzheimer's disease

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    The article presents the features of the buccal cells in patients with Alzheimer's disease. In the biomaterial of people with this pathology were identified buccal cells with cytogenetic disorders (an increase in the number of cells with micronucleus). The clinical value of the micronucleus test for patients with Alzheimer's disease was estimated.В статье представлены особенности буккальной цитограммы у пациентов с болезнью Альцгеймера. В биоматериале людей с данной патологией выявлены клетки буккального эпителия с цитогенетическими нарушениями (повышение количества клеток с микроядрами). Проведена оценка клинической ценности микроядерного теста буккального эпителия для пациентов с болезнью Альцгеймера

    Determination of reference intervals for the cytograms of buccal epithelium

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    In this article, the study of buccal epithelium in children and adults, both in healthy and with oral pathologies. Karyological and cytoplasmic anomalies of the buccal epithelium were evaluated. Defined reference ranges of indicators buccal cytograms from different age groups. Changes in the indicators in the pathology of the oral cavity were revealedВ данной статье произведено исследование буккального эпителия у детей и взрослых, как у здоровых, так и с патологиями полости рта. Была дана оценка кариологическим и цитоплазматическим аномалиям буккального эпителия. Определены референтные интервалы показателей буккальной цитограммы разных возрастных групп. Выявлены изменения показателей при потологиях полости рта

    The clinical case of acute promyelocytic leukemia in a patient with high cytogenetic risk

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    The article presents an overview of the clinical case of acute promyelocytic leukemia in a patient with high cytogenetic risk. Key methods for laboratory diagnosis of this disease are indicated.В статье представлен обзор клинического случая острого промиелоцитарного лейкоза у пациента с высоким цитогенетическим риском. Указаны основные методы лабораторной диагностики данного заболевани