8 research outputs found

    Detection of reactive oxygen metabolites in malignant and adjacent normal tissues of patients with lung cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Different types of reactive oxygen metabolites (ROMs) are known to be involved in carcinogenesis. Several studies have emphasized the formation of ROMs in ischemic tissues and in cases of inflammation. The increased amounts of ROMs in tumor tissues can either be because of their causative effects or because they are produced by the tumor itself. Our study aimed to investigate and compare the levels of ROMs in tumor tissue and adjacent lung parenchyma obtained from patients with lung cancer. METHODS: Fifteen patients (all male, mean age 63.6 ± 9 years) with non-small cell lung cancer were enrolled in the study. All patients were smokers. Of the patients with lung cancer, twelve had epidermoid carcinoma and three had adenocarcinoma. During anatomical resection of the lung, tumor tissue and macroscopically adjacent healthy lung parenchyma (control) that was 5 cm away from the tumor were obtained. The tissues were freshly frozen and stored at −20°C. The generation of ROMs was monitored using luminol- and lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) techniques. RESULTS: Both luminol (specific for (.)OH, H(2)O(2), and HOCl(-)) and lucigenin (selective for O(2)(.-)) CL measurements were significantly higher in tumor tissues than in control tissues (P <0.001). Luminol and lucigenin CL measurements were 1.93 ± 0.71 and 2.5 ± 0.84 times brighter, respectively, in tumor tissues than in the adjacent parenchyma (P = 0.07). CONCLUSION: In patients with lung cancer, all ROM levels were increased in tumor tissues when compared with the adjacent lung tissue. Because the increase in lucigenin concentration, which is due to tissue ischemia, is higher than the increase in luminol, which is directly related to the presence and severity of inflammation, ischemia may be more important than inflammation for tumor development in patients with lung cancer

    Sequential right upper sleeve lobectomy and left pneumonectomy for bilateral synchronous lung cancer

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    WOS: 000265573300039PubMed ID: 19216087Bilateral pulmonary resections can be performed in patients with synchronous non-small cell lung cancers. However, pneumonectomy and lobectomy in the same patient is still an arguable approach. We report a successful sequential right upper sleeve lobectomy and left pneumonectomy performed in a 47-year-old mate patient who had bilateral synchronous primary lung cancer. (C) 2008 European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Pathway-Centric Analysis of the TCGA - NSCLC Transcriptome Data Pertaining to Deceased Patients

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    Lung cancer among other cancer types is the most prevalent disease with about 1.9 million new cases observed each year and ranks the fifth most common cause of death according to the World Health Organization. Of the two main subtypes of lung cancer, non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) accounts for the majority of all cases. The two major subtypes of NSCLC, lung squamous cell carcinoma and lung adenocarcinoma are extensively sampled as part of The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project. In this study, we took a pathway centric focus on the analysis of RNA-Seq data belonging to dead NSCLC patients involved in TCGA. We applied statistical tests comparing subgroups of patients based on varying clinical traits such as tumor pathologic staging and the total number of days passed from diagnosis till death for the subjected patients. We also compared the transcriptome of smokers and nonsmokers to gain insights about the effect of tobacco smoking history on the gene expression patterns of deceased NSCLC patients. Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction pathway was overrepresented in patients who died at pathologic T2 stage as well as in those lung cancer patients who survived less than a year. Down-regulation of the signaling pathways such as retrograde endocannabinoid, Hippo, AGE-RAGE in diabetic complications, Wnt, and oxytocin was also striking in patients who survived shorter. We show concordant results with previous findings about the down-regulation of nitric oxide synthase in smokers. This study may encourage more focused analyses of the TCGA data with a potential to cast new perspectives onto lung cancer research

    Sol ana bronş tümörüne sağ torakotomi ile izole sleeve rezeksiyon

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    Trakeobronşial sistemin mukoepidermoid karsinomları, submukozal bezlerden gelişen ve primer tedavisi cerrahi olan malign tümörlerdir. Parankim hasarı yapmamış ve bronş dışına yayılımı yok ise izole parankim koruyucu rezeksiyon yapılabilir. Hastamız, sol ana bronşta yerleşik karinaya bir cm uzaklıktaki polipoid lezyonundan biyopsi ile düşük dereceli mukoepidermoid karsinom tanısı alan bir olguydu. Radyolojik tetkiklerinde sağ alt lobta da minimal FDG tutulum gösteren parankim nodülü saptanması üzerine hem nodülün değerlendirilmesi, hem de proksimal yerleşimli sol ana bronş tümörü nedeniyle; hastaya sağ torakotomi ile girişim planlandı. Parankim nodülü benign olarak bildirilince, hastaya sol ana bronş izole sleeve rezeksiyonu yapıldı. Nadir uygulanan cerrahi rezeksiyon tekniğin, literatür eşliğinde tartışılması amaçlanmıştır

    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum: report of two cases Spontan pnömomediastinum: İki olgu sunumu Süreyyapaşa Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Göğüs Cerrahisi Eğitim ve

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    Spontan pnömomediastinum (SPM) nadir, çoğunlukla genç erkeklerde görülen, zemin hazırlayan faktör bulunmayan, ya da altta yatan sebebi bulunmayan selim bir hastalıktır. SPM konservatif tedaviye oldukça iyi yanıt verir ve tekrarlama riski oldukça düşüktür. Çalışmamızda, kliniğimiz-de yatırılarak takip edilen iki SPM olgusu literatür eşliğin-de tartışıldı. Anahtar Sözcükler: Mediasten; mediastinal amfizem; spontan pnömomediastinum. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM) is an uncommon, benign, self-limited disorder that usually occurs in young adult males without any apparent precipitating factor or disease. SPM responds extremely well to conservative treatment, without recurrence in the great majority of cases. In this report, two patients who were admitted for SPM are discussed together with the associated literature. Key Words: Mediastinum; mediastinal emphysema; spontaneous pneumomediastinum. Mediastinal emphysema or pneumomediastinum is the presence of air within the confines of mediastinal structures. Mediastinal emphysema was first described by Laennec [3] Two cases of SPM are presented with respect to clinical and radiological findings and are discussed in light of the related literature. CASE REPORTS Case 1-A 33-year-old male patient presented to our clinic for dyspnea. He had a history of asthma for 20 years and intermittently received bronchodilator treatment; however, he suffered from increased dyspnea during the last 10 days. On physical and routine laboratory examinations, no abnormal findings were revealed. His chest X-ray demonstrated a linear doublecontour along the cardiac border of the left mediastinal pleura. The patient was hospitalized to monitor for possible SPM. Thorax computerized tomography (CT) revealed air around the mediastinal vessels that separated vascular structures from adjacent soft tissues Case 2-A 21-year-old male patient presented to our clinic with dyspnea that developed within the last two days. His medical history included a traffic accident 10 years before. Physical examination revealed limited subcutaneous emphysema of the neck and left side of the thorax. Routine laboratory test results were within normal limits. Chest X-ray revealed a linear air shadow along the cardiac border in the left mediastinal regio