1 research outputs found

    Bioorthogonal Probes to study MDM2-p53 inhibitors in cells and to develop high content screening assays for drug discovery

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    To study the behavior of MDM2-p53 inhibitors in a disease-relevant cellular model, we have developed and validated a set of bioorthogonal probes that can be fluorescently labeled in cells and used in high content screening assays. Using automated image analysis and single cell resolution, we could visualize the intracellular target binding of compounds by co-localization and quantify target upregulation upon MDM2-p53 inhibition in an osteosarcoma model. In addition, we developed a high throughput assay to quantify target occupancy of non-tagged MDM2-p53 inhibitors by competition and to identify novel chemical matter. This approach could be expanded to other targets for lead discovery applications