35 research outputs found

    Investigating the effects of head posture muscles’ viscoelastic parameters on pulmonary and functional capacity in healthy individuals

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    Introduction. Forward head posture (FHP) is known to have a large influence on respiratory function by weakening the respiratory muscles. This cross-sectional study is designed to examine the relationship between the tonus, stiffness, and elasticity of head posture muscles and pulmonary capacity. Methods. overall, 16 FHP and 17 non-forward head posture (NFHP) individuals were evaluated. The tonus, stiffness, and elasticity of the upper trapezius, semispinalis capitis, pectoral muscles, and sternocleidomastoid muscles were measured with a MyotonPRo® device. Functional capacity was assessed with the 6-minute walk test. Pulmonary function tests employed a spirometer. The Neck Disability index was applied. FHP was determined by measuring the craniovertebral angle. Physical activity levels were evaluated with the Physical Activity index. Results. The study involved 18 (54.54%) female and 15 (45.45%) male students. Their mean age was 21.24 ± 1.82 years. Neck Disability index scores were higher in participants with FHP than in NFHP individuals (p = 0.037). There were no significant differences in the myotonometric measurements of the analysed muscles between FHP and NFHP groups (p > 0.05). Physiological characteristics of FHP and NFHP participants were different in terms of vital capacity, forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 second, and peak forced expiratory volume (p < 0.05). Conclusions. owing to the pulmonary capacity differences between FHP and NFHP individuals, it can be concluded that FHP affects pulmonary capacity. Also, pectoral muscles and semispinalis capitis muscles play an important role in thoracic expansion and therefore influence vital capacity. © Wroclaw University of Health and Sport Science

    Investigating the effects of neuromobilization in lateral epicondylitis

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    Study Design: Randomized controlled study. Introduction: Lateral epicondylitis (LE) causes pain and loss of function in the affected limb. Different exercises have been used for the treatment of LE. In recent years, the technique of neuromobilization has been frequently used to treat tendinopathy. However, there is no study that demonstrates the effects of neuromobilization techniques on patients with LE. Purpose of the Study: The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of neuromobilization techniques on pain, grip strength, and functional status in LE patients and to compare them with conservative rehabilitation treatment. Methods: A total of 40 patients (26 females and 14 males; age: 42.80 ± 8.91 years) with a history of LE participated in the study. The patients were randomly assigned to two groups: the neuromobilization group and the control group. The neuromobilization group completed a 6-week conservative rehabilitation and radial nerve mobilization program, whereas the control group received conservative rehabilitation therapy only. Both groups underwent a 7-day weekly conservative home rehabilitation program. Pain severity, grip strength, pinch strength, joint motions, and upper extremity functional level were assessed before treatment, at the third week after treatment, and at the sixth week after treatment. Results: There was a significant decrease in all pain scores in favor of the neuromobilization group at week 6 after treatment (at rest: P = .001, effect size (ES) = 0.84; at night: P = .001, ES = 0.91 and during activity: P = .004, ES = 1.06). No significant differences were found for grip strength, pinch strength, joint motions, and functional level in the neuromobilization group, although trends toward better improvement were observed. Conclusions: Radial nerve mobilization techniques are more effective on pain than conservative rehabilitation therapy in LE patients, and this effect continues after treatment. © 2020 Hanley & Belfu

    Effects of virtual Reality-Based Training and aerobic training on gaming disorder, physical activity, physical fitness, and anxiety: A randomized, controlled trial

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    Background and aim: The effects of physical activity and exercise on gaming disorder severity in individuals with gaming disorder are unknown. The present study aimed to address the empirical gap in the current literature by comparing the effects of virtual reality-based training (VRT) and aerobic training (AT) exercise programs on gaming disorder severity, physical activity, physical fitness, and anxiety versus control group. Materials and methods: Forty-four young male adults (18–28 years) with gaming disorder and a sedentary lifestyle were included in the study. The primary outcomes of the study were changes in gaming disorder severity and physical activity, and secondary outcomes included changes in physical fitness and anxiety levels. The participants were randomly assigned to VRT (n = 15), AT (n = 14) and control (n = 15) groups. Training sessions were performed at 50–70% of the maximal heart rate. Exercise programs consisted of 6 weeks of training 3 times a week for 30 min. Results: There was a decrease in the severity of gaming disorder as well as an increase in the level of physical activity in the VRT and AT exercise groups compared to the control group. In addition, a reduction was observed in the gaming time and sedentary time in both exercise groups versus control group. VRT group experienced greater improvements in physical fitness parameters than the AT group. Conclusion: VRT and AT were effective in reducing gaming time and the severity of gaming disorder in individuals with gaming disorder. The therapeutic effects of VRT and AT can be used for reducing the severity of gaming disorder. © 2022 Elsevier Lt

    Investigating the effects of appropriate fitting footwear on functional performance level, balance and fear of falling in older adults: A comparative-observational study

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    The aim of the study was to assess the characteristics of footwear altogether and to compare the effect of appropriate-fitting and ill-fitting footwear on functional performance, balance, and fear of falling (FoF) in older adults. Individuals who wore appropriate-fitting (n = 61) or ill-fitting footwear (n = 92) were enrolled in the study. Footwear was evaluated using the Footwear Assessment Scale (FAS). The participants were assessed using the Berg Balance Scale (BBS) for balance, the Timed Up and Go test for functional performance and the Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale for FoF. Tests were conducted twice for each individual with or without footwear. Differences between the groups were analyzed using the MANOVA for scores of balance, performance and fear of falling and Chi-squared test for homogeneity. The Paired t-test was used to compare test scores with or without footwear. It was concluded that appropriate-fitting footwear improves balance, reduces fear of falling and may affect functional performance positively. ClinicalTrials.gov No: NCT04151654 © 2021 Elsevier Inc


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    Amaç: Çalışma amputasyondan sonra normal yaşama yeniden katılımın yaşam kalitesi ve fonksiyonel düzey ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi ve normal yaşama yeniden katılım sürecini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya yaşları 18-50 arasında değişen, unilateral ekstremite amputasyonu olan 120 birey dahil edildi. Katılımı değerlendirmek için Normal Yaşama Yeniden Katılım İndeksinin (Reintegration to Normal Living Index, RNLI) Türkçe versiyonu uygulandı. Amputelerde protez kullanımına ilişkin faktörleri ve proteze uyum düzeyini belirlemek, fonksiyonel düzeyi değerlendirmek amacıyla Trinity Amputasyon ve Protez Deneyim Ölçeği (Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scale, TAPES) kullanıldı. Yaşam kalitesi, Kısa Form 36 (Short Form, SF 36) ile değerlendirildi. Demografik bilgileri, amputasyon ve proteze ait bilgileri, mesleki ve işe yönelik bilgileri sorgulayan tanımlayıcı genel ampute değerlendirme anketi tarafımızca oluşturulup olgulara uygulandı. Sonuçlar: RNLI alt bölümleri ve toplam skorları ile SF-36nın alt bölümleri ve özet skalaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki bulundu (p0.05). RNLI alt bölümleri ile TAPES 1. Kısım psikososyal uyum, aktivite kısıtlaması, protez ile memnuniyet bölümleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki olduğu saptandı (p0.05). Eğitim düzeyi, rehabilitasyon alma durumu, güdük ağrısı ve fantom ağrısı, genel sağlık durumu ve genel fiziksel kapasite algısı gibi değişkenlerin normal yaşama yeniden katılımı etkilediği gözlendi (p0.05). Tartışma: Bu çalışma, amputasyondan sonra normal yaşama katılımın yaşam kalitesi ve fonksiyonel düzey ile ilişkili olduğunu göstermektedir.Purpose: This study was carried out to investigate the relationship of reintegration to normal living process with quality of life and functional level and to determine the factors effecting reintegration to normal living process. Methods: 120 subjects aged between 18-50 years who had unilateral extremity amputation were included. Turkish version of Reintegration to Normal Living Index (RNLI) survey was used to evaluate reintegration. Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scale (TAPES) was used to determine the factors regarding the use of prosthesis and the level of compliance with the prosthesis and to evaluate the functional level for amputees. Quality of life was assessed by Short Form-36 (SF-36). A general amputee assessment questionnaire including information about demographics, amputation and prosthetics and occupation which was developed by the researchers was used. Results: Statistically significant relationships were found between subdivisions and total scores of RNLI and subdivisions and summary scales of SF-36 (p&lt;0.05). Statistically sig- nificant relationships were found between subdivisions of RNLI and subdivisions of TAPES that includes psychosocial adjustment, activity limitation, satisfaction with the prosthesis (p&lt;0.05). Reintegration to normal living was impressed by education level, status of receiving rehabilitation, stump and phantom pain, perception of general health status and general physical capacity (p&lt;0.05). Discussion: This study was showed that reintegration to normal living process was associated with quality of life and functional level

    Amputasyondan sonra normal yaşama yeniden katılım sürecinin yaşam kalitesi ve fonksiyonel düzey ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi = Investigation of the relationship of reintegration process to normal living after amputation with quality of life and functional level

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    Amaç: Çalışma amputasyondan sonra normal yaşama yeniden katılımın yaşam kalitesi ve fonksiyonel düzey ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi ve normal yaşama yeniden katılım sürecini etkileyen faktörlerin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapıldı. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya yaşları 18-50 arasında değişen, unilateral ekstremite amputasyonu olan 120 birey dahil edildi. Katılımı değerlendirmek için Normal Yaşama Yeniden Katılım İndeksi’nin (Reintegration to Normal Living Index, RNLI) Türkçe versiyonu uygulandı. Amputelerde protez kullanımına ilişkin faktörleri ve proteze uyum düzeyini belirlemek, fonksiyonel düzeyi değerlendirmek amacıyla Trinity Amputasyon ve Protez Deneyim Ölçeği (Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scale, TAPES) kullanıldı. Yaşam kalitesi, Kısa Form 36 (Short Form, SF 36) ile değerlendirildi. Demografik bilgileri, amputasyon ve proteze ait bilgileri, mesleki ve işe yönelik bilgileri sorgulayan tanımlayıcı genel ampute değerlendirme anketi tarafımızca oluşturulup olgulara uygulandı. Sonuçlar: RNLI alt bölümleri ve toplam skorları ile SF-36’nın alt bölümleri ve özet skalaları arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki bulundu (p<0.05). RNLI alt bölümleri ile TAPES 1. Kısım psikososyal uyum, aktivite kısıtlaması, protez ile memnuniyet bölümleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı ilişki olduğu saptandı (p<0.05). Eğitim düzeyi, rehabilitasyon alma durumu, güdük ağrısı ve fantom ağrısı, genel sağlık durumu ve genel fiziksel kapasite algısı gibi değişkenlerin normal yaşama yeniden katılımı etkilediği gözlendi (p<0.05). Tartışma: Bu çalışma, amputasyondan sonra normal yaşama katılımın yaşam kalitesi ve fonksiyonel düzey ile ilişkili olduğunu göstermektedir. Purpose: This study was carried out to investigate the relationship of reintegration to normal living process with quality of life and functional level and to determine the factors effecting reintegration to normal living process. Methods: 120 subjects aged between 18-50 years who had unilateral extremity amputation were included. Turkish version of Reintegration to Normal Living Index (RNLI) survey was used to evaluate reintegration. Trinity Amputation and Prosthesis Experience Scale (TAPES) was used to determine the factors regarding the use of prosthesis and the level of compliance with the prosthesis and to evaluate the functional level for amputees. Quality of life was assessed by Short Form-36 (SF-36). A general amputee assessment questionnaire including information about demographics, amputation and prosthetics and occupation which was developed by the researchers was used. Results: Statistically significant relationships were found between subdivisions and total scores of RNLI and subdivisions and summary scales of SF-36 (p<0.05). Statistically significant relationships were found between subdivisions of RNLI and subdivisions of TAPES that includes psychosocial adjustment, activity limitation, satisfaction with the prosthesis (p<0.05). Reintegration to normal living was impressed by education level, status of receiving rehabilitation, stump and phantom pain, perception of general health status and general physical capacity (p<0.05). Discussion: This study was showed that reintegration to normal living process was associated with quality of life and functional level

    The effect of cervical mobilization on balance and static plantar loading distribution in patients with multiple sclerosis A randomized crossover study

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    Objectives: To investigate the influence of repeated cervical mobilization (CM) on balance and plantar loading distribution in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Methods: A total of 12 individuals were included in the cross over study designed as a cross sectional. The study was carried out from October 2019 until July 2020. Individuals received traditional treatment (TM) and cervical mobilization treatments (CM) 2 days a week for 4 weeks in a different order by random method. It was treated with joint traction and sliding techniques. Soft tissue mobilization techniques for myofascial relaxation were applied for CM in addition to TM. Romberg test (RT), Sharpened Romberg Test (SRT), and Functional Reach Test (FRT) were used to balance the assessment. Plantar loading distribution was evaluated with Pedobarography. The maximum and mean pressure in the foot, the percentages of pressure values in the fore and rear of the foot, and percentages of the bodyweight discharge onto right feet and left feet were recorded. Results: The forefoot loading increased after treatment in the CM group (p<0.05). The duration of RT and SRT increased, and average pressure decreased in the cervical mobilization group (p<0.05). The body weight discharge onto right feet and left feet approached 50% after cervical mobilization (p<0.05). Conclusion: Cervical mobilization techniques can positively change the balance and plantar loading distribution compared to traditional treatment. Cervical mobilization applications could be used to support neurological rehabilitation

    Determination of the effects of playing soccer on physical fitness in individuals with transtibial amputation

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of playing soccer on various components of physical performance such as body composition, muscular endurance, anaerobic power, flexibility, balance, and speed of individuals with transtibial amputation. METHODS: Twelve amputee football players aged 26.67 +/- 7.76 years and twelve sedentary individuals aged 33 +/- 6.7 years were involved in this study. Body composition, and isotonic and isometric endurance of trunk muscles were assessed. Vertical jump test, sit-and-reach test, modified Thomas test, Berg Balance Scale, L test, and figure-of-eight walk (F8W) test were used to assess other physical fitness parameters. RESULTS: The Body Mass Index, waist circumference and body fat percentages of the amputee soccer players were significantly lower than the sedentary amputees (P0.05). Balance was higher in the soccer group (P=0.023). The completion period of the F8W test was significantly lower in the soccer group (4.54 +/- 0.9 s) than in the control group (7.71 +/- 2.25 s) (P<0.001). No significant difference was observed in the numbers of steps measured during the F8W test (P=0.231). CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study which investigates the effects of sports on the physical fitness of individuals with transtibial amputation with the inclusion of a control group. Overall findings present the benefits of participating in playing soccer on physical fitness parameters of amputees, but further studies with randomized controlled trials, with larger populations, and with other sport branches should be conducted to motivate all amputees to participate in sports


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    Amaç: Bu çalışma, halluks valgus deformitesi olan kadınlarda yürüme ve yaşam kalitesini değerlendirmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Yöntemler: Çalışmaya yaşları 18-55 yıl arasında değişen, Manchester skalasına göre deformite derecesi 2 ve üstünde olan halluks valgus tanısı konulmuş 30 gönüllü (deney grubu) ve 30 sağlıklı birey (kontrol grubu) alınmıştır. Bireyler, demografik özellikler, yürüyüş ve yaşam kalitesi açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Yürüyüşün değerlendirilmesinde ayak izi yöntemi, yaşam kalitesinin değerlendirilmesinde ise SF-36 kullanılmıştır. Sonuçlar: Yürüyüşün zaman-mesafe karakteristikleri açısından gruplar karşılaştırıldığında, adım genişliği, ayak açısı, yürüyüş temposu ve yürüme hızı açısından kontrol grubu lehine fark olduğu görülmüştür (p0,05). Yaşam kalitesi açısından bireylere bakıldığında, SF-36 yaşam kalitesi anketinin fiziksel fonksiyon, fiziksel rol, ağrı, zindelik/yorgunluk, sosyal fonksiyon, emosyonel rol, fiziksel bölüm özeti ve mental bölüm özeti parametreleri açısından deney grubunda olumsuz etkilenme olduğu saptanmıştır (p0.05). Tartışma: Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar ışığında, halluks valgus deformitesinin kadınlarda yürüyüş ve yaşam kalitesini olumsuz etkilediği görüşüne varılmıştır.Purpose: This study was conducted to evaluate gait and quality of life in women with the hallux valgus deformity. Methods: To study, ranging between 18-55 years of age, according to the Manchester Scaledeformation degree 2 and on, 30 volunteers who have been diagnosed with hallux valgus (experimental group) and 30 healthy subjects (control group) were included. Individuals were evaluated in terms of demographic charecteristics, gait and quality of life. Evaluation of gait used method of foot print, evaluation of quality of life used SF-36.Results: When time-distance characteristics of gait were compared, the difference in favor of control group was observed about step width, foot angle, cadance, gait speed (p&lt;0,05). When viewed in terms of individual for quality of life, in the experimental group was found to be adversely affected in terms of parameters of physical functionning, physical role, bodily pain, vitality, social functionning, emotional role, physical parts summary, emotional parts summary of the SF-36 quality of life questionnaire (p&lt;0,05).Discussion: In the light of the results obtained from the study, it has been concluded, hallux valgus deformity has negative impact on gait and quality of life in women

    Reliability and Validity of the Turkish Reintegration to Normal Living Index in Amputees

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    In our country, outcome measures are needed to evaluate the results of occupational therapy in amputees. This study aimed to cross-culturally adapt the Reintegration to Normal Living Index (RNLI) and to evaluate the reliability and validity of a Turkish version of the RNLI. The Turkish version of the RNLI was applied to 120 amputees. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) were used to determine internal consistency and test–retest reliability, respectively. Criterion validity was assessed using Short Form 36 (SF-36). The Turkish version of the RNLI presented reliable results in repeated assessments (ICC =.88), and the internal consistency of the RNLI was high (Cronbach’s α coefficient =.89). A statistically significant relationship was found between RNLI and SF-36 (p <.05). The Turkish RNLI is a reliable and valid tool to evaluate the level of reintegration to normal living for amputees. © The Author(s) 2020