3 research outputs found

    Effect of Bold Display of Mission Statement on the Performance of Insurance Industry in Nigeria

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    Over the past 20 years mission statements have become one of the most popular management tools. Despite the enormous popularity of mission statements it has been plagued with some constraints. Some of which are wrong application of mission statement, poor organization structure, unethical attitudes of insurance practitioners and lack of conformity to the rules and standards by insurance organization’s workers towards the actualization of strategic goals. This study examined the effect of mission statement on business performance in Nigerian insurance industry. The descriptive research design was use. Based on a survey of 120 staff, this paper explored staff’s state of awareness of mission statements, perceptions about the bold display of mission statement and whether the organization’s mission statements has effect on their performance. Findings indicated that there was a weak positive relationship between bold display of mission statement and organization’s performance in aspect of profit making and also that there was a weak negative influence of mission statement on insurance business performance in Nigeria. Keywords: Mission Statement, Insurance, Business Performance. Bold Displa

    Agro -Allied Small And Medium Scale Business And Economic Growth Of Nigeria (1976-2021)

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    Agro-allied industries rely on agriculture for raw materials in order to produce finished goods that are helpful to livestock and people. The study examined the impact of agro allied small and medium scale business on economic growth of Nigeria between 1976 and 2020. The data was sourced from CBN Statistical Bulletin and analysed using econometric techniques such as ordinary least square, error correction model etc with the aid of EViews software. The Regression result showed that a positive and significant relationship exist between agro allied SMEs has a significant impact on real gross domestic product (R2 =0.586, Adjusted R2 = 0.577, p value= 0.02). The study concluded that agro allied small and medium scale business has moderate positive impact on economic growth of Nigeria. This study therefore recommends that the emphasis should be on modern technology to improve agro allied business to make economy more functional, relevant and growth driven


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    Supplier performance evaluation plays a vital role in the creating an effective business survival especially in pessimistic business environment. More also, evaluation of supplier performance is important for an enterprise to survive in a competitive local and global market. The study x-rays the benefit of data envelopment analysis in evaluating the performance of decision-making units (DMUs). DEA is a mathematical programming tool applied in performance measurement. A case scenario is presented to show the efficiency of the selected suppliers’ selection and the most competent in ranking order. The DMUs results demonstrated that the model has the capacity to measure effectiveness, efficiency and most preferred supplier for business sustainability in an unstable business environment. The DMUs model can be used by decision makers to select the most efficient and economical business partner (supplier) for business survival.Procjena performansi dobavljača igra vitalnu ulogu u stvaranju učinkovitog poslovnog opstanka, posebno u pesimističkom poslovnom okruženju. Što više, procjena performansi dobavljača važna je za opstanak poduzeća na konkurentnom lokalnom i globalnom tržištu. Studija rendgenski pokazuje korist od analizeo međivanja podataka(DEA) u ocjenjivanju i zvedbe jedinica za donošenje odluka (DMU). DEA je matematički programski alat koji se primjenjuje u mjerenju performansi. Predstavljen je scenarij slučaja koji pokazuje učinkovitost odabira odabranih dobavljača i onih koji su rangirani kao najkompetentniji. Rezultati DMU-a pokazali su da model ima sposobnost mjerenja efektivnosti, učinkovitost, efikasnosti najpoželjnijeg dobavljača za održivost poslovanja u nestabilnom poslovnom okruženju. Model DMU-a mogu koristiti donositelji odluka za odabir najučinkovitijeg i najekonomičnijeg poslovnog partnera (dobavljača) za poslovni opstanak