1,081 research outputs found

    Adaptive volume penalization for ocean modeling

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    The development of various volume penalization techniques for use in modeling topographical features in the ocean is the focus of this paper. Due to the complicated geometry inherent in ocean boundaries, the stair-step representation used in the majority of current global ocean circulation models causes accuracy and numerical stability problems. Brinkman penalization is the basis for the methods developed here and is a numerical technique used to enforce no-slip boundary conditions through the addition of a term to the governing equations. The second aspect to this proposed approach is that all governing equations are solved on a nonuniform, adaptive grid through the use of the adaptive wavelet collocation method. This method solves the governing equations on temporally and spatially varying meshes, which allows higher effective resolution to be obtained with less computational cost. When penalization methods are coupled with the adaptive wavelet collocation method, the flow near the boundary can be well-resolved. It is especially useful for simulations of boundary currents and tsunamis, where flow near the boundary is important. This paper will give a thorough analysis of these methods applied to the shallow water equations, as well as some preliminary work applying these methods to volume penalization for bathymetry representation for use in either the nonhydrostatic or hydrostatic primitive equations

    Adaptive Wavelet Collocation Method on the Shallow Water Model

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    This paper presents an integrated approach for modeling several ocean test problems on adaptive grids using novel boundary techniques. The adaptive wavelet collocation method solves the governing equations on temporally and spatially varying meshes, which allows higher effective resolution to be obtained with less computational cost. It is a general method for the solving a large class of partial differential equations, but is applied to the shallow water equations here. In addition to developing wavelet-based computational models, this work also uses an extension of the Brinkman penalization method to represent irregular and non-uniform continental boundaries. This technique is used to enforce no slip boundary conditions through the addition of a term to the field equations. When coupled with the adaptive wavelet collocation method, the flow near the boundary can be well resolved. It is especially useful for simulations of boundary currents and tsunamis, where flow and the boundary is important, thus, those are the test cases presented here

    Field Emission and Nanostructure of Carbon Films

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    The results of field emission measurements of various forms of carbon films are reported. It is shown that the films nanostructure is a crucial factor determining the field emission properties. In particular, smooth, pulsed-laser deposited amorphous carbon films with both high and low sp3 contents are poor field emitters. This is similar to the results obtained for smooth nanocrystalline, sp2-bonded carbon films. In contrast, carbon films prepared by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition (HE-CVD) exhibit very good field emission properties, including low emission turn-on fields, high emission site density, and excellent durability. HF-CVD carbon films were found to be predominantly sp2-bonded. However, surface morphology studies show that these films are thoroughly nanostructured, which is believed to be responsible for their promising field emission properties

    Admixed pellets for fast and efficient delivery of plasma enhancement gases: Investigations at AUG exploring the option for EU-DEMO

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    Gas and pellet injection are envisaged for particle fuelling in EU-DEMO. The gas system will provide edge and divertor fuelling and any further gas species required for operation. Pellets, mm-sized bodies formed from solid hydrogen fuel, are designed for efficient and fast core fuelling. However, they can also be employed for a more efficient delivery of plasma enhancement gases, by admixing them with the fuelling pellets. To check this option for EU-DEMO, explorative investigations have been performed at ASDEX Upgrade (AUG). The AUG system produces ice in a batch process sufficient for about 100 pellets, initially designed for operation with pure H2_2 or D2_2. On a trial basis, pellet formation was tested using an H2_2/D2_2 mixture and admixtures containing small amounts (up to 2 mol%) of N2_2, Ar, Kr or Xe in the D2_2 host. A homogeneous and reproducible ice composition was found for the H2_2/D2_2 = 1:1 case. For all the admixed gases, a depletion of the admixture in the ice with increasing atomic number is observed. Nevertheless, the fast and efficient delivery of admixed pellets was clearly demonstrated in dedicated plasma experiments at AUG. Detailed investigations showed that the Ar supplied via admixed pellets has a higher radiation efficiency and a faster radiation rise than an Ar/D2_2 gas puff. Furthermore, Ar density measurements in a discharge with admixed pellet injection show reasonable agreement with findings of a fading admixed species’ concentration along the ice rod and assumptions on the pellet ablation location in the plasma. Investigations performed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory with a large batch extruder using up to 2 mol% Ne in D2_2 confirmed that production of much larger ice quantities can be achieved. These initial explorative investigations clearly reveal the great potential of admixed pellets, although they also demonstrate that further technology efforts are required before their benefits can be utilized

    Impact of horizontal resolution on global ocean–sea ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2)

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    This paper presents global comparisons of fundamental global climate variables from a suite of four pairs of matched low- and high-resolution ocean and sea ice simulations that are obtained following the OMIP-2 protocol (Griffies et al., 2016) and integrated for one cycle (1958–2018) of the JRA55-do atmospheric state and runoff dataset (Tsujino et al., 2018). Our goal is to assess the robustness of climate-relevant improvements in ocean simulations (mean and variability) associated with moving from coarse (∼ 1∘) to eddy-resolving (∼ 0.1∘) horizontal resolutions. The models are diverse in their numerics and parameterizations, but each low-resolution and high-resolution pair of models is matched so as to isolate, to the extent possible, the effects of horizontal resolution. A variety of observational datasets are used to assess the fidelity of simulated temperature and salinity, sea surface height, kinetic energy, heat and volume transports, and sea ice distribution. This paper provides a crucial benchmark for future studies comparing and improving different schemes in any of the models used in this study or similar ones. The biases in the low-resolution simulations are familiar, and their gross features – position, strength, and variability of western boundary currents, equatorial currents, and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current – are significantly improved in the high-resolution models. However, despite the fact that the high-resolution models “resolve” most of these features, the improvements in temperature and salinity are inconsistent among the different model families, and some regions show increased bias over their low-resolution counterparts. Greatly enhanced horizontal resolution does not deliver unambiguous bias improvement in all regions for all models

    OMIP contribution to CMIP6: experimental and diagnostic protocol for the physical component of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project

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    The Ocean Model Intercomparison Project (OMIP) is an endorsed project in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). OMIP addresses CMIP6 science questions, investigating the origins and consequences of systematic model biases. It does so by providing a framework for evaluating (including assessment of systematic biases), understanding, and improving ocean, sea-ice, tracer, and biogeochemical components of climate and earth system models contributing to CMIP6. Among the WCRP Grand Challenges in climate science (GCs), OMIP primarily contributes to the regional sea level change and near-term (climate/decadal) prediction GCs. OMIP provides (a) an experimental protocol for global ocean/sea-ice models run with a prescribed atmospheric forcing; and (b) a protocol for ocean diagnostics to be saved as part of CMIP6. We focus here on the physical component of OMIP, with a companion paper (Orr et al., 2016) detailing methods for the inert chemistry and interactive biogeochemistry. The physical portion of the OMIP experimental protocol follows the interannual Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (CORE-II). Since 2009, CORE-I (Normal Year Forcing) and CORE-II (Interannual Forcing) have become the standard methods to evaluate global ocean/sea-ice simulations and to examine mechanisms for forced ocean climate variability. The OMIP diagnostic protocol is relevant for any ocean model component of CMIP6, including the DECK (Diagnostic, Evaluation and Characterization of Klima experiments), historical simulations, FAFMIP (Flux Anomaly Forced MIP), C4MIP (Coupled Carbon Cycle Climate MIP), DAMIP (Detection and Attribution MIP), DCPP (Decadal Climate Prediction Project), ScenarioMIP, HighResMIP (High Resolution MIP), as well as the ocean/sea-ice OMIP simulations

    A novel path to runaway electron mitigation via deuterium injection and current-driven MHD instability

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    Relativistic electron (RE) beams at high current density (low safety factor, q ( a )) yet very low free-electron density accessed with D-2 secondary injection in the DIII-D and JET tokamak are found to exhibit large-scale MHD instabilities that benignly terminate the RE beam. In JET, this technique has enabled termination of MA-level RE currents without measurable first-wall heating. This scenario thus offers an unexpected alternate pathway to achieve RE mitigation without collisional dissipation. Benign termination is explained by two synergistic effects. First, during the MHD-driven RE loss events both experiment and MHD orbit-loss modeling supports a significant increase in the wetted area of the RE loss. Second, as previously identified at JET and DIII-D, the fast kink loss timescale precludes RE beam regeneration and the resulting dangerous conversion of magnetic to RE kinetic energy. During the termination, the RE kinetic energy is lost to the wall, but the current fully transfers to the cold bulk thus enabling benign Ohmic dissipation of the magnetic energy on longer timescales via a conventional current quench. Hydrogenic (D-2) secondary injection is found to be the only injected species that enables access to the benign termination. D-2 injection: (1) facilitates access to low q ( a ) in existing devices (via reduced collisionality & resistivity), (2) minimizes the RE avalanche by 'purging' the high-Z atoms from the RE beam, (3) drives recombination of the background plasma, reducing the density and Alfven time, thus accelerating the MHD growth. This phenomenon is found to be accessible when crossing the low q ( a ) stability boundary with rising current, falling toroidal field, or contracting minor radius-the latter being the expected scenario for vertically unstable RE beams in ITER. While unexpected, this path scales favorably to fusion-grade tokamaks and offers a novel RE mitigation scenario in principle accessible with the day-one disruption mitigation system of ITER