6 research outputs found

    Trypanosomatids are common and diverse parasites of Drosophila

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    SUMMARYDrosophila melanogasteris an important model system of immunity and parasite resistance, yet most studies use parasites that do not naturally infect this organism. We have studied trypanosomatids in natural populations to assess the prevalence and diversity of these gut parasites. We collected several species ofDrosophilafrom Europe and surveyed them for trypanosomatids using conserved primers for two genes. We have used the conserved GAPDH sequence to construct a phylogenetic tree and the highly variable spliced leader RNA to assay genetic diversity. All 5 of the species that we examined were infected, and the average prevalence ranged from 1 to 6%. There are several different groups of trypanosomatids, related to other monoxenous Trypanosomatidae. These may represent new trypanosomatid species and were found in different species of EuropeanDrosophilafrom different geographical locations. The detection of a little studied natural pathogen inD. melanogasterand related species provides new opportunities for research into both theDrosophilaimmune response and the evolution of hosts and parasites.</jats:p

    An ecological role for assortative mating under infection?

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    ReviewThis is the final version of the article. Available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this record.Wildlife diseases are emerging at a higher rate than ever before meaning that understanding their potential impacts is essential, especially for those species and populations that may already be of conservation concern. The link between population genetic structure and the resistance of populations to disease is well understood: high genetic diversity allows populations to better cope with environmental changes, including the outbreak of novel diseases. Perhaps following this common wisdom, numerous empirical and theoretical studies have investigated the link between disease and disassortative mating patterns, which can increase genetic diversity. Few however have looked at the possible link between disease and the establishment of assortative mating patterns. Given that assortative mating can reduce genetic variation within a population thus reducing the adaptive potential and long-term viability of populations, we suggest that this link deserves greater attention, particularly in those species already threatened by a lack of genetic diversity. Here, we summarise the potential broad scale genetic implications of assortative mating patterns and outline how infection by pathogens or parasites might bring them about. We include a review of the empirical literature pertaining to disease-induced assortative mating. We also suggest future directions and methodological improvements that could advance our understanding of how the link between disease and mating patterns influences genetic variation and long-term population viability.Funding was provided by Marie Curie Fellowship and NERC PhD Studentship

    Successive Increases in the Resistance of Drosophila to Viral Infection through a Transposon Insertion Followed by a Duplication

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    To understand the molecular basis of how hosts evolve resistance to their parasites, we have investigated the genes that cause variation in the susceptibility of Drosophila melanogaster to viral infection. Using a host-specific pathogen of D. melanogaster called the sigma virus (Rhabdoviridae), we mapped a major-effect polymorphism to a region containing two paralogous genes called CHKov1 and CHKov2. In a panel of inbred fly lines, we found that a transposable element insertion in the protein coding sequence of CHKov1 is associated with increased resistance to infection. Previous research has shown that this insertion results in a truncated messenger RNA that encodes a far shorter protein than the susceptible allele. This resistant allele has rapidly increased in frequency under directional selection and is now the commonest form of the gene in natural populations. Using genetic mapping and site-specific recombination, we identified a third genotype with considerably greater resistance that is currently rare in the wild. In these flies there have been two duplications, resulting in three copies of both the truncated allele of CHKov1 and CHKov2 (one of which is also truncated). Remarkably, the truncated allele of CHKov1 has previously been found to confer resistance to organophosphate insecticides. As estimates of the age of this allele predate the use of insecticides, it is likely that this allele initially functioned as a defence against viruses and fortuitously “pre-adapted” flies to insecticides. These results demonstrate that strong selection by parasites for increased host resistance can result in major genetic changes and rapid shifts in allele frequencies; and, contrary to the prevailing view that resistance to pathogens can be a costly trait to evolve, the pleiotropic effects of these changes can have unexpected benefits

    Plasma Micronutrient Concentrations Are Altered by Antiretroviral Therapy and Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements in Lactating HIV-Infected Malawian Women

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    Background: Little is known about the influence of antiretroviral therapy with or without micronutrient supplementation on the micronutrient concentrations of HIV-infected lactating women in resource-constrained settings

    Adherence to extended postpartum antiretrovirals is associated with decreased breast milk HIV-1 transmission

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    Estimate association between postpartum antiretroviral adherence and breastmilk HIV-1 transmissio

    Condition-dependent virulence of Slow Bee Paralysis Virus in Bombus terrestris: Are the impacts of honeybee viruses in wild pollinators underestimated?

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer Verlag via the DOI in this record.Slow Bee Paralysis Virus (SBPV) - previously considered an obligate honeybee disease – is now known to be prevalent in bumblebee species. SBPV is highly virulent in honeybees in association with Varroa mites, but has been considered relatively benign otherwise. However, condition-dependent pathogens can appear asymptomatic under good, resource abundant conditions, and negative impacts on host fitness may only become apparent when under stressful or resource-limited conditions. We tested whether SBPV expresses condition-dependent virulence in its bumblebee host, Bombus terrestris, by orally inoculating bees with SBPV and recording longevity under satiated and starvation conditions. SBPV-infection resulted in significant virulence under starvation conditions, with infected bees 1.6 times more likely to die at any given time point (infected bees die a median of 2.3 hours earlier than uninfected bees), whereas there was no effect under satiated conditions. This demonstrates clear condition-dependent virulence for SBPV in B. terrestris. Infections that appear asymptomatic in non-stressful laboratory assays may nevertheless have significant impacts under natural conditions in the wild. For multi-host pathogens such as SBPV, the use of sentinel host species in laboratory assays may further lead to the underestimation of pathogen impacts on other species in nature. In this case the impact of ‘honeybee viruses’ on wild pollinators may be underestimated, with detrimental effects on conservation and food security. Our results highlight the importance of multiple assays and multiple host species when testing for virulence, in order for laboratory studies to accurately inform conservation policy and mitigate disease impacts in wild pollinators.This work was funded by a Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin fellowship to LW and a NERC studentship to RM. We would like to thank Jess Lewis and Katherine Roberts for help with the experiment, Devi Newcombe, Caroline Moussy, Corrina Lowry, John Hunt and Bryony Williams for assistance in the lab, Ken Haynes and group for the use of their lab and equipment, and Elze Hesse and James Cresswell for statistical advice