6 research outputs found

    Vidian Canal Types and Dehiscence of the Bony Roof of the Canal: An Anatomical Study

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    Objective: To determine the prevalence of Vidian canal types and dehiscence of the bony roof of the canal.Methods: This study included 594 patients (391 males and 203 females; average age, 32.43±11.98 years; range, 18-65 years). Computed tomography (CT) images were analyzed in terms of the prevalence of Vidian canal types and dehiscence of the bony roof of the canal.Results: Vidian canal types 1, 2, and 3 based on the sphenoid sinus body were found on the right side in 33.8%, 29.7%, and 6.5%, and on the left side in 36.4%, 27.4%, and 36.2% of the patients, respectively. Dehiscence of the bony roof of the canal was found on the right side in 22.2% of the patients and on the left side in 26.6%. In terms of Vidian canal types based on the sphenoid sinus floor, types 1, 2, 3, and 4 were found on the right side in 53.5%, 27.4%, 7.6%, and 11.5%, and on the left side in 54.9%, 26.6%, 6.6%, and 11.9% of the patients, respectively. On the right side, Vidian canal type 2 was significantly (p=0.002) more frequent in males than in females.Conclusion:When studying the complex anatomy of the sphenoid sinus, it is essential to consider Vidian canal types. Before endoscopic sinus surgery the Vidian canal and other anatomical structures should be carefully evaluated in all patients during preoperative paranasal sinus CT imaging to avoid complications

    Assessment of Effects of Septoplasty on Acoustic Parameters of Voice: A Prospective Clinical Study

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    Objective:To investigate the effects of septoplasty on the acoustic parameters of voice.Methods:In total, 23 patients (seven females and 16 males; average age, 32.13±9.67 years; age range: 19-56 years) with a diagnosis of nasal septal deviation and who underwent septoplasty were included. Preoperative and on postoperative 30th day, acoustic analysis of voice was conducted for all patients. The recordings of /mana/ vowel were used to evaluate average fundamental frequency (F0), jitter, shimmer, and noise-to-harmony ratio (NHR). F0, shimmer percent, jitter percent, and NHR of two terms were compared. A p-value<0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance.Results:A statistically significant change was not observed in F0 (p=0.741), jitter (p=0.930), and shimmer (p=0.128) measured preoperatively and on postoperative day 30. However, the increase in NHR measured on postoperative day 30 were statistically significant compared with preoperative NHR (p=0.017).Conclusion:According to the findings of this study, except NHR value, no statistically significant changes on F0, jitter and shimmer were detected after septoplasty

    Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia: a cause of retroauriculer mass

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    Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma HastanesiEozinofilik anjiyolenfoid hiperplazi (EALH), nadir gözlenen, benign karakterde idiopatik lenfoproliferatif bir hastalık olup tedavisi halen belirsiz ve zorlayıcıdır. Daha çok 20-40 yaş aralığındaki genç kadınları etkilemektedir. Lezyonlar asemptomatik kaşıntılı, ağrılı, kanamalı ve prurijinöz olabilmektedir. Eozinofilik anjiyolenfoid hiperplazinin etyolojisi net olarak bilinmese de travma en çok göz önünde bulundurulan faktördür. Eozinofilik anjiyolenfoid hiperplazi tanısı hastanın öyküsü, klinik şüphe ve radyolojik bulguların korelasyonunun histopatolojik inceleme ile desteklenmesi yoluyla konulabilmektedir. Tedavi spektrumu geniş olup intralezyonel tedavi (sklerozan veya steroid), cerrahi ve cerrahi dışı yöntemler tedavi modaliteleri arasında yer almaktadır. Spontan iyileşme ve bölgesel nüks izlenebilmektedir. Bu makalede retroauriküler bölgede EALH nedeniyle intralezyonel tedavi uygulanan nadir bir olgu güncel literatür bilgileri ışığında sunuldu.Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia (ALHE) is a rare disease, currently considered a benign vascular proliferation of unknown etiology, the treatment of which is still unclear and challenging. It affects mostly women in the age range from 20 to 40. The lesions may be asymptomatic, itchy, painful, haemorrhagic and pruriginous. Although the etiology of ALHE remains unknown, trauma is considered to be the most likely cause. Angiolymphoid hyperplasia with eosinophilia can be diagnosed by a correlation between patient's history, clinical and radiographic findings supported by histopathological examination. There is a wide spectrum of treatment such as intralesional therapy (sclerosant and steroid), and surgical and non-surgical treatment modalities. Spontaneouos remission and local recurrence can be monitored. Hereby we presented a rare case of ALHE on retroauricular region treated by intralesional therapy and reviewed the relevant literature

    Prevalence of agger nasi cell in the Turkish population; an anatomical study with computed tomography

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    Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Kulak Burun Boğaz KliniğiSiirt Devlet Hastanesi, Kulak Burun Boğaz KliniğiAmaç: Bu çalışmada Türk toplumunda agger nasi (AN) hücresinin görülme sıklığı araştırıldı. Hastalar ve yöntemler: Ocak 2012 - Mart 2015 tarihleri arasında burun tıkanıklığı nedeniyle kulak burun boğaz kliniğine başvuran ve paranazal sinüs bilgisayarlı tomografi (BT) çekilen toplam 1246 (719 erkek, 527 kadın; ort. yaş 33.2±12.8 yıl; dağılım 18-80 yıl) hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların BT’lerinde AN hücre varlığı araştırıldı ve sağ ve sol taraf ayrı ayrı değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Sağ taraf değerlendirmesinde AN 709 hastada (%56.9) saptanırken, 537 hastada (%43.1) saptanmadı. Sol taraf değerlendirmesinde ise AN 704 hastada (%56.5) saptanırken, 542 hastada (%43.5) saptanmadı. Hastalarda AN hücresi görülme sıklığı %56.7 olarak bulundu. Sağ tarafta AN hücresi erkek cinsiyette 429 hastada (%59.6), kadın cinsiyette 280 hastada (%53.1) saptandı. Sol tarafta AN hücresi erkek cinsiyette 434 hastada (%60.3), kadın cinsiyette 270 hastada (%51.2) saptandı. Sonuç: Agger nasi hücresi, frontal sinüs cerrahisinde önemli anatomik yapılardan biridir. Agger nasi görülme sıklığının farklı toplumlarda yapılan çalışmalarda farklı olmasında anatomik tanımlamadaki farklılıktan kaynaklanabileceği gibi, etnisitenin de etkili olabileceği düşünülmektedir.Objectives: This study aims to investigate the prevalence of agger nasi (AN) cell in the Turkish population. Patients and methods: Between January 2012 and March 2015, a total of 1,246 patients (527 female, 719 male; mean age 33.2±12.8 years; range 18 to 80 years) who were admitted to the otorhinolaryngology clinic because of nasal congestion and underwent paranasal sinus computed tomography (CT) scans were included in this study. The presence of the AN cell per right and left sides was recorded and analyzed separately by CT scans. Results: At the right side analysis, the AN cell was identified in 709 patients (56.9%), while it was not identified in 537 patients (43.1%). At the left side analysis, the AN cell was identified in 704 patients (56.5%), while it was not in 542 patients (43.5%). We found the prevalence of the AN cell in 56.7% of the patients. At the right side, the AN cell was identified in 429 male patients (59.6%) and in 280 female patients (53.1%). At the left side, the AN cell was identified in 434 male patients (60.3%) and in 270 female patients (51.2%). Conclusion: The AN cell is one of the important anatomical structures in frontal sinus surgery. As the varying AN prevalence studies conducted in different populations may arise from differences in the anatomical identification, we think ethnicity to be also effective

    A rare benign tumor of the head and neck: Chemodectoma

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    Bakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Patoloji KliniğiKemodektoma olarak da bilinen karotis cisim tümörleri (KCT) karotis cisim nöröendokrin dokularından kaynaklanan nadir bir tümördür. Nöral krest kökenlidir. Bu tümörlerin çoğu benign karakterdedir ancak klinik olarak malign karakterde de olabilir. Karotis cisim tümörlerinin cerrahi rezeksiyonu tek küratif tedavi şekli olup ilk tedavi seçeneği olarak düşünülmelidir. Bu makalede karotis tümör kemodektoma nedeniyle ameliyat öncesi polivinil alkol embolizasyonu sonrasında devaskülarize edilemeyen ve cerrahi eksizyonu yapılan hastanın tanı, tedavi ve takip aşamaları sunuldu ve güncel literatür bilgileri gözden geçirildiCarotid body tumor, also known as chemodectoma, is a rare tumor that arises from the neuroendocrine tissue of carotid body. It originates from the neural crest. The majority of these tumors are benign but they may also be clinically malignant. Surgical resection of carotid body tumor is the only curative treatment and it should be considered as the first treatment option. In this article, we present the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up stages of the patient, who had undergone surgical excision due to carotid tumor chemodectoma and could not be devascularized after the preoperative polyvinyl alcohol embolization, and review current literatur

    Prevelance of nasal septum deviation types

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    Van Bölge Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Kulak Burun Boğaz Hastalıkları KliniğiBakırköy Dr. Sadi Konuk Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi, Kulak Burun Boğaz KliniğiFatih Medikal Park Hastanesi, Kulak Burun Boğaz BölümüÖZ Amaç: Bu çalışmada nazal septum deviyasyon (NSD) tiplerinin görülme sıklığı araştırıldı. Hastalar ve yöntemler: Ocak 2012 - Haziran 2016 tarihleri arasında çalışmaya toplam 497 hasta (317 erkek, 180 kadın; ort. yaş 32.4±11.9 yıl, dağılım 18-60 yıl) dahil edildi. NSD tiplerinin sıklığı bilgisayarlı tomografi kullanılarak araştırıldı. Bulgular: Nazal septum deviyasyon tiplerine göre 226 hasta (%45.5) tip 3, 81 hasta (%16.3) tip 2, 77 hasta (%15.5) tip 1, 41 hasta (%8.2) tip 4, 35 hasta (%7.0) tip 5, 20 hasta (%4.0) tip 6 ve 17 hasta (%3.4) tip 7 idi. Kadın hastalarda NSD tip 3 görülme sıklığı erkeklere göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı düzeyde yüksek idi (p=0.023). Sonuç: NSD tiplerinin ameliyat öncesi belirlenmesi, cerrahi planlamada cerraha yol gösterici olacaktır. Farklı NSD tip sınıflandırmaları olsa da, ameliyat öncesi cerrahi yöntemlerin belirlenmesine yardımcı olacak daha uygun sınıflandırmalara ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Anahtar sözcükler: Septoplasti; septum deviyasyonu; tip 3.ABSTRACT Objectives: This study aims to investigate the prevalence of the nasal septum deviation (NSD) types. Patients and methods: Between January 2012 and June 2016, a total of 497 patients (317 males, 180 females; mean age 32.4±11.9 years; age range from 18 to 60 years) were included in the study. We used computed tomography to examine the prevalence of the NSD types. Results: According to the NSD types, 226 patients (45.5%) were type 3, 81 patients (16.3%) were type 2, 77 patients (15.5%) were type 1, 41 patients (8.2%) were type 4, 35 patients (7.0%) were type 5, 20 patients (4.0%) were type 6 and 17 patients (3.4%) were type 7. The prevalence of NSD type 3 in female patients was significantly higher than that of male patients (p=0.023). Conclusion: Preoperative determination of NSD types will guide the surgeon in surgical planning. Although there are different NSD type classifications, there is a need for new classifications of more relevant NSD types to help determine preoperative surgical methods. Keywords: Septoplasty; septum deviation; type 3