30 research outputs found

    Die Vermittlung von evidenzbasiertem Wissen in der praktischen Ausbildung – eine Erhebung von qualitätssichernden Maßnahmen am Beispiel der Physiotherapie

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    10. Forschungsforum der Ă–sterreichischen FachhochschulenGesundhei

    Stellenwert der Physiotherapie in der Behandlung herzinsuffizienter Patient/innen

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    Symposium Update Herzinsuffizienz – Diagnostik, Therapie und Bedeutung der interdisziplinären Versorgung herzinsuffizienter PatientInnen im Burgenland und in der Oststeiermark Vorstellung des HI-Netzwerks Süd-Ost, 05.10.2019, SKA-RZ Bad TatzmannsdorfGesundhei

    Zugang zur Physiotherapie : ein Vergleich zwischen Kanada und Ă–sterreich

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    Science.Research.Pannonia. 8Gesundhei

    Regeneration durch Whole Body Vibration

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    Teaching evidence-based practice skills in clinical training

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    Teaching of evidence-based practical skills in clinical training: a A collection of quality-assurance measures for clinical instructors Purpose / hypothesis - max 50 words * The major goals of this paper are to define measures to support clinical instructors in teaching evidence-based practice (EBP) in order to ensure quality in the training of physiotherapy students, as well as to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from theory into practice and vice versa. Subjects - max 50 words * Due to the demand for higher quality in the health sector, the WCPT continuously strives to improve physiotherapy treatment by introducing evidence-based standards in education and practice. A well-coordinated cooperation between faculty members and clinical instructors is essential for the successful transfer of EBP-skills into practical treatment. Material / Methods - max 100 words * The theoretical part is based on an extended literature research. Additional information was gathered from via guided interviews with six clinical instructors in physiotherapy. The data analysis was conducted in accordance with Mayring’s "qualitative content analysis". Based on the transcription of the interviews, five main categories were identified with two to three subcategories each were identified. The main categories are: the implementation of quality management, EBP in physiotherapy, the acquisition and the transfer of EBP- knowledge, and supporting measures. All categories were defined based on the clinical instructors´are sinterpreted by the statements, of the clinical instructors and are supported by direct quotations are used to delineate the categories. Results - max 100 words * The processing of all theoretical and empirical data ultimately yields a catalogue of measures for clinical instructors to support the transfer of knowledge by clinical instructors. The following quality-assurance measures foster synergies between quality management, evidence-based practice and physiotherapy: EBP and didactic workshops, a depiction of synergies between university and healthcare institutions, and clear learning goals with performance indicators and target values. Suitable methods for teaching EBP- skills are: a procedure that follows the "five steps" developed by David L. Sackett, and a didactic concept in clinical training with agreed defined learning goals, such as Collins "cognitive apprenticeship". Conclusions - max 25 words * This qualitative research describes the status quo of clinical training, highlights the perspectives of clinical instructors, and defines comprehensive measures based on the theoretical and empirical results. Educational / Clinical relevance - max 25 words * These quality-assurance measures foster a symbiotic relationsship between research, education and practice in order t o achieve high standards in education and practice. References * Diermayr, G., Schachner, H., Salbach, N., Eidenberger, M. & Lohkamp, M. (2015). Implementierung der evidenzbasierten Physiotherapie: Auszug aus Ergebnissen einer Umfrage. Inform 2015 (1), 30-32 Dückert, S. & Nitschke, M. (2010). Mehrwert schaffen durch interorganisationale Wissensgemeinschaften. In: Pircher, R. (Hrsg.). Wissensmanagement. Wissenstransfer. Wissensnetzwerke: Konzepte. Methoden. Erfahrungen. Erlangen: Publicis Publishing, 160-170 Gerhards, S. & Trauner, B. (2010). Wissensmanagement: 7 Bausteine für die Umsetzung in die Praxis. (4. Auflage). München: Hanser Verlag Jette, D., Bacon, K., Batty, C., Carlson, M., Ferland, A., Hemingway, R., Hill, J., Ogilvie, L. & Volk, D. (2003). Evidence-Based Practice: Beliefs, Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behaviours of Physical Therapists. Physical Therapy, 83 (9), 786-805. Verfügbar unter: http://ptjournal.apta.org/content/83/9/786 [12.7.2016] Klemme, B. (2012). Lernortkooperation. In: Klemme, B. (Hrsg.). Lehren und Lernen in der Physiotherapie. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag, 78-82 Klemme, B. (Hrsg.). (2012). Lehren und Lernen in der Physiotherapie. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag Mayring, P. (2010). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse: Grundlagen und Techniken. (11. Auflage). Weinheim und Basel: Beltz Verlag Pircher, R. (Hrsg.). (2010). Wissensmanagement. Wissenstransfer. Wissensnetzwerke: Konzepte. Methoden. Erfahrungen. Erlangen: Publicis Publishing Reinmann, G. & Eppler, M. (2008). Wissenswege. Methoden für das persönliche Wissensmanagement (Lernen mit neuen Medien). Bern: Verlag Hans Huber Scherfer, E. & Bossmann, T. (2011). Forschung verstehen: Ein Grundkurs in evidenzbasierter Praxis (2. Auflage). München: Pflaum Verlag Siegmann, G., Geuter, G., Klemme, B. & Andres, J. (2012). Methodensammlung. In: Klemme, B. (Hrsg.). Lehren und Lernen in der Physiotherapie. Stuttgart: Thieme Verlag, 115-150Gesundhei

    Osteofit for Kids - ein knochengesundes Bewegungstraining für 10- bis 15-Jährige

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