1,652 research outputs found

    Effelsberg Observations of Excited-State (6.0 GHz) OH in Supernova Remnants and W3(OH)

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    While masers in the 1720 MHz transition of OH are detected toward many supernova remnants (SNRs), no other OH transition is seen as a maser in SNRs. We present a search for masers at 6049 MHz, which has recently been predicted to produce masers by pure collisional excitation at conditions similar to that required for 1720 MHz masing. The Effelsberg 100 m telescope was used to observe the excited-state 6016, 6030, 6035, and 6049 MHz lines of OH toward selected SNRs, most of which have previously-detected bright 1720 MHz masers. No excited-state masers are found toward SNRs, consistent with previous observations of the 6049 MHz and other excited-state transitions. We do not see clear evidence of absorption toward SNR target positions, although we do see evidence of absorption in the molecular cloud at +50 km/s near Sgr A East. Weak absorption is detected at 6016 MHz toward W3(OH), while stronger, narrower emission is seen at 6049 MHz, suggesting that the 6049 MHz emission is a low-gain maser. We conclude that conditions in SNRs are not conducive to excited-state maser emission, especially in excited-state satellite lines.Comment: 4 pages using emulateapj.cls including 2 tables and 1 figure, accepted to ApJ

    Structure of W3(OH) from Very High Spectral Resolution Observations of 5 Centimeter OH Masers

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    Recent studies of methanol and ground-state OH masers at very high spectral resolution have shed new light on small-scale maser processes. The nearby source W3(OH), which contains numerous bright masers in several different transitions, provides an excellent laboratory for high spectral resolution techniques. We present a model of W3(OH) based on EVN observations of the rotationally-excited 6030 and 6035 MHz OH masers taken at 0.024 km/s spectral resolution. The 6.0 GHz masers are becoming brighter with time and show evidence for tangential proper motions. We confirm the existence of a region of magnetic field oriented toward the observer to the southeast and find another such region to the northeast in W3(OH), near the champagne flow. The 6.0 GHz masers trace the inner edge of a counterclockwise rotating torus feature. Masers at 6030 MHz are usually a factor of a few weaker than at 6035 MHz but trace the same material. Velocity gradients of nearby Zeeman components are much more closely correlated than in the ground state, likely due to the smaller spatial separation between Zeeman components. Hydroxyl maser peaks at very long baseline interferometric resolution appear to have structure on scales both smaller than that resolvable as well as on larger scales.Comment: 21 pages using emulateapj.cls including 16 figures and 2 tables, accepted to Ap

    Dynamics of cholesteric structures in an electric field

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    Motivated by Lehmann-like rotation phenomena in cholesteric drops we study the transverse drift of two types of cholesteric fingers, which form rotating spirals in thin layers of cholesteric liquid crystal in an ac or dc electric field. We show that electrohydrodynamic effects induced by Carr-Helfrich charge separation or flexoelectric charge generation can describe the drift of cholesteric fingers. We argue that the observed Lehmann-like phenomena can be understood on the same basis.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PR

    EVLA Observations of OH Masers in ON 1

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    This Letter reports on initial Expanded Very Large Array (EVLA) observations of the 6035 MHz masers in ON 1. The EVLA data are of good quality, lending confidence in the new receiver system. Nineteen maser features, including six Zeeman pairs, are detected. The overall distribution of 6035 MHz OH masers is similar to that of the 1665 MHz OH masers. The spatial resolution is sufficient to unambiguously determine that the magnetic field is strong (~ -10 mG) at the location of the blueshifted masers in the north, consistent with Zeeman splitting detected in 13441 MHz OH masers in the same velocity range. Left and right circularly polarized ground-state features dominate in different regions in the north of the source, which may be due to a combination of magnetic field and velocity gradients. The combined distribution of all OH masers toward the south is suggestive of a shock structure of the sort previously seen in W3(OH).Comment: 4 pages using emulateapj.cls including 2 tables and 2 color figure

    Revising the kinematics of 12GHz CH3OH masers in W3(OH)

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    We derive accurate proper motions of the CH3OH 12 GHz masers towards the W3(OH) UCHII region, employing seven epochs of VLBA observations spanning a time interval of about 10 yr. The achieved velocity accuracy is of the order of 0.1 km/s, adequate to precisely measure the relative velocities of most of the 12 GHz masers in W3(OH), with amplitude varying in the range 0.3 - 3 km/s. Towards W3(OH), the most intense 12 GHz masers concentrate in a small area towards the north (the northern clump) of the UCHII region. We have compared the proper motions of the CH3OH 12 GHz masers with those (derived from literature data) of the OH 6035 MHz masers, emitting from the same region of the methanol masers. In the northern clump, the two maser emissions emerge from nearby (but likely distinct) cloudlets of masing gas with, in general, a rather smooth variation of line-of-sight and sky-projected velocities, which suggests some connection of the environments and kinematics traced by both maser types. The conical outflow model, previously proposed to account for the 12 GHz maser kinematics in the northern clump, does not reproduce the new, accurate measurements of 12 GHz maser proper motions and has to be rejected. We focus on the subset of 12 GHz masers of the northern clump belonging to the "linear structure at P.A. = 130-140 degree", whose regular variation of LSR velocities with position presents evidence for some ordered motion. We show that the 3-dimensional velocities of this "linear distribution" of 12GHz masers can be well fitted considering a flat, rotating disk, seen almost edge-on.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figures; accepted in ApJ (Main Journal

    Full-Polarization Observations of OH Masers in Massive Star-Forming Regions: I. Data

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    We present full-polarization VLBA maps of the ground-state, main-line, 2 Pi 3/2, J = 3/2 OH masers in 18 Galactic massive star-forming regions. This is the first large polarization survey of interstellar hydroxyl masers at VLBI resolution. A total of 184 Zeeman pairs are identified, and the corresponding magnetic field strengths are indicated. We also present spectra of the NH3 emission or absorption in these star-forming regions. Analysis of these data will be presented in a companion paper.Comment: 111 pages, including 42 figures and 21 tables, to appear in ApJ

    Detailed Radio Spectra of Selected Compact Sources in the Nucleus of M82

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    We have determined detailed radio spectra for 26 compact sources in the starburst nucleus of M82, between 74 and 1.3 cm. Seventeen show low-frequency turnovers. One other has a thermal emission spectrum, and we identify it as an HII region. The low frequency turnovers are due to absorption by the interstellar gas in M82. New information on the AGN candidate 44.01+595, shows it to have a non-thermal falling powerlaw spectrum at the highest frequencies, and that it is strongly absorbed below 2 GHz. We derive large magnetic fields in the supernova remnants, of order 1-2 milliGauss, hence large pressures in the sources suggest that the brightest ones are either expanding or are strongly confined by a dense interstellar medium. From the largest source in our sample, we derive a supernova rate of 0.016 SN/yr.Comment: 19 pages, 7 tables, 29 figures, LaTeX, requires AAS macros v. 4.0. To appear in ApJ July 20, 199