418 research outputs found

    Computing the Kullback-Leibler Divergence between two Weibull Distributions

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    We derive a closed form solution for the Kullback-Leibler divergence between two Weibull distributions. These notes are meant as reference material and intended to provide a guided tour towards a result that is often mentioned but seldom made explicit in the literature

    Efficient Information Theoretic Clustering on Discrete Lattices

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    We consider the problem of clustering data that reside on discrete, low dimensional lattices. Canonical examples for this setting are found in image segmentation and key point extraction. Our solution is based on a recent approach to information theoretic clustering where clusters result from an iterative procedure that minimizes a divergence measure. We replace costly processing steps in the original algorithm by means of convolutions. These allow for highly efficient implementations and thus significantly reduce runtime. This paper therefore bridges a gap between machine learning and signal processing.Comment: This paper has been presented at the workshop LWA 201

    Maximum Entropy Models of Shortest Path and Outbreak Distributions in Networks

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    Properties of networks are often characterized in terms of features such as node degree distributions, average path lengths, diameters, or clustering coefficients. Here, we study shortest path length distributions. On the one hand, average as well as maximum distances can be determined therefrom; on the other hand, they are closely related to the dynamics of network spreading processes. Because of the combinatorial nature of networks, we apply maximum entropy arguments to derive a general, physically plausible model. In particular, we establish the generalized Gamma distribution as a continuous characterization of shortest path length histograms of networks or arbitrary topology. Experimental evaluations corroborate our theoretical results

    Propagation Kernels

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    We introduce propagation kernels, a general graph-kernel framework for efficiently measuring the similarity of structured data. Propagation kernels are based on monitoring how information spreads through a set of given graphs. They leverage early-stage distributions from propagation schemes such as random walks to capture structural information encoded in node labels, attributes, and edge information. This has two benefits. First, off-the-shelf propagation schemes can be used to naturally construct kernels for many graph types, including labeled, partially labeled, unlabeled, directed, and attributed graphs. Second, by leveraging existing efficient and informative propagation schemes, propagation kernels can be considerably faster than state-of-the-art approaches without sacrificing predictive performance. We will also show that if the graphs at hand have a regular structure, for instance when modeling image or video data, one can exploit this regularity to scale the kernel computation to large databases of graphs with thousands of nodes. We support our contributions by exhaustive experiments on a number of real-world graphs from a variety of application domains