217 research outputs found

    Risk Acceptance Criteria; Stakeholder Perspectives

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    This thesis seeks to contribute to the ongoing discussion on how risk acceptance criteria (RAC) is used, by offering insights into stakeholder perspectives on the application and implications of RAC in Norwegian petroleum regulations. The use of RAC has been a cornerstone within these regulations and therefore central to the industry’s risk management practices for over three decades. Within the last four years, three reports on the use of RAC in Norwegian regulations have been published by the Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil, formerly the PSA). Additionally, several workshops, seminars, and internal discussions have been conducted. The latest of these three reports, published in January 2024, aims to develop an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of four identified approaches to implementing RAC in Norwegian regulations. These approaches range from removing RAC entirely from the regulatory framework to making regulations related to RAC stricter over time. Applying a qualitative inductive approach incorporating semi-structured expert interviews, this study explores the perspectives of various stakeholders within the Norwegian petroleum industry. These stakeholder perspectives are then compared with the findings of the latest RAC report, revealing significant discrepancies between the findings of this thesis and the previous report. These discrepancies relate to both the valuation of certain attributes and the evaluation of the four approaches, suggesting that the previous report may overlook critical aspects of stakeholder perspectives that substantially influence the outcome of their evaluation. The latest RAC report concludes that there are no significant differences between the advantages and disadvantages of the different regimes, as various stakeholders may evaluate the approaches differently. However, the results presented in this thesis suggest that the interviewed stakeholders generally agree in their evaluations and clearly distinguish between the preferred and non-preferred approaches. Therefore, the findings of this thesis indicate a need for a deeper consideration of stakeholder perspectives in assessing regulatory practices in the Norwegian petroleum industry

    Development of a temperature sensitive paint for application in steady and unsteady high temperature environments - Entwicklung einer temperatursensitiven Farbe zur Anwendung in stationÀren und instationÀren Hochtemperatur-Umgebungen

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    Temperature sensitive paint is a measurement technique based on photo-luminescence and is usually spray-painted onto surfaces for optical, high resolution spatial temperature measurements. The temperature sensitivity of the paint is limited to a temperature range that differs depending on the paint’s composition. Following extensive research in recent decades at German Airspace Centre in the field of organic sprayable temperature sensitive paints for use at cryogenic and ambient temperatures, the goal for this project is to develop an inorganic sprayable temperature sensitive paint for temperatures ranging from ambient to 500°C that can be applied in tests with high Mach numbers (super-, hypersonic). To achieve this, luminescent powders (LiEuMo2O8, K(Y0.8Eu0.2)(WO4)2, KEu(WO4)2, Y2O2S:Eu, LiEu(WO4)2 and Li3Ba2La(WO4)8) are mixed with liquid binding materials (HPC Binder, Ceramabind 643-1) and spray-painted onto aluminium plates. Intensity and lifetime measurements are acquired at 30°C-230°C and mechanical tests are performed on each coating. For these measurements, existing equipment is modified and a new setup using a heating chamber and a high speed camera is constructed. Based on the results, each mixture is assessed according to preset factors and either modified to achieve optimisation or discarded. Overall, an extensive amount of information and knowledge on paint composition is gained and evaluated

    NĂŒchterne StaatsbĂŒrger fĂŒr junge Nationen

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    Seit dem spĂ€ten 19. Jahrhundert organisierte sich eine weltweite Temperenzbewegung gegen den Alkoholkonsum. In Argentinien und Uruguay begannen ab Ende der 1870er Jahre als erstes Mediziner insbesondere den massenhaften Konsum von Alkohol unter den eingewanderten Arbeitern aus Europa zu problematisieren. Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts engagierten sich dann weltweit vermehrt Frauen gegen den Alkoholismus der MĂ€nner. Diese Alkoholgegnerinnen und -gegner unterschiedlichster Couleur initiierten nationale Kampagnen stets im Spannungsfeld zwischen ErwĂ€gungen vor Ort und dem Austausch ĂŒber globale Netzwerke. So standen etwa Aktivistinnen in Montevideo stets mit Gleichgesinnten der US-amerikanischen Temperenzbewegung gegen den Alkoholismus als gemeinsame Bedrohung in Kontakt, versuchten sich jedoch gleichzeitig von den "Schwestern" im Norden abzugrenzen. Sönke Bauck untersucht auf Basis bislang unerschlossener Quellen die Interaktionen und Kampagnen einer globalen Temperenzbewegung am Rio de la Plata – einer Bewegung, die letztlich ein Terrain der Konfrontation und Aushandlung nationaler, kultureller und religiöser IdentitĂ€ten sowie von Geschlechternormen, Familienmodellen und schließlich auch Weltbildern und WeltordnungsentwĂŒrfen war

    Late Jurassic to Late Cretaceous canyons on the MĂ„lĂžy Slope: Source to sink fingerprints on the northernmost North Sea rift margin, Norway

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    The MĂ„lĂžy Slope is a key area for studying the connection between onshore and offshore geology of South Norway. It has functioned as an area of bypass, erosion and deposition between the Norwegian mainland source area and the offshore northern North Sea sink area since the Permian. The slope was faulted into N–S-trending rift fault-blocks through flexural down-bending during the large-scale extension and rapid rift basin subsidence in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous. Mapping of 3D seismic data has revealed a profound network of E–W-oriented erosional submarine canyons. These canyons cut up to 500 m into the crystalline bedrock on the rift-related fault-block crests. We suggest that the canyons were first established prior to the faulting associated with late Jurassic rifting. The canyons may have been important feeders in the Oxfordian, Kimmeridgian and Tithonian like canyons in the Uer Terrace to the south, although we lack direct evidence for this. Further erosion and deepening of the canyons into the basement occurred during Cretaceous in a post-rift setting. The position of the main canyons sustained during recurring periods of erosion from the Late Jurassic until burial within the slope in the Late Cretaceous. By the aid of detailed bathymetric maps, the main canyons can be correlated with onshore faults and drainage systems (fjords and valleys). The evolution of the slope canyon system over time is controlled by both tectonic and isostatic movements and, as discussed in the text, can help understand when and where the pre-fjord drainage was established. Multiple incision events have been detected, and each of these express some correlation to regional tectonic events in (1) Late Jurassic–Earliest Cretaceous, (2) Late Aptian–Albian and (3) Turonian– Coniacian.publishedVersio

    NĂŒchterne StaatsbĂŒrger fĂŒr junge Nationen

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    Seit dem spĂ€ten 19. Jahrhundert organisierte sich eine weltweite Temperenzbewegung gegen den Alkoholkonsum. In Argentinien und Uruguay begannen ab Ende der 1870er Jahre als erstes Mediziner insbesondere den massenhaften Konsum von Alkohol unter den eingewanderten Arbeitern aus Europa zu problematisieren. Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts engagierten sich dann weltweit vermehrt Frauen gegen den Alkoholismus der MĂ€nner. Diese Alkoholgegnerinnen und -gegner unterschiedlichster Couleur initiierten nationale Kampagnen stets im Spannungsfeld zwischen ErwĂ€gungen vor Ort und dem Austausch ĂŒber globale Netzwerke. So standen etwa Aktivistinnen in Montevideo stets mit Gleichgesinnten der US-amerikanischen Temperenzbewegung gegen den Alkoholismus als gemeinsame Bedrohung in Kontakt, versuchten sich jedoch gleichzeitig von den "Schwestern" im Norden abzugrenzen. Sönke Bauck untersucht auf Basis bislang unerschlossener Quellen die Interaktionen und Kampagnen einer globalen Temperenzbewegung am Rio de la Plata – einer Bewegung, die letztlich ein Terrain der Konfrontation und Aushandlung nationaler, kultureller und religiöser IdentitĂ€ten sowie von Geschlechternormen, Familienmodellen und schließlich auch Weltbildern und WeltordnungsentwĂŒrfen war

    Kompilering av mindre Python-moduler til C++

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    In order to achieve shorter execution times of Python code, I look at means of compiling Python into C++. To perform this task, I have written a Python compiler, and this compiler generates C++ code from a subset of the Python language. Code generated from this code can in some cases expect to run in about 1/100 of the time used by ordinary Python. I will look at the principles behind this compiler, and look at its (quite readable) generated code. Off the form of this generated code, I will explain why the compiler emits this fast code. The compiler is written to be extended by the user, and this thesis also functions as a manual for the system

    Kompetansekonstruksjoner i matematikk og programfag. Utdanningsprogrammet bygg- og anleggsteknikk, videregÄende opplÊring

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    The study that this dissertation reports from, was motivated by an aim to find information about how to make teaching of mathematics for students enrolled in the building and construction programme in Norwegian upper secondary school more relevant. The study is situated in a constructionist paradigm (Creswell, 2013; Guba & Lincoln, 1994; Mertens, 2014). It is a case study where I have followed a single class of students enrolled in the programme building and construction for one year, in both building and construction subjects and in the subject of mathematics. Situative perspectives generally (Greeno et al., 1996) and more specifically Wenger (1998) , Communities of practice, are used as a theoretical basis. The community in the building- and construction subjects (referred to as the workshop) and the community in the mathematics classroom are conceptualized as two different communities of practice. It became apparent that there were major differences in how the students participated in the workshop compared to the mathematics classroom, and the study reports on different constructions of competence in the two communities of practice. I discuss possible consequences that the two different constructions of competence may have for learning and knowledge, and also for the students’ identification with the different communities. This discussion is based mainly on Wenger’s social practice theory. At the end of the dissertation, I discuss how the results from my study may contribute towards making teaching of mathematics more relevant for students enrolled in the building and construction programme.publishedVersio

    From Caledonian collapse to North Sea Rift: The extended history of a metamorphic core complex

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    Extensional systems evolve through different stages due to changes in the rheological state of the lithosphere. It is crucial to distinguish ductile structures formed before and during rifting, as both cases have important but contrasting bearings on the structural evolution. To address this issue, we present the illustrative ductile‐to‐brittle structural history of a metamorphic core complex (MCC) onshore and offshore western Norway. Combining geological field mapping with newly acquired 3‐D seismic reflection data, we correlate two distinct onshore basement units (BU1 and BU2) to corresponding offshore basement seismic facies (SF1 and SF2). Our interpretation reveals two 40 km wide domes (one onshore and one offshore), which both show characteristic kilometer‐scale, westward plunging upright folds. The gneiss domes fill antiformal culminations in the footwall of a >100 km long, shallowly west dipping, extensional detachment. Overlying Caledonian nappes and Devonian supradetachment basins occupy saddles of the hyperbolic detachment surface. Devonian collapse of the Caledonian orogen formed dome and detachment geometries. During North Sea rifting, brittle reactivation of the MCC resulted in complex fault patterns deviating from N‐S strike dominant at the eastern margin of the rift. Around 61°N, only minor N‐S faults (<100 m throw) cut through the core of the MCC. Major rift faults (≀5 km throw), on the other hand, reactivated the detachment and follow the steep flanks of the MCC. This highlights that inherited ductile structures can locally alter the orientation of brittle faults formed during rifting.publishedVersio

    Comparing SNP Panels and Statistical Methods for Estimating Genomic Breed Composition of Individual Animals in Ten Cattle Breeds

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    Background: SNPs are informative to estimate genomic breed composition (GBC) of individual animals, but selected SNPs for this purpose were not made available in the commercial bovine SNP chips prior to the present study. The primary objective of the present study was to select five common SNP panels for estimating GBC of individual animals initially involving 10 cattle breeds (two dairy breeds and eight beef breeds). The performance of the five common SNP panels was evaluated based on admixture model and linear regression model, respectively. Finally, the downstream implication of GBC on genomic prediction accuracies was investigated and discussed in a Santa Gertrudis cattle population. Results: There were 15,708 common SNPs across five currently-available commercial bovine SNP chips. From this set, four subsets (1,000, 3,000, 5,000, and 10,000 SNPs) were selected by maximizing average Euclidean distance (AED) of SNP allelic frequencies among the ten cattle breeds. For 198 animals presented as Akaushi, estimated GBC of the Akaushi breed (GBCA) based on the admixture model agreed very well among the five SNP panels, identifying 166 animals with GBCA = 1. Using the same SNP panels, the linear regression approach reported fewer animals with GBCA = 1. Nevertheless, estimated GBCA using both models were highly correlated (r = 0.953 to 0.992). In the genomic prediction of a Santa Gertrudis population (and crosses), the results showed that the predictability of molecular breeding values using SNP effects obtained from 1,225 animals with no less than 0.90 GBC of Santa Gertrudis (GBCSG) decreased on crossbred animals with lower GBCSG. Conclusions: Of the two statistical models used to compute GBC, the admixture model gave more consistent results among the five selected SNP panels than the linear regression model. The availability of these common SNP panels facilitates identification and estimation of breed compositions using currently-available bovine SNP chips. In view of utility, the 1 K panel is the most cost effective and it is convenient to be included as add-on content in future development of bovine SNP chips, whereas the 10 K and 16 K SNP panels can be more resourceful if used independently for imputation to intermediate or high-density genotypes

    Comparing strategies for selection of low-density SNPs for imputation-mediated genomic prediction in U.S. Holsteins

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    SNP chips are commonly used for genotyping animals in genomic selection but strategies for selecting low-density (LD) SNPs for imputation-mediated genomic selection have not been addressed adequately. The main purpose of the present study was to compare the performance of eight LD (6K) SNP panels, each selected by a different strategy exploiting a combination of three major factors: evenly-spaced SNPs, increased minor allele frequencies, and SNP-trait associations either for single traits independently or for all the three traits jointly. The imputation accuracies from 6K to 80K SNP genotypes were between 96.2 and 98.2%. Genomic prediction accuracies obtained using imputed 80K genotypes were between 0.817 and 0.821 for daughter pregnancy rate, between 0.838 and 0.844 for fat yield, and between 0.850 and 0.863 for milk yield. The two SNP panels optimized on the three major factors had the highest genomic prediction accuracy (0.821–0.863), and these accuracies were very close to those obtained using observed 80K genotypes (0.825–0.868). Further exploration of the underlying relationships showed that genomic prediction accuracies did not respond linearly to imputation accuracies, but were significantly affected by genotype (imputation) errors of SNPs in association with the traits to be predicted. SNPs optimal for map coverage and MAF were favorable for obtaining accurate imputation of genotypes whereas trait-associated SNPs improved genomic prediction accuracies. Thus, optimal LD SNP panels were the ones that combined both strengths. The present results have practical implications on the design of LD SNP chips for imputation-enabled genomic prediction
