9 research outputs found

    Development of a method for calculating the degree of use of the plasticity resource (DUPR) when rolling on a new continuous mill

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    A new design of a continuous mill is proposed in the article. A method has been developed for calculating the degree of use of the plasticity resource when rolling thin slabs on a new continuous mill using the data obtained in the MSC Super Forge environment. To determine the stress-strain state, it used measurement data in 5 stands. When rolling in the proposed mill steel D16 there is no violation of the continuity of the strip material. This is proved by calculation in the MSC Super Forge environment using the distribution of DUPR over the cross section of strips when rolling in a mill of a new design


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    The work relates to mechanical engineering and is dedicated to the automation of contour processing of parts of the product of light industry. A new method of contour processing of parts of light industry products and devices for its implementations is proposed, where without additional readjustment of the machine structure, contour lines of different curvature can be performed, since the device is self-adjusting, and the contour is a program for the operation of the sewing robot (RS550). The paper presents the results of the kinematic study of the technological capabilities of the RSh550 and the ways of their expansio


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    The paper presents the results of a kinematic study of a new method, which allow you to create devices with which you can orient parts of a product with complex contours when assembled without the participation of hands and operator attention. It should be noted that there is no need to create as with known analogs of the program and reprogram the sewing robot with changes in the magnitude and modulus of the curvature of the contour of parts to ensure trouble-free and high-quality, without changing the sewing robot, as the device self-tunes to the change in curvature of the processed contour. This sewing robot is replaced by expensive, technological inflexible analogs working on the program

    The treatment necrotising enterocolitis in newborns

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    In modern neonatal surgery, the treatment of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in infants remains the subject of lively discussion. The results of treatment of 24 newborns with NEC, who were in the Aktobe medical center in the period 2015-2017. A positive result was obtained in 2 children after conservative therapy. In 22 cases, children entered the III-IV stages of NEC. 15 children underwent laparocentesis and drainage of the abdominal cavity at the stage of preoperative preparation. In 7 cases laparocentesis was not performed. 21 children with NEC underwent surgical treatment in different periods of inpatient treatment. Laparoscopy was performed in 1 child, laparotomy in 20 children. Mortality rate was 41.6%. Postoperative lethality 42,8%. High mortality was observed in a group of premature babies with concomitant pathology of other organs. The number of patients with NEC with a very low body weight has increased. Mandatory laparocentesis with drainage of the abdominal cavity in the preoperative period positively affects the results of treatment. The early initiation of treatment by neonatologists in the pediatric stage of NEC leads to a disruption in the staging of the disease, to a distortion of the pattern of intra-abdominal catastrophe, especially when infiltrative-adhesive forms of necrotic enterocolitis with a subacute course of the disease. Deferred surgical treatment leads to the spread of the process and an unfavorable outcome. Necrotic changes in the primary parts of the jejunum compel the surgeon to form high stoms. The formation of magneto-compression anastomoses in the postoperative period would help in solving the problem of early closure with anjejunostoms. The analysis of the results of treatment corresponds to the results of a large number of scientific works and shows the changes that have occurred in recent years in the clinic and the diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis.В современной хирургии новорожденных лечение некротизирующего энтероколита (НЭК) у младенцев остается предметом оживленной дискуссии. Приведены результаты лечения 24 новорожденных детей с НЭК, находившихся в Актюбинском медицинском центре в период 2015—2017 гг. У 2-х детей после проведения консервативной терапии получен положительный результат. В 22 случаях дети поступили на III—IV стадиях НЭК. У 15 детей проводился лапароцентез и дренирование брюшной полости на этапе предоперационной подготовки. В 7 случаях лапароцентез не выполнялся. 21 детей с НЭК подверглись оперативному лечению в различные сроки стационарного лечения. Лапароскопия проводилась у 1 ребенка, лапаротомия — у 20 детей. Летальность составила 41,6%. Послеоперационная летальность — 42,8%. Высокая летальность наблюдалась в группе недоношенных детей с сопутствующей патологией других органов. Возросло число пациентов с НЭК с очень низкой и экстремально низкой массой тела. Обязательное проведение лапароцентеза с дренированием брюшной полости в предоперационном периоде положительно отражается на результатах лечения. Раннее начало лечения неонатологами в педиатрической стадии НЭК приводит к нарушению стадийности заболевания, к искажению картины внутрибрюшной катастрофы, особенно при инфильтративно-спаечных формах некротического энтероколита с подострым течением заболевания. Отложенное оперативное лечение приводит к распространению процесса и неблагоприятному исходу. Некротические изменения в начальных отделах тощей кишки вынуждают хирурга формировать высокие еюностомы. Формирование магнитно-компрессионных анастомозов в послеоперационном периоде способствует решению проблемы раннего закрытия еюностом. Проведенный анализ результатов лечения соответствует результатам большого количества научных работ, где показаны изменения, произошедшие в последние годы в клинике и диагностике некротизирующего энтероколита

    Femoro-popliteal endovascular interventions

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    Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a worldwide major health challenge, and it is a strong predictor of mortality and morbidity. The advances in PAD treatment have resulted in many therapeutic options or endovascular interventions (EVIs) for endovascular revascularization if drug therapy does not lead to substantial improvement. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have reported the efficacy of various EVIs such as atherectomy, stents, and medicated balloons over the traditional transluminal angioplasty; however, the standard treatment for PAD remains unclear due to the lack of head-to-head comparative studies between different EVIs. Additionally, the variable outcomes between clinical trials regarding the functional capacity and quality of life (QoL) make it difficult to ascertain the superiority of one particular EVI over another. Therefore, the latest PAD clinical trials should include head-to-head comparisons between different EVIs, and this review aimed to highlight the femoro-popliteal EVIs, evidence supporting each intervention and why those EVIs are used

    Abstracts of The IX Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference; Medicine Pressing Questions

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at The IX Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference “MEDICINE PRESSING QUESTIONS”, III Satellite Forum “Public Health and Healthcare Politics” and The III Simulation Training “LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY” organized by NGO “Young Doctors of Azerbaijan” held on May 6-8, 2020, Baku, AZERBAIJAN. This abstract book contains few abstracts in English language and few abstracts in Russian language

    Abstracts of The IX Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference; Medicine Pressing Questions

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    This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at The IX Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference “MEDICINE PRESSING QUESTIONS”, III Satellite Forum “Public Health and Healthcare Politics” and The III Simulation Training “LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY” organized by NGO “Young Doctors of Azerbaijan” held on May 6-8, 2020, Baku, AZERBAIJAN. This abstract book contains few abstracts in English language and few abstracts in Russian language