32 research outputs found


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    Keberlangsungan UMKM sangat penting karena mendukung pertumbuhan bisnis dan mampu memberikan kontribusi bagi pertumbuhan perekonomian. UMKM yang mampu menunjukkan peningkatan kinerja pemasaran berarti memiliki kemampuan daya saing. Kreasi nilai merupakan strategi tepat yang diterapkan di UMKM Kabupaten Purwakarta untuk dapat meningkatkan kinerja pemasaran yang sebelumnya melalui daya saing. Semakin UMKM memiliki kreasi nilai dalam kegiatan operasionalnya maka semakin tinggi pula daya saing yang dimiliki sehingga mampu semakin memberikan dampak bagi kinerja pemasaran UMKM. Tujuan : Menganalisis data dan informasi kreasi nilai, daya saing, dan kinerja pemasaran UMKM Kabupaten Purwakarta. Metodologi : Jenis penelitian deskriptif verifikatif ini menggunakan metode explanatory survey dan cross sectional dengan mengumpulkan data primer berupa kuesioner dari 38 UMKM sebagai sampel penelitian. Penelitian ini melakukan verifikasi model penelitian dengan Partial Least Square (PLS). Temuan : Kreasi nilai memberikan dampak positif pada daya saing yang kemudian mampu memberikan dampak pada kinerja pemasaran. Selain pengaruh tidak langsung, kreasi nilai juga turut memberikan pengaruh langsung bagi kinerja pemasaran.; Sustainability of SMEs is essential for supporting business growth and is able to contribute to the growth of the economy. SMEs were able to demonstrate improved marketing performance that means have competitiveness. An appropriate value creation strategy applied in Purwakarta SMEs to be able to improve marketing performance with the previous through competitiveness. The more SMEs have value creation in its operational activities, the higher competitiveness, so as to increasingly impact the marketing performance of SMEs. Objective: To analyze the data and information value creation, competitiveness, and marketing performance of SMEs Purwakarta. Methodology: The study is descriptive verification method and cross sectional explanatory survey by collecting primary data in the form of a questionnaire of 38 SMEs as research samples. This study verifies a research model with Partial Least Square (PLS). Findings: Value Creation had a positive impact on the competitiveness which is then able to make an impact on the performance of marketing. In addition to the indirect effect, the creation of value also directly affect the performance of marketing


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    The condition of Karawang as a national rice barn has now shifted to industrialization and supporting cities for the Capital City and has received poor ratings because it is a city with a high ranking of poor people. These problems can be solved by increasing MSME activities in various fields. The sustainability of MSME is very important because it supports the growth of big business and is able to provide benefits for regional economic growth. Implementation of value creation strategies in an effort to improve business activities carried out as a strategy at the corporate and business level. The application of value creation that focuses on internal resources owned is also related to the competitiveness strategy in an effort to increase the competitiveness of a company or a business. This study was designed to find out how product strategies that create values ​​when faced with business competitiveness in efforts to improve the economy of the poor. This study uses a cross sectional method through descriptive verification methods with testing path analysis using SPSS. Comparative testing is carried out to determine the comparison of consumer behavior between platforms / websites. &nbsp


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan bauran promosi antara sepatu sport yang ada di Karawang. Untuk Mengetahui Bagaimana gambaran Bauran PromosipadaSepatu Sport Adidas dan Nike Untuk Mengetahui Bagaimana gambaran Volume Penjualanpada Sepatu Sport Adidas dan Nike Untuk Mengetahui Seberapa besar pengaruh Bauran Promosi terhadap Volume Penjualanpada Sepatu Sport Adidas dan Nike. Sampel dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 100 responden dari masing-masing produk yang merupakan konsumen yang pernah membeli dan memakai sepatu sport Adidas dan Nike. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisi deskriftif dan analisis verifikatif. Hasil uji beda diperoleh bahwa tidak ada perbedaan yang sigfinikan antara sepatu sport Adidas dan Nike. Dan tidak ada hubunga antara  sepatu sport Adidas dan Nike.Kata Kunci: Bauran promosi, Volume penjualan This study aims to compare the promotional mix of sports shoes in Karawang. To find out how the description of the promotion mix on Adidas and Nike sports shoes to find out how the sales volume description on Adidas and Nike sports shoes to find out how much influence the promotional mix has on sales volume on Adidas and Nike sports shoes. The sample in this study were 100 respondents from each product who were consumers who had bought and used Adidas and Nike sports shoes. The analysis used is descriptive analysis and verification analysis. Different test results obtained that there is no significant difference between Adidas and Nike sports shoes. And there is no connection between Adidas and Nike sports shoes.Keywords: Promotion mix, Sales volum

    Pengaruh Inovasi dan Kualitas Produk terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Toyota Yaris

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    This study aims to explain the influence of innovation variables and product quality on purchasing decisions for Toyota Yaris. This study uses two independent variables, namely product innovation (X1), product quality (X2), and one dependent variable, namely the purchase decision (Y). The types of data used in this study are primary and secondary data. This research method uses quantitative methods with data collection techniques through distributing questionnaires to Toyota Yaris users. The sampling technique of this study was proportionate stratified random sampling using the slovin 10% formula. The sample used in this study amounted to 100 respondents. The instrument test was carried out using the validatas test and the reliability test. The data analysis method was carried out using descriptive statistical tests and hypothesis testing. The results showed that innovation had a significant influence on purchasing decisions for Toyota Yaris, and product quality had a significant effect on purchasing decisions for Toyota Yaris. The conclusion of this research is that innovation and product quality both have significant results on purchasing decisions

    Pengaruh Inflasi Dan Nilai Tukar Terhadap Indeks Harga Saham LQ45

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh inflasi dan nilai tukar terhadap Indeks harga saham LQ45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia.Penelitian menggunakan Metode  Error Correction Model  yang menganalisa pengaruh variabel jangaka pendek dan jangka panjang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan  pengujian secara parsial dan simultan individu variabel jangka pendek dan jangka panjang  dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut inflasi memiliki nilai koefisien estimasi sebesar -22.94 yang artinya meningkatnya nilai inflasi sebesar 22.94 akan berdampak penurunan indeks harga saham LQ45. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa  estimasi koefisien kurs -0.026 mengindikasikan bahwa meningkatnya nilai kurs senilai 0.026 akan berdampak penurunan indeks harga saham LQ45 senilai tersebut. Hal ini  secara simultan dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang terbukti secara keseluruhan variabel bebas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berdamapk signifikan terhadap indeks harga saham LQ45.Â


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    Setiap kegiatan bisnis tentu memerlukan manajemen risiko untuk menghindari kerugian akibat risiko yang mungkin terjadi. Penelitian ini bertujuan dalam menganalisis manajemen risiko dalam pengadaan untuk mencegah, mengurangi, dan mengendalikan risiko yang mungkin muncul. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan observasi langsung dan wawancara. Melalui wawancara dengan agen pengadaan, risiko diidentifikasi, dianalisis, dan dikendalikan. Hasilnya terlihat bahwa agen pengadaan hanya berfokus pada pemilihan peserta, dimana terdapat 15 kegiatan yaitu pengumuman lelang, registrasi, Aanwijzing kualifikasi, pembukaan dokumen kualifikasi, pembukaan evaluasi dokumen kualifikasi, pembuktian dokumen kualifikasi, pengumuman hasil evaluasi kualifikasi, pengunduhan dokumen pemilihan di website resmi E-Proc, Aanwijzing dokumen pemilihan, pemasukkan dokumen penawaran, pembukaan dokumen penawaran, evaluasi dokumen penawaran, uji tuntas, penetapan peringkat hasil evaluasi penawaran. Kegiatan tersebut dapat diidentifikasi risiko-risikonya yang terbagi menjadi tiga jenis risiko yaitu tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Dalam pemilihan penyedia, ditemukan 36 risiko yang berasal dari eksternal dan internal agen pengadaan. Dari 36 risiko tersebut terdapat 15 risiko dengan tingkat tinggi, 15 risiko dengan tingkat sedang, dan 6 risiko dengan tingkat rendah. Risiko sulit dikendalikan, seperti cuti bersama dan perbedaan pendapat, diatasi dengan pemungutan suara mayoritas untuk mencapai kesepakatan

    Pengaruh Harga dan Kualitas Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mobil Toyota Fortuner di Karawang

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    In this developed era, Indonesian people need four-wheeled vehicles with more capacity. Therefore, in 2005, the Toyota Fortuner was introduced in Indonesia. Before making a purchase, consumers generally seek complete information about the product to be purchased and its alternative products. This study plans to decide the impact of cost and item quality on buying choices of Toyota fortuner. The strategy utilized in this study is a quantitative strategy with a non-likelihood testing method with purposive examining procedure on 100 individuals who purchase Toyota Fortuner items. The outcomes showed that cost affected buying choices for Toyota Fortuner, and item quality fundamentally affected buying choices for Toyota Fortuner. The finish of this study is that the cost and item quality both have positive and critical outcomes on buying choices

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Dan Brand Trust Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Mobil Toyota Kijang Innova (Studi Pada Recall Kijang Innova Cikarang)

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    One of the popular transportation used is a car. There are many types of cars that are created according to needs, some are designed to transport goods with a large capacity, transport people with a certain capacity, and so on. Increasingly, companies that produce cars, especially private cars, are competing to launch sophisticated products and attract the attention of the public, both in terms of technology and usefulness. on purchasing decisions of Toyota Kijang Innova, to determine the simultaneous effect of Product Quality and Brand Trust on purchasing decisions of Toyota Kijang Inova. The method in this study uses quantitative methods with descriptive and verification approaches. The population in this study are car users in West Java, with the sample technique used is Non-Probability with the type of sample technique using Purposive Sampling so that the sample used is 100 samples. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. The results of this study are partial testing to get the results that there is a partial positive effect of Product Quality on Purchase Decisions of 0.912, there is a partial influence of Brand Trust on Purchase Decisions of 0.942. Simultaneous testing got the results that Product Quality and Brand Trust had a positive effect on purchasing decisions

    Pengaruh Inflasi Dan Nilai Tukar Terhadap Indeks Harga Saham LQ45

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa pengaruh inflasi dan nilai tukar terhadap Indeks harga saham LQ45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia.Penelitian menggunakan Metode  Error Correction Model  yang menganalisa pengaruh variabel jangaka pendek dan jangka panjang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan  pengujian secara parsial dan simultan individu variabel jangka pendek dan jangka panjang  dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut inflasi memiliki nilai koefisien estimasi sebesar -22.94 yang artinya meningkatnya nilai inflasi sebesar 22.94 akan berdampak penurunan indeks harga saham LQ45. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa  estimasi koefisien kurs -0.026 mengindikasikan bahwa meningkatnya nilai kurs senilai 0.026 akan berdampak penurunan indeks harga saham LQ45 senilai tersebut. Hal ini  secara simultan dalam jangka pendek dan jangka panjang terbukti secara keseluruhan variabel bebas yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berdamapk signifikan terhadap indeks harga saham LQ45.

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Ekuitas Merek dan Gaya Hidup Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Smartphone Iphone di Kota Bogor

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk, ekuitas merek dan gaya hidup terhadap keputusan pembelian smartphone iPhone di Kota Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dengan data diperoleh dari kuesioner kepada konsumen yang telah membeli Smartphone iPhone. Data sekunder yang diperoleh disesuaikan dengan literature yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 150 konsumen yang diambil dengan metode purposive sampling. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan Analisis Structural Equation Model (SEM) dengan bantuan program AMOS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk, ekuitas merek dan gaya hidup berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Kata Kunci: Kualitas Produk, Ekuitas Merek, Gaya Hidup, Keputusan Pembelian Abstract This study aims to examine the impact of product quality, brand equity, and lifestyle on purchasing decision of iPhone Smartphone in Bogor City. This study uses primary data, namely data obtained from questionnaires to consumers who have purchased iPhone Smartphone and living in Bogor City. Secondary data obtained relates to the literature relating to researchers. The sample in this study was 150 consumers, taken by purposive sampling method. The analytical method used in this study is to use the Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis with the help of the IBM SPSS AMOS 26 program. The results of the study show that product quality, brand equity and lifestyle have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Keywords: Product Quality, Brand Equity, Lifestyle, Purchasing Decisio