14 research outputs found

    Perturbations in a Bouncing Brane Model

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    The question of how perturbations evolve through a bounce in the Cyclic and Ekpyrotic models of the Universe is still a matter of ongoing debate. In this report we show that the collision between boundary branes is in most cases singular even in the full 5-D formalism, and that first order perturbation theory breaks down for at least one perturbation variable. Only in the case that the boundary branes approach each other with constant velocity shortly before the bounce, can a consistent, non singular solution be found. It is then possible to follow the perturbations explicitly until the actual collision. In this case, we find that if a scale invariant spectrum developed on the hidden brane, it will get transferred to the visible brane during the bounce.Comment: 15 pages, minor modifications, a few typos correcte

    The Cosmology of Massless String Modes

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    We consider the spacetime dynamics of a gas of closed strings in the context of General Relativity in a background of arbitrary spatial dimensions. Our motivation is primarily late time String Gas Cosmology, where such a spacetime picture has to emerge after the dilaton has stabilized. We find that after accounting for the thermodynamics of a gas of strings, only string modes which are massless at the self-dual radius are relevant, and that they lead to a dynamics which is qualitatively different from that induced by the modes usually considered in the literature. In the context of an ansatz with three large spatial dimensions and an arbitrary number of small extra dimensions, we obtain isotropic stabilization of these extra dimensions at the self-dual radius. This stabilization occurs for fixed dilaton, and is induced by the special string states we focus on. The three large dimensions undergo a regular Friedmann-Robertson-Walker expansion. We also show that this framework for late-time cosmology is consistent with observational bounds.Comment: 15 pages, no figures, references added (again

    String Gas Cosmology and Structure Formation

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    It has recently been shown that a Hagedorn phase of string gas cosmology may provide a causal mechanism for generating a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of scalar metric fluctuations, without the need for an intervening period of de Sitter expansion. A distinctive signature of this structure formation scenario would be a slight blue tilt of the spectrum of gravitational waves. In this paper we give more details of the computations leading to these results.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Moduli Stabilization in Brane Gas Cosmology with Superpotentials

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    In the context of brane gas cosmology in superstring theory, we show why it is impossible to simultaneously stabilize the dilaton and the radion with a general gas of strings (including massless modes) and D-branes. Although this requires invoking a different mechanism to stabilize these moduli fields, we find that the brane gas can still play a crucial role in the early universe in assisting moduli stabilization. We show that a modest energy density of specific types of brane gas can solve the overshoot problem that typically afflicts potentials arising from gaugino condensation.Comment: minor changes to match the journal versio

    The Phantom Bounce: A New Oscillating Cosmology

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    An oscillating universe cycles through a series of expansions and contractions. We propose a model in which ``phantom'' energy with p<ρp < -\rho grows rapidly and dominates the late-time expanding phase. The universe's energy density is so large that the effects of quantum gravity are important at both the beginning and the end of each expansion (or contraction). The bounce can be caused by high energy modifications to the Friedmann equation, which make the cosmology nonsingular. The classic black hole overproduction of oscillating universes is resolved due to their destruction by the phantom energy.Comment: Four pages, one figure. V3: version to appear in JCA

    Dynamical decompactification from brane gases in eleven-dimensional supergravity

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    Brane gas cosmology provides a dynamical decompactification mechanism that could account for the number of spacetime dimensions we observe today. In this work we discuss this scenario taking into account the full bosonic sector of eleven-dimensional supergravity. We find new cosmological solutions that can dynamically explain the existence of three large spatial dimensions characterised by an universal asymptotic scaling behaviour and a large number of initially unwrapped dimensions. This type of solutions enlarge the possible initial conditions of the Universe in the Hagedorn phase and consequently can potentially increase the probability of dynamical decompactification from anisotropically wrapped backgrounds.Comment: 8 figures, JHEP3 styl

    Volume Stabilization and Acceleration in Brane Gas Cosmology

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    We investigate toy cosmological models in (1+m+p)-dimensions with gas of p-branes wrapping over p-compact dimensions. In addition to winding modes, we consider the effects of momentum modes corresponding to small vibrations of branes and find that the extra dimensions are dynamically stabilized while the others expand. Adding matter, the compact volume may grow slowly depending on the equation of state. We also obtain solutions with winding and momentum modes where the observed space undergoes accelerated expansion.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figures, v2: comments and references added, to appear in JCA

    String windings in the early universe

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    We study string dynamics in the early universe. Our motivation is the proposal of Brandenberger and Vafa, that string winding modes may play a key role in decompactifying three spatial dimensions. We model the universe as a homogeneous but anisotropic 9-torus filled with a gas of excited strings. We adopt initial conditions which fix the dilaton and the volume of the torus, but otherwise assume all states are equally likely. We study the evolution of the system both analytically and numerically to determine the late-time behavior. We find that, although dynamical evolution can indeed lead to three large spatial dimensions, such an outcome is not statistically favored.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps figure

    Effective Field Theory Approach to String Gas Cosmology

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    We derive the 4D low energy effective field theory for a closed string gas on a time dependent FRW background. We examine the solutions and find that although the Brandenberger-Vafa mechanism at late times no longer leads to radion stabilization, the radion rolls slowly enough that the scenario is still of interest. In particular, we find a simple example of the string inspired dark matter recently proposed by Gubser and Peebles.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, comments adde

    Unconventional Cosmology

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    I review two cosmological paradigms which are alternative to the current inflationary scenario. The first alternative is the "matter bounce", a non-singular bouncing cosmology with a matter-dominated phase of contraction. The second is an "emergent" scenario, which can be implemented in the context of "string gas cosmology". I will compare these scenarios with the inflationary one and demonstrate that all three lead to an approximately scale-invariant spectrum of cosmological perturbations.Comment: 45 pages, 10 figures; invited lectures at the 6th Aegean Summer School "Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology", Chora, Naxos, Greece, Sept. 12 - 17 2012, to be publ. in the proceedings; these lecture notes form an updated version of arXiv:1003.1745 and arXiv:1103.227