399 research outputs found

    Legalization of Euthanasia: A persisting dilemma

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    The euthanasia is one of the most debated issues in the world. The main focus of the debate has been weather euthanasia should be legalized or not. Euthanasia generally means a mercy killing. Contrary views and arguments exist in this regard. The present paper is a moderate attempt to examine these contrary arguments. The paper concludes with the observations that debate on euthanasia is still grappled with dilemma. This debate is continuing one as some people are of the view that the life is sacred and no one has got the right to end it whereas others say that life belongs to oneself so each person has got the right to decide what he or she wants to do with it even if it amounts to dying

    Kvantifikacija učinaka geometrijskog oblika granične plohe između osnovne stijene i sedimenata u trodimenzionalnom bazenu s kružnom površinom

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    This paper presents the effects of geometry of sediment bedrock interface (GSBI) of 3D basins with a circular outcropping free surface on the character¬istics and the focusing of the basin-generated surface (BGS) waves and associated spatial variations of the average spectral amplification (ASA) and average aggravation factor (AAF). An increase of ASA towards the centre of the semi-spherical (SS-) basin as compared to the 2D basin revealed the focusing of the BGS-waves in the SS-basin. The obtained 2.8 times larger ASA at the centre of the SS-basin to that of 2D basin calls for a special attention in predicting the seismic hazard in such basins for earthquake engineering purposes. The analysis of the simulated results revealed that the amplitude amplification due to the focusing of the BGS-waves was highly affected by the GSBI. For example, the ASA at the centre of a trapezoidal basin with edge slope 20° was 50% larger than that at the centre of a trapezoidal basin with edge slope 45°. It is recommended to compute the AAF using the same components of ground motion as that of the incident wave to conservatively aggravate the ground motion to incorporate the 3D basin-effects in the seismic microzonation where it is over based on the 1D response of sediment column.U radu se prezentiraju efekti geometrijskog oblika granične plohe između osnovne stijene i sedimenata (GSBI) u trodimenzionalnom bazenu s kružnom površinom na svojstva i fokusiranje površinskih valova generiranih unutar bazena (BGS), te na s s time povezane prostorne varijacije prosječne spektralne amplifikacije (ASA) i prosječnog faktora pogoršanja (AAF). Povećanje ASA prema središtu polusferičnog bazena (SS-) u usporedbi s dvodimenzionalnim bazenom uzrokuje fokusiranje BGS-valova u SS-bazenu. Iznos ASA 2.8 puta veći u odnosu na 2D bazen, ukazuje na potrebnu pažnju pri procjeni potresne opasnosti u takvim sedimentnim bazenima. Analize simulacija pokazuju da GSBI jako utječe na amplifikaciju amplituda zbog fokusiranja BGS-valova. Na primjer, ASA je na rubu trapezoidalnog bazena s nagibom rubova od 20° 50% veća nego u središtu takvog bazena s nagibom od 45°. Pri seizmičkom mikrozoniranju koje je bazirano na 1D-odzivu sedimenata, preporučuje se da se AAF računa koristeći jednake komponente gibanja tla kao i za upadni val, kako bio se konzervativno procijenilo faktor pogoršanja gibanja tla, te kako bi se uključilil 3D-efekti

    Features of aura in paediatric migraine diagnosed using the ICHD 3 beta criteria

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    Background In children and adolescents, the prevalence rate of migraine with aura is 1.6%. Few studies concerning migraine with aura features in paediatric population have been reported. Aim The aim of our study was to investigate clinical features of aura in a retrospective cohort of children with migraine with aura. Furthermore, we studied whether the International Classification of Headache Disorder (ICHD) 3 beta version criteria could efficiently detect migraine with aura in a paediatric population. Results We included 164 patients who experienced aura associated with headache (mean age 9.922.64 years). When the ICHD-II criteria were used, a final diagnosis of migraine with typical aura was obtained in 15.3% of patients, probable migraine with typical aura in 13.4%, and typical aura with headache in 61.8%, while in in 9.5% of patients the diagnosis was undetermined. According to ICHD-3 beta, we diagnosed migraine with typical aura in 77.7% of patients, probable migraine with typical aura in 13.4%, and an undetermined diagnosis in 9.5% (less than two attacks). Conclusion Aura features did not depend on age and were similar to those of adults. However, the headache could be difficult to classify if headache duration was considered. In this view, the ICHD-3 beta offers the advantage of not considering headache features, including pain duration, for the diagnosis of migraine with typical aura, thus making this diagnosis easier in children and adolescents


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    Microbial enzymes such as xylanases enable new technologies for industrial processes. Xylanases (xylanolytic enzyme) hydrolyze complex polysaccharides like xylan. Research during the past few decades has been dedicated to enhanced production, purification, and characterization of microbial xylanase. But for commercial applications detailed knowledge of regulatory mechanisms governing enzyme production and functioning should be required. Since application of xylanase in the commercial sector is widening, an understanding of its nature and properties for efficient and effective usage becomes crucial. Study of synergistic action of multiple forms and mechanism of action of xylanase makes it possible to use it for bio-bleaching of kraft pulp and for desizing and bio-scouring of fabrics. Results revealed that enzymatic treatment leads to the enhancement in various physical properties of the fabric and paper. This review will be helpful in determining the factors affecting xylanase production and its potential industrial applications in textile, paper, pulp, and other industries

    Clinical Features of Pediatric Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension and Applicability of New ICHD-3 Criteria

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    Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) is characterized by intracranial pressure >28 cmH2O in the absence of identifiable causes. Aim of this paper is to describe the clinical phenotype of pediatric IIH and to analyze the applicability of ICHD-3 criteria in comparison to the ICHD-2. We conducted a retrospective analysis of full clinical data of pediatric patients diagnosed with IIH between January 2007 and June 2018. Diagnostic evaluation included neuroimaging (all patients) and ultrasound-based optic nerve sheath diameter measurement (9 patients). Diagnosis of IIH was verified according to both ICHD-2 and ICHD-3 criteria for headache attributed to IIH, to verify the degree of concordance. We identified 41 subjects with suspected IIH; 14 were excluded due a diagnosis of secondary IH or lack of data. We therefore selected 27 subjects (age 4-15 years, mean 11). All patients presented with headache and bilateral papilloedema. Headache was daily in 22% cases, with diffuse gravative pain in 41%. In 4%, pain was exacerbated by cough, stress or tension. The most common presentation symptoms, in addition to headache, were blurred vision or diplopia (70%), vomiting (33%), and dizziness (15%). Twenty patients (74%) were obese. In 6 patients (22%) neuroimaging showed empty sella. Optic nerve sheath distension was detected in 6 out of 9 patients. Regarding the applicability of the ICHD-2 criteria, 18/27 (71%) patients have criterion A; 24/27 (89%) criterion B; 27/27 (100%) criterion C; 27/27 (100%) criterion D. When the ICHD-3 criteria were used, 27/27 (100%) fitted criterion A; 24/27 (89%) criterion B; 27/27 (100%) criterion C; and 27/27 (100%) criterion D. Our study suggests that, as compared with the ICHD-2, the new ICHD-3 criteria for headache attributed to IIH are better satisfied by pediatric patients with IIH. This is mainly due to the fact that qualitative headache characteristics are no longer considered in ICHD-3. Although the risk of under-rating the symptom of headache in IIH should not be disregarded, in pediatric population headache characteristics are usually less defined than in adults and obtaining a precise description of them is often very difficult

    Intrinsic Vulnerability of Human-Water Contact Sites to Contamination with Schistosoma mansoni Ova in an Endemic Focus in Western Kenya

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    Human intestinal schistosomiasis caused by Schistosoma mansoni occurs in localized foci restricted to specific vector sub population areas. The molluscan vectors, Biomphalaria spp, have a widespread distribution within the lake region and elsewhere in Kenya, but the disease is endemic only in areas with certain physical characteristics and risk factors. A comprehensive study was conducted in Budalangi endemic focus of Western Kenya between May 2006 and June 2008 to determine the bionomics of intestinal schistosomiasis transmission with regards to proximity to various contact sites relative to contamination of ova of the worm in the vector breeding habitats with a view of instituting a deworming programme in primary schools. A survey of sanitation relative to presence, distribution and/or absence of latrines was conducted in the whole study area. The main human contact sites were identified and checked for the possibility of contamination with human stool. Distance of the main human water contact site from sampled homesteads without latrines was estimated and recorded within three categories. Vector snails were sampled from four permanent water habitats using standard procedures. Only 30.5% of the homesteads surveyed had pit latrines (c2; p<0.05) and 70.1% of them were situated less than 100m from various water contact sites. The actual density of vector snails and their mean counts per 10 scoops from the different sites in each type of breeding habitat varied widely (One way ANOVA; Lake Victoria: F = 8.11, df (5, 66), p<0.05; Dam: F = 3.65, df(7, 88), p<0.05; River Nzoia: F = 0.54, df (2, 33), p > 0.05; F = 6.76, df (3, 44), p<0.05) showing that their role in harbouring the vector snails and transmission of intestinal schistosomiasis was variable. However the mean vector snail count from all the different habitats showed no significant difference between them being suggestive of the fact that the four habitats were equally important for the purposes of vector breeding in the study area (One way ANOVA; F= 1.32, df(3, 17); p > 0.051). The study showed that there was a continuous low level of contamination of S. mansoni ova in area among the various other habitats in addition to the lake and that they were equally vulnerable. This information has a bearing on planning and implementing combined mass treatment of people who reside in the study area and vector control programmes in an integrated venture. Keywords: Vulnerability, Contact sites, Contamination, Schistosoma mansoni ov

    Maternal alexithymia and attachment style: Which relationship with their children's headache features and psychological profile?

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    Introduction: A growing body of literature has shown an association between somatic symptoms and insecure "attachment style." In a recent study, we found a relationship between migraine severity, ambivalent attachment style, and psychological symptoms in children/adolescents. There is evidence that caregivers' attachment styles and their way of management/expression of emotions can influence children's psychological profile and pain expression. To date, data dealing with headache are scarce. Our aim was to study the role of maternal alexithymia and attachment style on their children's migraine severity, attachment style, and psychological profile. Materials and methods: We enrolled 84 consecutive patients suffering from migraine without aura (female: 45, male: 39; mean age 11.8 ± 2.4 years). According to headache frequency, children/adolescents were divided into two groups: (1) high frequency (patients reporting from weekly to daily attacks), and (2) low frequency (patients having ≤3 episodes per month). We divided headache attacks intensity into two groups (mild and severe pain). SAFA "Anxiety," "Depression," and "Somatization" scales were used to explore children's psychological profile. To evaluate attachment style, the semi-projective test SAT for patients and ASQ Questionnaire for mothers were employed. Maternal alexithymia traits were assessed by TAS-20. Results: We found a significant higher score in maternal alexithymia levels in children classified as "ambivalent," compared to those classified as "avoiding" (Total scale: p = 0.011). A positive correlation has been identified between mother's TAS-20 Total score and the children's SAFA-A Total score (p = 0.026). In particular, positive correlations were found between maternal alexithymia and children's "Separation anxiety" (p = 0.009) and "School anxiety" (p = 0.015) subscales. Maternal "Externally-oriented thinking" subscale correlated with children's school anxiety (p = 0.050). Moreover, we found a correlation between TAS-20 Total score and SAFA-D "Feeling of guilt" subscale (p = 0.014). Our data showed no relationship between TAS-20 and ASQ questionnaires and children's migraine intensity and frequency. Conclusion: Maternal alexithymia and attachment style have no impact on children's migraine severity. However, our results suggest that, although maternal alexithymic traits have no causative roles on children's migraine severity, they show a relationship with patients' attachment style and psychological symptoms, which in turn may impact on migraine severity
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