10,332 research outputs found

    Constraints on the active tectonics of the Friuli/NW Slovenia area from CGPS measurements and three-dimensional kinematic modeling

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    We use site velocities from continuous GPS (CGPS) observations and kinematic modeling to investigate the active tectonics of the Friuli/NW Slovenia area. Data from 42 CGPS stations around the Adriatic indicate an oblique collision, with southern Friuli moving NNW toward northern Friuli at the relative speed of 1.6 to 2.2 mm/a. We investigate the active tectonics using 3DMove, a three-dimensional kinematic model tool. The model consists of one indenter-shaped fault plane that approximates the Adriatic plate boundary. Using the ‘‘fault-parallel flow’’ deformation algorithm, we move the hanging wall along the fault plane in the direction indicated by the GPS velocities. The resulting strain field is used for structural interpretation. We identify a pattern of coincident strain maxima and high vorticity that correlates well with groups of hypocenters of major earthquakes (including their aftershocks) and indicates the orientation of secondary, active faults. The pattern reveals structures both parallel and perpendicular to the strike of the primary fault. In the eastern sector, which shows more complex tectonics, these two sets of faults probably form an interacting strike-slip system

    The Invisible Higgs Decay Width in the Add Model at the LHC

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    Assuming flat universal extra dimensions, we demonstrate that for a light Higgs boson the process pp→W∗W∗+X→Higgs,graviscalars+X→invisible+Xpp\to W^*W^* +X \to Higgs,graviscalars +X \to invisible+X will be observable at the 5σ5 \sigma level at the LHC for the portion of the Higgs-graviscalar mixing (ξ\xi) and effective Planck mass (MDM_D) parameter space where channels relying on visible Higgs decays fail to achieve a 5σ5 \sigma signal. Further, we show that even for very modest values of ξ\xi the invisible decay signal probes to higher MDM_D than does the (ξ\xi-independent) jets/\gam + missing energy signal from graviton radiation. We also discuss various effects, such as Higgs decay to two graviscalars, that could become important when mh/MDm_h/M_D is of order 1.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, To appear in the Proceedings of the Les Houches Workshop 2003: ``Physics at TeV Colliders'', ed. F. Boudjem

    Keeping watch over Colombia’s slumbering volcanoes

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    The Volcanological and Seismological Observatories of Manizales, Pasto and Popayan (Colombian Geological Survey) monitor and study the active volcanoes of Colombia using seismological, geodetic, geochemical and other techniques. Since 2009, permanent GNSS stations have been installed to complement classical geodetic measurements (e.g., tilt, EDM). At the moment, there are a total of 20 GNSS stations installed at Nevado del Ruiz, Cerro Machín, Puracé and Galeras volcanoes. Nevado del Ruiz has remained the most dynamic of the active Colombian volcanoes since its tragic eruption of 13 November 1985. The most significant deformation occurred between 2007 and 2012, when inflation, associated with magma migration and several small to moderate explosive eruptions in 2012 (VEI less or equal to 3), was observed. Galeras has experienced more than 25 moderate Vulcanian eruptions (VEI less or equal to 3) since 1989. In particular, the deformation network detected significant signals associated with magma migration and the extrusion of lava domes in 1991, 2005, 2008 and 2012. Puracé volcano has been the site of more than 10 minor eruptive episodes (VEI=2) in the past century, most recently in 1977. Monitoring of this volcano started in 1994. Unrest at Puracé since that time has been characterized by significant increases in seismic activity but with little or no deformation. We employ GAMIT/GLOBK to process GPS data from the monitoring network with support from the Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (U.S. Geological Survey). Additionally, differential processing is carried out using the commercial package Trimble 4D Control. Preliminary results for 2012 show no significant deformation at Puracé and Galeras volcanoes. On the other hand, the time series from Nevado del Ruiz shows a minor inflation (2-4 cm/yr) associated with the eruptive activity of 2012

    The Symplectic Penrose Kite

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    The purpose of this article is to view the Penrose kite from the perspective of symplectic geometry.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, minor changes in last version, to appear in Comm. Math. Phys

    Analisi dei percorsi diagnostico terapeutico assistenziali (PDTA) regionali sulla sclerosi multipla esistenti

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    INTRODUZIONE La sclerosi multipla (SM) è una malattia cronica ad alta complessità che necessita l’attuazione di programmi di cura e assistenza diversificati per fase di malattia e livello di disabilità. In molte regioni e singole aziende ospedaliere/territoriali sono stati definiti/sono in corso di definizione PDTA di riferimento. Lo scopo dello studio è valutare lo stato dell’arte dei PDTA per la SM in Italia. METODI Analisi dei PDTA regionali già formalizzati e della documentazione di lavoro utilizzata per definirli. RISULTATI Ad oggi sono 6 le Regioni che hanno adottato e formalizzato PDTA regionali per la SM: Sicilia, Veneto, Toscana, Lazio, Emilia Romagna, Puglia. Analizzando i documenti regionali emergono buone prassi ma anche criticità quali differenze metodologiche, differente modalità di articolazione della rete clinica, approcci diversificati nella fissazione o meno di livelli di riferimento, attenzione differente rispetto ai temi della riabilitazione, dell’accertamento medico legale, della continuità assistenziale, dell’integrazione socio-sanitaria. Rispetto al percorso riabilitativo, solo 2 PDTA (Veneto e Sicilia) riconoscono l’importanza di definire percorsi riabilitativi di presa in carico che variano a seconda del livello di disabilità e che devono essere attivati, in ottica preventiva e di promozione della riabilitazione come cura, sin dal momento della diagnosi. CONCLUSIONI Le difformità, solo in parte giustificate dai diversi contesti organizzativi regionali e con il rischio di situazioni di forti iniquità e ineguaglianza nell'accesso alle cure e assistenza da parte dei pazienti, richiede un percorso di creazione o modifica, ove presenti, di tavoli permanenti per l’aggiornamento nel tempo dei contenuti del PDTA e il monitoraggio della concreta applicazione e declinazione delle indicazioni regionali all’interno di ospedali, centri clinici e servizi del territorio attraverso, altresì, la costruzione e l’applicazione di un set di indicatori ad hoc per la SM

    Testing the Higgs Mechanism in the Lepton Sector with multi-TeV e+e- Collisions

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    Multi-TeV e+e- collisions provide with a large enough sample of Higgs bosons to enable measurements of its suppressed decays. Results of a detailed study of the determination of the muon Yukawa coupling at 3 TeV, based on full detector simulation and event reconstruction, are presented. The muon Yukawa coupling can be determined with a relative accuracy of 0.04 to 0.08 for Higgs bosons masses from 120 GeV to 150 GeV, with an integrated luminosity of 5 inverse-ab. The result is not affected by overlapping two-photon background.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, submitted to J Phys G.: Nucl. Phy

    Convex Polytopes and Quasilattices from the Symplectic Viewpoint

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    We construct, for each convex polytope, possibly nonrational and nonsimple, a family of compact spaces that are stratified by quasifolds, i.e. each of these spaces is a collection of quasifolds glued together in an suitable way. A quasifold is a space locally modelled on Rk\R^k modulo the action of a discrete, possibly infinite, group. The way strata are glued to each other also involves the action of an (infinite) discrete group. Each stratified space is endowed with a symplectic structure and a moment mapping having the property that its image gives the original polytope back. These spaces may be viewed as a natural generalization of symplectic toric varieties to the nonrational setting.Comment: LaTeX, 29 pages. Revised version: TITLE changed, reorganization of notations and exposition, added remarks and reference

    The Role of BAR Proteins and the Glycocalyx in Brain Endothelium Transcytosis

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    Within the brain, endothelial cells lining the blood vessels meticulously coordinate the transport of nutrients, energy metabolites and other macromolecules essential in maintaining an appropriate activity of the brain. While small molecules are pumped across specialised molecular transporters, large macromolecular cargos are shuttled from one side to the other through membrane-bound carriers formed by endocytosis on one side, trafficked to the other side and released by exocytosis. Such a process is collectively known as transcytosis. The brain endothelium is recognised to possess an intricate vesicular endosomal network that mediates the transcellular transport of cargos from blood-to-brain and brain-to-blood. However, mounting evidence suggests that brain endothelial cells (BECs) employ a more direct route via tubular carriers for a fast and efficient transport from the blood to the brain. Here, we compile the mechanism of transcytosis in BECs, in which we highlight intracellular trafficking mediated by tubulation, and emphasise the possible role in transcytosis of the Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) proteins and glycocalyx (GC)-a layer of sugars covering BECs, in transcytosis. Both BAR proteins and the GC are intrinsically associated with cell membranes and involved in the modulation and shaping of these membranes. Hence, we aim to summarise the machinery involved in transcytosis in BECs and highlight an uncovered role of BAR proteins and the GC at the brain endothelium

    Studies of New Vector Resonances at the CLIC Multi-TeV e+e- Collider

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    Several models predict the existence of new vector resonances in the multi-TeV region, which can be produced in high energy e+e- collisions in the s-channel. In this paper we review the existing limits on the masses of these resonances from LEP/SLC and TEVATRON data and from atomic parity violation in some specific models. We study the potential of a multi-TeV e+e- collider, such as CLIC, for the determination of their properties and nature.Comment: 17 pages, 16 EPS figures, uses JHEP3.cl
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